Posted by TheSag
1. I am a Sag, I don't cheat
2. I said I DO NOT cheat!!
Posted by SmidgeI think it's one of those men that just put the head in
what's an almost cheater?
Posted by saggurl88t..tha..that's what I was say.. saying...Posted by TheSag
1. I am a Sag, I don't cheat
2. I said I DO NOT cheat!!click to expand
Posted by TheSagI got your back! We have to keep a few bench warmers on the team, ready to suit up and play!Posted by saggurl88t..tha..that's what I was say.. saying...Posted by TheSag
1. I am a Sag, I don't cheat
2. I said I DO NOT cheat!!click to expand
Posted by HeartofTopazzYour input ain't required. You're the cheatee, not the cheater.
Posted by TheSagYou know what happens when you get cheeky with me? Huh? You know what happens when you stick your nose into a hole that doesn't fit?
1. I am a Sag, I don't cheat
2. I said I DO NOT cheat!!
Posted by SmidgeSomeone who is very tempted to cheat but changes his/her mind and doesn't go through with it.
what's an almost cheater?
Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShowPedophilePosted by SmidgeSomeone who is very tempted to cheat but changes his/her mind and doesn't go through with it.
what's an almost cheater?
al•most /ˈɔlmoʊst, ɔlˈmoʊst/
1. very nearly;
all but:
cheat•er (chē′tər),
1. a person or thing that cheats.
2. cheaters:
spectacles. to expand
Posted by HeartofTopazzPosted by HeavyEntertainmentShowPosted by HeartofTopazzYour input ain't required. You're the cheatee, not the cheater.
Takes one to know oneclick to expand
Posted by EndlessYou would be more like this.
*takes a chair and sit in a corner
Posted by Smidgeur welcum, ho!Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShowthanks, dickhead.Posted by SmidgeSomeone who is very tempted to cheat but changes his/her mind and doesn't go through with it.
what's an almost cheater?
al•most /ˈɔlmoʊst, ɔlˈmoʊst/
1. very nearly;
all but:
cheat•er (chē′tər),
1. a person or thing that cheats.
2. cheaters:
click to expand
Posted by Smidgethat irish wicked tonguePosted by HeavyEntertainmentShowthanks, dickhead.Posted by SmidgeSomeone who is very tempted to cheat but changes his/her mind and doesn't go through with it.
what's an almost cheater?
al•most /ˈɔlmoʊst, ɔlˈmoʊst/
1. very nearly;
all but:
cheat•er (chē′tər),
1. a person or thing that cheats.
2. cheaters:
click to expand
Posted by LadyNeptuneUh.........oh boy, akward.........whatever you get upto in your spare time is none of my business. But thanks for the tip, I'll keep avoiding internet chat rooms.Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShowPedophilePosted by SmidgeSomeone who is very tempted to cheat but changes his/her mind and doesn't go through with it.
what's an almost cheater?
al•most /ˈɔlmoʊst, ɔlˈmoʊst/
1. very nearly;
all but:
cheat•er (chē′tər),
1. a person or thing that cheats.
2. cheaters:
noun: paedophile; plural noun: paedophiles; noun: pedophile; plural noun: pedophiles
a person who is sexually attracted to children.
gerund or present participle: grooming
1.prepare or train (someone) for a particular purpose or activity.
"star pupils who are groomed for higher things"
synonyms: prepare, prime, ready, condition, tailor; More
(of a pedophile) prepare (a child) for a meeting, especially via an Internet chat room, with the intention of committing a sexual to expand
Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShowBecause you have already groomed a 14 year old. We see you, you sick fuck.Posted by LadyNeptuneUh.........oh boy, akward.........whatever you get upto in your spare time is none of my business. But thanks for the tip, I'll keep avoiding internet chat rooms.Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShowPedophilePosted by SmidgeSomeone who is very tempted to cheat but changes his/her mind and doesn't go through with it.
what's an almost cheater?
al•most /ˈɔlmoʊst, ɔlˈmoʊst/
1. very nearly;
all but:
cheat•er (chē′tər),
1. a person or thing that cheats.
2. cheaters:
noun: paedophile; plural noun: paedophiles; noun: pedophile; plural noun: pedophiles
a person who is sexually attracted to children.
gerund or present participle: grooming
1.prepare or train (someone) for a particular purpose or activity.
