“Exterminate all Jews”

This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by RamOfPeace on Friday, May 24, 2019 and has 13 replies.
That’s what I read today, written on a lower stair with a marker.

In a charter school, full of disadvantaged white, black, and hispanic kids (yes, literally everybody).

‘Cause, you know, I work in their IT dept.

Showed this to a teacher, they shyly smiled “Oh yeah.. we’re teaching a history lesson on Holocaust this week, and exam is today.”

What the actual fuck. Teach your fucking offspring. And shove soap in their mouth, if they ever dare say something similar around anyone in public or private.
on my way home from work, i always pass by a graffiti that reads:

"Ottoman Empire"

i still don't understand what the fuck that's about
Posted by RamOfPeace

That’s what I read today, written on a lower stair with a marker.

In a charter school, full of disadvantaged white, black, and hispanic kids (yes, literally everybody).

‘Cause, you know, I work in their IT dept.

Showed this to a teacher, they shyly smiled “Oh yeah.. we’re teaching a history lesson on Holocaust this week, and exam is today.”

What the actual fuck. Teach your fucking offspring. And shove soap in their mouth, if they ever dare say something similar around anyone in public or private.
idiots write something on some wall, being it a school wall or forum wall

it doesnt necesseraly mean the school (or its teachers) or the forum (as a whole) is bad

but I can understand how upsetting this must be to some Sad
Disclaimer: I’m not Jewish.

Am I still infuriated? Bitch, I might be.
Posted by Black-Mamba

Posted by RamOfPeace

Disclaimer: I’m not Jewish.

Am I still infuriated? Bitch, I might be.
You're Asian right.

What part?
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I’m Slavic actually. But that shouldn’t be am issue, I have friends who are black, Asian, Jewish, hispanic, and LGBTQ.

Hearing kids speak their parents’ hate lingo is disturbing af, moreso than reading same thing from randos on the Internet.
Posted by Phantom_Limbo

Posted by virgoOPPP

on my way home from work, i always pass by a graffiti that reads:

"Ottoman Empire"

i still don't understand what the fuck that's about
@Antiphates must have been rolling through your hood.
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Posted by tiziani

It's most likely a couple of little shits who did it for attention.

It's more important for the students to be seen carrying on with their day, passing exams and graduating. The little shits will cut it out with no reaction.
I get that, but “a single grain of rice can tip the scales”, my friend. This is the feature of society, scribbling stuff out that’s on their teen mind.
Posted by elllle

I would have whited out the J and changed it to P.....just to see how fast they reacted to that.
Lol! That made me chuckle, thank you fam
Posted by RamOfPeace

Posted by Black-Mamba

Posted by RamOfPeace

Disclaimer: I’m not Jewish.

Am I still infuriated? Bitch, I might be.
You're Asian right.

What part?
I’m Slavic actually. But that shouldn’t be am issue, I have friends who are black, Asian, Jewish, hispanic, and LGBTQ.

Hearing kids speak their parents’ hate lingo is disturbing af, moreso than reading same thing from randos on the Internet.
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some people and their kids are just idiots, its upsetting, but taking them seriously just gives them the attention they crave

but sometimes its necessary to take action, but not on impluse, I think

Posted by elllle

I would have whited out the J and changed it to P.....just to see how fast they reacted to that.
thats exactly what I would have done in that case smile
Posted by Black-Mamba

Posted by TheRabbit

That's disgusting.

Also, I can't decide if "Ottoman Empire" graffiti is some weird nerd graffiti or some serious shit or just gibberish.
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off topic a bit, sorry

as a Hungarian, they had a much broader borders in history (some of them taken by force, admittedly), there was about 150 years of Ottoman empire dominance in the region

between the killing and wars they also made friends and families there, proving not everyone is the same

but, for the recent years, Hungary building walls is condemned by Brussel, where the west never had to fight anything near them in that time of history and never really helped to fight any invasion, they always let Hungary to be "the wall to Europe", Tatar or Turkish invasion the same

and nowadays, some Hungarian people are friends with some Tatars and me Turkish people, because of the same history, and even doing events together, like official-cultural events smile

end of off topic, sorry again

Posted by Black-Mamba

Posted by TheRabbit

That's disgusting.

Also, I can't decide if "Ottoman Empire" graffiti is some weird nerd graffiti or some serious shit or just gibberish.
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off topic a bit, sorry

as a Hungarian, they had a much broader borders in history (some of them taken by force, admittedly), there was about 150 years of Ottoman empire dominance in the region

between the killing and wars they also made friends and families there, proving not everyone is the same

but, for the recent years, Hungary building walls is condemned by Brussel, where the west never had to fight anything near them in that time of history and never really helped to fight any invasion, they always let Hungary to be "the wall to Europe", Tatar or Turkish invasion the same

and nowadays, some Hungarian people are friends with some Tatars and me Turkish people, because of the same history, and even doing events together, like official-cultural events smile

end of off topic, sorry again

The school should not allow that and maybe try to find out who did it while they are painting over it. And address it in all classes - not just leave it there to fester. That's wrong for most of us and I don't want to look at something awful that a minority of people believe.