Twin Flames and Brick Walls

This topic was created in the Metaphysical forum by RiverLee on Wednesday, June 29, 2016 and has 6 replies.
Every TF experience is different ... I know for me and my twin ..... Telepathy is so common with me and him .... it's done 24 hours a day .... we are now in separation (but completely in union)...... I can tell you this.... the connection is not easy .... I know for me there are times I wished he didn't hear my thoughts .... but that is short lived ... bittersweet.... I know me and my TF don't use any form of physical communication in regards to technology..... but he will have fun with my music while I'm driving .... or just anything to make this experience better for me. My bew is really loving .... but it hasn't been all roses ... we fight a lot and make up a lot as .... we have fluid conversations 24 hours a day .... he is in my dreams.... he even wakes me with kisses every morning ... everyone's experience is different of course ..... but my particular (husband) there is no question if he is my twin ... we speak through our hearts ...... my heart throbs when he tells me he loves me ..... it throbs all day long ..... I feel his kisses all day on my lips (tingles on my lips) it really is a beautiful connection when surrender.....
You asked for someone with spiritual understanding to respond to you. The "voice" you heard that said, "NOW DO YOU UNDERSTAND?" is crystal clear to me; but not for you. I have many movie titles I can refer to you, but the one that comes to mind is, "He's not that into you". Allot of OPs seem to forget before they post a three page post that the answer is right there in front of their face, but they have a feeling things will work out in their favor. Sorry, not in your case. If, if, he were a past lover from reincarnation, don't you think in THIS life time he and/or maybe you realized it wasn't mean to be and it's just not going to work out? I too, felt this TF with my ex Saggy boyfriend. BUT, when he started to show me his "true" colors I backed off. That doesn't mean in this lifetime I am going to FORCE myself to be with him. Yeah, you can be physically attracted to him (and in your case you weren't) and he's on your mind, you dream about him, etc., doesn't necessarily mean it's going to work out. When a man is interested he will go full force to get what he wants! He will text you, call you, invite you to lunch/dinner, have a sleep over, etc, etc. It seems to me that you have far more feelings that he does. Why? Because you even said you unfriended him from FB and got upset at his choice of a woman he wants to marry. That's his choice; not yours. I don't remember you turning into a fly and attaching yourself on his wall to see and hear everything he did with his fiancé; so that tells you the man has his own life to lead and you have yours. Why cannot you be happy for him and just take it day by day? If he's interested he will come around. Okay, he has feminine planets, houses, whatever you want to mention in his zodiac sign and you have masculine ones. Both can grow "balls" and it seems like you have while he hasn't. Stay friends and again, take one day at a time! Hug cyber hug!



PS: You never mentioned what the Tarot cards revealed to you. I'm assume the cards revealed the same spiritual pull you have with one what else is new? That he had a recent breakup? You knew that by his breaking his relationship w/his fiancé. What the cards tell you/told you is what you really don't need to know. Taurus women are VERY patient and I'm dumfounded as to why you are an exception to the zodiac characteristic. Taurus women ARE stubborn and as I open the dictionary for the definition of Taurus woman I can clearly see your picture below the definition. You're stubborn in your ways that you will sell your soul to the devil to get your way. If I were you I would CEASE from reading your own Tarot cards....that's playing with fire.
Twin flames are meant for lessons, everyone is different and therefore some end up being with their twin and others do not.

We are all on our own soul spiritual journeys and between ourselves, us and our twin, the karmic lessons we must learn are gonna be taught come hell or high water whether or not it is learnt right away is another thing.

Without my twin leaving me i would not be where I am today. Yes he left me a mess as I mentioned in the other twin flame thread...but, spiritual I've grown so much I can't recognize myself prior to the dark split. I've grown closer to my God and my angels. I've accepted my spiritual gifts and I intend to put them to good use for the benefits of others. Saturn conjunct Neptune= what we had. Heavy fukin karma, we handled it as good as we could.

Anyways enough about me... bottom line is, you need to see the big picture. Look outside of your intial pain, it sucks, but your life is far from over. Be grateful for what was and open your heart and connect to your higher self. The answers you seek are there. Just ask.

My opinion, I think you need to let him go. What did you learn?
Thanks for the replies. I think I was mistaken about what "Metaphysical" actually means. I'll continue to do my own research on Twin Flame experiences outside of this board.
You need to understand what purpose twin flames actually serve us. Not many do, and it took me awhile to understand as well. And once I accepted the truth and not only what sounded good to my ears, things became easier. We are all students in the school of life, in some way.

I understand what you were saying, and I hope you take in what I said as well. I'm not about discouraging people, but helping. Remember I've been there. My twin is still prominent in my life but I continue on my soul path.

If you need to pm me, I'm always here.
I think I understand what TF's are about, although of course there's always more to learn. I understand that it's not always to end in some beautiful magical romance. That's not what my OP was about. And I hid them because despite trying to include a lot of detail, I still feel like I was misunderstood. (The OP's were a 1 minute copy/paste job from my online journal btw) I assumed if people felt it too long or uninteresting they would "x" out of the thread & carry on.

My intent wasn't to ask "Hey do you think he's into me?" Because at this point it's irrelevant to me. That's part of my lesson. Lesson being - when you REALLY love someone, you can love them without reciprocation &/or expectation & sometimes that's from a distance. I no longer subscribe to the notion that I will only love someone when they check boxes that I have put in place within a time line that I've imposed but not stated. That's not love. That's a business transaction. It's selfish. That's a "costumer is always right" - "you can have it your way" line of thinking. Very black & white which doesn't take into account everyone's life experiences which shape & mold them into who they are. This has also made me more patient, empathetic, loving & understanding to people in general. I'm not perfect at all of this yet but I think I'm much better. THAT is why I feel more peaceful & THAT is what the tarot reading revealed to me, that I'm on the right path... in letting go & allowing life to flow.

Secondly.... yes, let him go. How do you let go of someone who keeps coming back? I mean, how far does one go to do that? And if it's a TF am I supposed to go to drastic measures to "let go" or is that blocking the lessons we're supposed to be learning? Because I'll tell you this.... In the past I have blocked him from contacting me via phone, text & social media.... for 9 months. Eventually he went so far as to reach out to someone that he knew as my friend, but who he had never met or spoken to, to get in touch with me. This is not me desperately hanging on to a person or an idea, willing the universe to make it so. I have given time & space for us to learn & grow. I fully understand that any lessons we both learn may very well be for the benefit of another person/people entirely.

So pardon me, but implying that I broke up an engagement that ended 3 years ago, not recently & had Nothing to do with Me, or that I'm trying to FORCE someone to be with me (& selling my soul to the devil to boot lol) is such a crock of shit. I would happily take my lessons & go about my way if this person would leave me to do that. Because he keeps coming back, I am only assuming that our work together is not done. Maybe I have more lessons to learn & he definitely does, as he is much more guarded than I am.