"star pupils who are groomed for higher things"
synonyms: prepare, prime, ready, condition, tailor; More
(of a pedophile) prepare (a child) for a meeting, especially via an Internet chat room, with the intention of committing a sexual to expand
Posted by Smidgelol it actually cracked me upPosted by TheSagforgive mePosted by Smidgethat irish wicked tonguePosted by HeavyEntertainmentShowthanks, dickhead.Posted by SmidgeSomeone who is very tempted to cheat but changes his/her mind and doesn't go through with it.
what's an almost cheater?
al•most /ˈɔlmoʊst, ɔlˈmoʊst/
1. very nearly;
all but:
cheat•er (chē′tər),
1. a person or thing that cheats.
2. cheaters:
click to expand
Posted by SmidgePosted by TheSagyou were already cracked 🙄Posted by Smidgelol it actually cracked me upPosted by TheSagforgive mePosted by Smidgethat irish wicked tonguePosted by HeavyEntertainmentShowthanks, dickhead.Posted by SmidgeSomeone who is very tempted to cheat but changes his/her mind and doesn't go through with it.
what's an almost cheater?
al•most /ˈɔlmoʊst, ɔlˈmoʊst/
1. very nearly;
all but:
cheat•er (chē′tər),
1. a person or thing that cheats.
2. cheaters:
Iclick to expand
Posted by LadyNeptuneProjecting much? The sick fuck would be you in this equation, because you're making up pure bullshit inside your diseased mind.Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShowBecause you have already groomed a 14 year old. We see you, you sick fuck.Posted by LadyNeptuneUh.........oh boy, akward.........whatever you get upto in your spare time is none of my business. But thanks for the tip, I'll keep avoiding internet chat rooms.Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShowPedophilePosted by SmidgeSomeone who is very tempted to cheat but changes his/her mind and doesn't go through with it.
what's an almost cheater?
al•most /ˈɔlmoʊst, ɔlˈmoʊst/
1. very nearly;
all but:
cheat•er (chē′tər),
1. a person or thing that cheats.
2. cheaters:
noun: paedophile; plural noun: paedophiles; noun: pedophile; plural noun: pedophiles
a person who is sexually attracted to children.
gerund or present participle: grooming
1.prepare or train (someone) for a particular purpose or activity.
"star pupils who are groomed for higher things"
synonyms: prepare, prime, ready, condition, tailor; More
(of a pedophile) prepare (a child) for a meeting, especially via an Internet chat room, with the intention of committing a sexual to expand
Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShowYou bragged about grooming a 14 year old boy to be your lover. Its right there in black and white in your post history.Posted by LadyNeptuneProjecting much? The sick fuck would be you in this equation, because you're making up pure bullshit inside your diseased mind.Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShowBecause you have already groomed a 14 year old. We see you, you sick fuck.Posted by LadyNeptuneUh.........oh boy, akward.........whatever you get upto in your spare time is none of my business. But thanks for the tip, I'll keep avoiding internet chat rooms.Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShowPedophilePosted by SmidgeSomeone who is very tempted to cheat but changes his/her mind and doesn't go through with it.
what's an almost cheater?
al•most /ˈɔlmoʊst, ɔlˈmoʊst/
1. very nearly;
all but:
cheat•er (chē′tər),
1. a person or thing that cheats.
2. cheaters:
noun: paedophile; plural noun: paedophiles; noun: pedophile; plural noun: pedophiles
a person who is sexually attracted to children.
gerund or present participle: grooming
1.prepare or train (someone) for a particular purpose or activity.
"star pupils who are groomed for higher things"
synonyms: prepare, prime, ready, condition, tailor; More
(of a pedophile) prepare (a child) for a meeting, especially via an Internet chat room, with the intention of committing a sexual offense.
If you had followed my use of DXP as a diary, you'd know that I never believed for a second he'd be interested in me in any way. And considering I was raped a long time ago, I'd be the last person to cross that kind of line, whether via grooming, coercion or forcing myself onto him. Simply put, I'm not that kind of person.
But the fact that your mind is always "on that" speaks far louder about YOU than me. It showcases how fucked in the head you really are, and what an ugly, UGLY person you are. Along with your ever-increasing mental to expand
Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShow1) boredom
1) what led you to look elsewhere?
2) what was the thought process behind your change of mind?
Don't spare me the details, babes, I want the blow-by-blow.
