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Mar 22, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 659 · Topics: 50
Do you believe in multiple personality disorder? Just watched Identity and it is all about a patient with 10 personalities and they try to get rid of all except for one as treatment- the last personality ends up being the craziest- so maybe the patient would have been better off with the other personalities to keep the killer personality at bay....
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Jan 18, 2005Comments: 3 · Posts: 15387 · Topics: 830
A killer personality HHHHHHHMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM. might fit it in.
I think to some extent, everyone has different *aspects* of his/her personality. There are some people, due to some kind of emotional stress, who retreat into one or more of those aspects- while blocking out the others- as a defense mechanism. I do believe it happens, but I also believe that the condition is abused in a court of law- and that regardless of any human condition, we're all responsible for our own actions. Of course, if you ask the same question tomorrow, one of my other personality aspects might answer differently.
i have a cousin that seems to suffer from MPD . her parents had four or five different nicknames for her, and it seems to me that she retreats into these different personalities as the situation permits . she's very reclusive and becomes almost childlike at times . it's quite worrisome .
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Jul 11, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 3318 · Topics: 123
I have a high dissociative ability, and have blocked certain aspects of myself out that interfere with everyday functioning; such as anger; I dissociate it and place it in another part of myself, and it sits there as I get to be happy If I choose to be; when one dissociates these feelings they tend to become autonomous in a way, and take on conscious's when a person 'rejects' this intolerable aspect of their personality that another self may form, BUT this is only possible durring the early years of childhood, if this patient has endure some traumatic event, and has some type of diffuse, or poorly-cohesive ego; such as a parent leaving, or abusing the child; the child blocks the experience, untill it is out of their conscious thought and they are 'temporarily free' from the trauma, and function without notice of the other....but let me say, those emotions have a way of sneaking up on you and bitting you in the ass.
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Jul 11, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 3318 · Topics: 123
basically, they have to psychologically retreat from the pain of the experience by 'spacing out' numbs the body, and seals the emotions, and the child will subconsiously alter the memory, and play with it so it is beyond their conscious experience. I can numb intense pain this way, but not everyone may have that high degree of dissociation; living like that is hell though on main personality; when I might be tense or in panic, I space out...I just get really foggy, and I go into my mind....It was helpful when I was younger, but I got older so the need to do so decreased.
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Jul 11, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 3318 · Topics: 123
I have trouble dealing with the intensity of my emotions, and I tend to suppress them, then I feel after awhile that I have no access to them...
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Jul 11, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 3318 · Topics: 123
depends upon how intially strong the host personality is archer....sometimes we are overwhelemed by our experiences; it's not uncommon for even adults who experience some type of abuse to dissociate the experience; it's just that another 'ego state' may not develop....unless of course dissociation has become their coping mechanism....
mulitiple personalities, i do believe everyone has it some way, hence, i'm a gemini.. lol.. but i don't think i have the disorder. nor have i ever encountered someone who does.. hmm. ... how would i know right? lol.
to have different personalities and sometimes to not even know your other personalities exist.. that's pretty scary and frustrating, sad..and everything!