Posted by Wynter
I'm surprised the bomber is still alive, after shooting a bunch of cops.
Would that muddy up the patsy theory tho, I wonder
Suspect in NYC, N.J. bomb attacks arrested in 2014 over charge of violence against sisterHis sister came out and said they wanted their privacy respected.
Suspected bombmaker Ahmad Khan Rahami was picked up by cops in 2014 because he allegedly tried to stab his sister, authorities said.
He was arrested and spent two months in jail — but the case fell apart when Rahami’s sister recanted.
Initially, Harinder Bains thought Rahami was a "drunk guy" wandering the streets. Bains first spotted him about 6:45 a.m. on a bench outside Merdie's Tavern, which is about 3 miles south of where police found a backpack containing bombs the night before.Rahami's wife had left the US days before the bombings.
Later, as Bains was watching CNN from another business across the street, he recognized the 28-year-old as the person wanted for questioning in this weekend's bombings in New York and New Jersey, and called 911.
Rahami, who seemed to be napping, had let himself into the small enclosure outside the brick building.
"I just told them the guy looks a little suspicious and doesn't look good to me," Bains told Cooper.
When officers confronted him, Rahami pulled out a handgun and shot one of them. to expand