Posted by LadyNeptuneWow I must be really good to manage that, considering I didn't even know he existed when he was 14. But I digress.Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShowYou bragged about grooming a 14 year old boy to be your lover. Its right there in black and white in your post history.Posted by LadyNeptuneProjecting much? The sick fuck would be you in this equation, because you're making up pure bullshit inside your diseased mind.Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShowBecause you have already groomed a 14 year old. We see you, you sick fuck.Posted by LadyNeptuneUh.........oh boy, akward.........whatever you get upto in your spare time is none of my business. But thanks for the tip, I'll keep avoiding internet chat rooms.Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShowPedophilePosted by SmidgeSomeone who is very tempted to cheat but changes his/her mind and doesn't go through with it.
what's an almost cheater?
al•most /ˈɔlmoʊst, ɔlˈmoʊst/
1. very nearly;
all but:
cheat•er (chē′tər),
1. a person or thing that cheats.
2. cheaters:
noun: paedophile; plural noun: paedophiles; noun: pedophile; plural noun: pedophiles
a person who is sexually attracted to children.
gerund or present participle: grooming
1.prepare or train (someone) for a particular purpose or activity.
"star pupils who are groomed for higher things"
synonyms: prepare, prime, ready, condition, tailor; More
(of a pedophile) prepare (a child) for a meeting, especially via an Internet chat room, with the intention of committing a sexual offense.
If you had followed my use of DXP as a diary, you'd know that I never believed for a second he'd be interested in me in any way. And considering I was raped a long time ago, I'd be the last person to cross that kind of line, whether via grooming, coercion or forcing myself onto him. Simply put, I'm not that kind of person.
But the fact that your mind is always "on that" speaks far louder about YOU than me. It showcases how fucked in the head you really are, and what an ugly, UGLY person you are. Along with your ever-increasing mental instability.
When you were called out you laughed it off and claimed you were trolling.
So what is it?
Are you a pedophile?
Or are you just a sick fuck who thinks its funny to pretend to be a pedophile online?click to expand
Posted by WaterbearerwearerNah. Smidge is a cool gal, I like her. It's all friendly banter.
mean spirits on this thread
Posted by WaterbearerwearerPosted by HeavyEntertainmentShowYour thread poses an interesting and common dilemma.Posted by WaterbearerwearerNah. Smidge is a cool gal, I like her. It's all friendly banter.
mean spirits on this thread
As for the other one, well lol she's been following me around the site for like a month now. I guess Gemitati's novelty has worn off and she needs a new obsession to stimulate her fucked up mind with. You can't take these people seriously, it's not their fault their IQ is in the single digits. This is who broads like her remind me of:
Has not a frikkin clue what she's going on about, completely out of touch with reality, and just makes noise because it makes her feel important. Pwning the likes of her is the easiest thing in the world because all I have to do is point out the facts.
These broads are embarrassing their gender & do a total disservice to all the awesome women out there who kick life's ass every day, and I'm damn proud to be surrounded by a whole bunch of them right next door.
I wasn’t singling one particular person because I can see that you’re a soft target on here.
It’s fkn gross people need to evaluate themselves and not take their shiiit out on others.
It’s one thing to shit fling on a sign (astro board after all and we all have bias) but to go after a person personally when unprovoked and jump on wagons.
Fuk to expand
Posted by WaterbearerwearerI had a different idea about how to respond to this but I'll use Jed's question for inspiration. We had a bit of a situation going on, and then he went away for a couple days on personal business - so we didn't resolve it before he got back. And I got a little "antsy" in the meantime, my eyeballs started wandering and that's what prompted the creation of this thread.Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShowYour thread poses an interesting and common dilemma.Posted by WaterbearerwearerNah. Smidge is a cool gal, I like her. It's all friendly banter.
mean spirits on this thread
As for the other one, well lol she's been following me around the site for like a month now. I guess Gemitati's novelty has worn off and she needs a new obsession to stimulate her fucked up mind with. You can't take these people seriously, it's not their fault their IQ is in the single digits. This is who broads like her remind me of:
Has not a frikkin clue what she's going on about, completely out of touch with reality, and just makes noise because it makes her feel important. Pwning the likes of her is the easiest thing in the world because all I have to do is point out the facts.
These broads are embarrassing their gender & do a total disservice to all the awesome women out there who kick life's ass every day, and I'm damn proud to be surrounded by a whole bunch of them right next door.
I wasn’t singling one particular person because I can see that you’re a soft target on here.
It’s fkn gross people need to evaluate themselves and not take their shiiit out on others.
It’s one thing to shit fling on a sign (astro board after all and we all have bias) but to go after a person personally when unprovoked and jump on wagons.
Fuk to expand
Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShowYeah thats one of the things pedophiles who are grooming children do, ingratiate themselves to the parents so that they can have easy ACCESS to the child. Textbook really.
