I'm asking for my Libra friend x
Tell me everything 😁
I met a Taurus guy about 4 months ago things heated up quickly then he moved to a new city about 1.5 hours ago from me. We were in contact .mostly text. It slowed down a little since both of us started new jobs and I was trying to be understanding with hi
i don't think i'm a virgo!
what’re some of the things that went wrong? or that confused you?
and what’re some of the things that were pleasantly surprising?
Any opinions on Aries man and Scorpio woman relationship success?
Thanks for sharing :)
From experience, Which is the best earth moon out of the 3 and why?
I'm just curious if I should pull the trigger on this or put this back in the cabinet.
There is this girl she is 24 that I used to work with. She has a scorp sun, gem moon sag mars. Very attractive but at the time we worked together so I never gave it a
For those curious about anything and want an unabashedly honest answer, ask away!
I know these two signs are opposite and they say opposites attract, but is that the case long term for the Taurus Man/Scorpio woman?!