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Mar 23, 2015Comments: 0 · Posts: 148 · Topics: 18
What are you doing to pass the time? This is soo painful ugh. I feel so empty. How were you even able to move on after they left because anyone else's company is just blah and missing something.
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Jan 10, 2015Comments: 100 · Posts: 2017 · Topics: 43
I prayed and asked God to cut all chords between us..I suffered for a very long time ..Just ask God for help and guidance, or whoever you pray to....I changed my number which was their only physical way of contacting me.Now they seem to reach out to me in dreams.Had one a few days ago, had one a few minutes ago lols..Hopefully those dreams about him will stop too.
Sometimes I would be doing something or at work and some annoying, persistent thought of them would come to my mind.Harassing me lolss.Eventually it will get better. Set them free and move on.
Goodluck to you dear.
Well, the right answer is told already: heal yourself.
What does this mean?
First acknowledge and accept what this is- you have this for life and more. You are him and he is you. You are never separated in 5D, only in 3D. You long him on 3D now, stop it. You need to accept this is what it is. A spiritual marriage.
Let me smooth your mind: you are married to this person, you are the same energy. This will never stop, it only grows.
So, what to do now that you fully accept that this is something spiritual and deep.
- You let go of all the normal relationship expectations. You cant get it until you are healed.
- You need to control your fear. You have now lost him. You have felt the deepest pain one can have. Chasing never does anything good. You are running from yourself and chasing something that needs to be healed. You chase, because you for of losing him. Stop it. You will never lose him. Keep that in mind.
- You need to control your life and mind. When you do, his doings dont bother you anymore because you are in control of you.
Just let this thing go. Trust the universe. You know you will be together. Relax. Sit back. Enjoy your life, dig deep in you and acknowledge that you have this person in your life. But this is how universe works.
Separation is needed. For chaser its hard to believe and take it but when you dont get it, universe will push you into separation. I was pushed into it. I was on my knees, crying my eyes out and just asking universe why I need to go through this pain. It was so painful at the time. I was laying on the ground with my knees, my hair, face and floor was full of tears and wet.
I wiped my tears in some time and I pulled myself back! I said to myself STOP. I need to stop doing it and face everything. The biggest fear of all- losing the one you love. Even though I know I will never lose him, but for now, I lost him. We were in constant contact every single day, we saw eachother frequently. And now it was zero.
I am now in the most happiest place I have ever been. I am so happy. I do miss him, but then I go into my mind and I feel his presence, I can feel him hugging me. I know he is there.
Healing is a long process. Mine happened in 2 days but I am little different aswell, so dont take it as the "i need to balance myself in 2 days also". I just wanted control over my life again. But he ofcourse came back and we met, but I still have him under block and I need time for myself now.
you can be with him in 5D. its just your need of 3D relationship that makes you sad.
the only thing to do is to live your life to the fullest. your twin would want that. trust me, they are struggling aswell. its not easy. but you can take care of yourseld. if you dont, who will?
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Oct 02, 2013Comments: 34 · Posts: 2216 · Topics: 66
As a chaser, I try to move on - to learn from this experience, to grow and to move forward. Each step forward is faltering, filled with sadness, yet I know that I have no choice but to move on without looking back.
Just when I think I'm makin progress, just when I think I may have finally moved on, fate plays games with me. It sends me little reminders of him in my everyday life in the form of dreams, news stories, or other situational reminders.
It's very difficult to learn to be whole ( ONE ) when you feel like your other half is missing.