Did I have impure urges for him before his 17th? Yep
If I had crossed any line, his family would've crucified me instead of welcoming me to live inside their own home.
Posted by NelsonScorp
Still remember when Arkan was around being friendly with me then started bullying me lol
I do pity this scorps for sure.
Posted by NelsonScorpPosted by hydorahPosted by NelsonScorp
Still remember when Arkan was around being friendly with me then started bullying me lol
I do pity this scorps for sure.
Long time no see, how are you doing?click to expand
Posted by NelsonScorpAwesome! Could you please post them on the comment section again? I want to be up to date.Posted by hydorahPosted by NelsonScorpPosted by hydorahPosted by NelsonScorp
Still remember when Arkan was around being friendly with me then started bullying me lol
I do pity this scorps for sure.
Long time no see, how are you doing?
wassup my man
lot's of work but i been getting my trophies regardless lolclick to expand
Posted by GemLoverPosted by NelsonScorpMy biggest problem I got with that guy is his creepy ways. And being a creep is definitely not an attractive quality. I dont know what he's up to or what's he been up to as of late and quite honestly I dont care but I can definitely tell you one thing. He's probably still obsessing over me and still mentioning my name on the boards.Posted by GemLoverPosted by EndlessWell waterbearer is right tho. Heavyentertainment is a soft target on here. And so am I. The only difference between me and him is he don't go off on his intendent target like I do. And the so call became friendly is more than likely probably nasty in real life pretending to act all kind and friendly anyways. So you don't know what any of these users are capable of. So far I only see one user who's trying to start a war with heavy and that's lady Neptune. She can be alright sometimes but can also be a bully in her own right just like the Scorpios here. She just can't let nothing go. She just like these Scorpios always bringing shit up for likes and attention. We softies are the best targets for bullies. And that's a known fact.Posted by WaterbearerwearerPosted by HeavyEntertainmentShowYour thread poses an interesting and common dilemma.Posted by WaterbearerwearerNah. Smidge is a cool gal, I like her. It's all friendly banter.
mean spirits on this thread
As for the other one, well lol she's been following me around the site for like a month now. I guess Gemitati's novelty has worn off and she needs a new obsession to stimulate her fucked up mind with. You can't take these people seriously, it's not their fault their IQ is in the single digits. This is who broads like her remind me of:
Has not a frikkin clue what she's going on about, completely out of touch with reality, and just makes noise because it makes her feel important. Pwning the likes of her is the easiest thing in the world because all I have to do is point out the facts.
These broads are embarrassing their gender & do a total disservice to all the awesome women out there who kick life's ass every day, and I'm damn proud to be surrounded by a whole bunch of them right next door.
I wasn’t singling one particular person because I can see that you’re a soft target on here.
It’s fkn gross people need to evaluate themselves and not take their shiiit out on others.
It’s one thing to shit fling on a sign (astro board after all and we all have bias) but to go after a person personally when unprovoked and jump on wagons.
Fuk that.
but common, this place have over 10y and some peps around have +3y here, ofc people will start harvesting grudges with each other, and some became more friendly, is life on the hood, or probably more like a dark favela, anyway gossips, card games, people pretending they care about other people, personal vendettas, treating poorly newcomers, the full favela experience lmao
Still remember when Arkan was around being friendly with me then started bullying me lol
I do pity this scorps for to expand
Posted by TodaysRapSorry I called you a bitch the other day, it was my migraine talking. My patience threshold goes down dramatically when my head is pounding. I guess we're both feeling sensitive these days, for different reasons.Posted by GemLoverMan.. This is just too much for me.Posted by TodaysRapTo tell you the truth I dont even know. I been lost track of this thread like days ago.
What happened?click to expand
Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShowSo you like to ‘joke’ about sexually grooming a 14year old boy.
She picked out a silly joke I made over a year ago and twisted it around to fuel her retarded man-hating vendetta against me.
Posted by GemLoverThen close your eyes if your uncomfortable. Look away. Block me. Idgaf about your comfort levels.Posted by LadyNeptuneLadyNeptune just let it go already. We know you hate the guy who's being falsely accused for grooming kids. A total misunderstanding in which he'd done explain to people like you but you still carrying it on and on just stop already you making my head hurt reading it all the time. I wouldn't even waste my time explaining to a bunch of nobodies if I was him. And digging in everybody's profile histories and putting them on display is considered to be a creep. You, dazed and everybody else who's doing that need to stop. That's one of the reasons why I got arkansassy blocked. I dont like creeps.Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShowSo you like to ‘joke’ about sexually grooming a 14year old boy.
She picked out a silly joke I made over a year ago and twisted it around to fuel her retarded man-hating vendetta against me.
I didn’t go through your posts. Dazed did. I’m just not letting it go because I find pedophiles the lowest of the low. I don’t hate men, I hate grown ass adults who groom children for sex.
I’m not going anywhere you sick to expand
Posted by GemLoverTo make it astrologically relevant: Aries Mercury + Aries Mars + Sag Rising = we're all about the lulz.Posted by LadyNeptuneLadyNeptune it's all good cus you dont fuck with me and not aggravating like arkansassy is.Posted by GemLoverThen close your eyes if your uncomfortable. Look away. Block me. Idgaf about your comfort levels.Posted by LadyNeptuneLadyNeptune just let it go already. We know you hate the guy who's being falsely accused for grooming kids. A total misunderstanding in which he'd done explain to people like you but you still carrying it on and on just stop already you making my head hurt reading it all the time. I wouldn't even waste my time explaining to a bunch of nobodies if I was him. And digging in everybody's profile histories and putting them on display is considered to be a creep. You, dazed and everybody else who's doing that need to stop. That's one of the reasons why I got arkansassy blocked. I dont like creeps.Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShowSo you like to ‘joke’ about sexually grooming a 14year old boy.
She picked out a silly joke I made over a year ago and twisted it around to fuel her retarded man-hating vendetta against me.
I didn’t go through your posts. Dazed did. I’m just not letting it go because I find pedophiles the lowest of the low. I don’t hate men, I hate grown ass adults who groom children for sex.
I’m not going anywhere you sick fuck.
On the real:
Dont you guys have anything better to do with yur lives than go around creeping in peoples profiles anyway? Like why do everybody do that? Is it to like their photos? Is it to mute them? Is it to follow them? Give me the to expand
Posted by TodaysRapYep! It's comedy gold! Dumb biatches embarrassing themselves over and over again for my entertainment. And my Sag rising loves to shatter delusions & burst bubbles. Especially of dumb bitches who think they're smart.
Oh gawd, this thread is still goin'
Posted by GemLoverMy sun is in the III house - the Gemini house, so I'm more like you than you know. And I wouldn't say boring, I'd say those with Gemini influences are easily bored and we're in need of constant stimulation, which makes us skilled multitaskers.
@HeavyEntertainmentShow it's all good bruh. I ain't even triggered by these retards on here although it may seem like I am. And believe me when I say this. I laughs at a lot of these users even tho I dont put an lol in my posts. A lot of these users entertains me. I'm a Gemini and as a Gemini we need to be entertained to stimulate our boring nature. And the majority of the times I do just sit back and watch some of these users make a complete fool out of themselves while I'm just laughing. I grab my popcorn and diet Pepsi and kick back and enjoy watching the sparks fly.
LadyNeptune doesn't bother me. As a matter of fact, I just looks at her as another troller (me being one of them, hence why i say another troller).
And believe me I'm not even mad at the fact you telling it like it is with me. Your contributions and inputs are always more than welcome and I fully respect your insights. Always a joy whenever I see you posts.
Posted by TodaysRapPosted by HeavyEntertainmentShowFamiliar.Posted by GemLoverMy sun is in the III house - the Gemini house, so I'm more like you than you know. And I wouldn't say boring, I'd say those with Gemini influences are easily bored and we're in need of constant stimulation, which makes us skilled multitaskers.
@HeavyEntertainmentShow it's all good bruh. I ain't even triggered by these retards on here although it may seem like I am. And believe me when I say this. I laughs at a lot of these users even tho I dont put an lol in my posts. A lot of these users entertains me. I'm a Gemini and as a Gemini we need to be entertained to stimulate our boring nature. And the majority of the times I do just sit back and watch some of these users make a complete fool out of themselves while I'm just laughing. I grab my popcorn and diet Pepsi and kick back and enjoy watching the sparks fly.
LadyNeptune doesn't bother me. As a matter of fact, I just looks at her as another troller (me being one of them, hence why i say another troller).
And believe me I'm not even mad at the fact you telling it like it is with me. Your contributions and inputs are always more than welcome and I fully respect your insights. Always a joy whenever I see you posts.
Technology can also relax our racing mind. And I average around 60-65 words per minute, so I type pretty fast and I think even faster. Sound familiar?
Anyways what makes you feel guilty about? I mean, I don't think you should worry about anything to expand
Posted by GemLoverNot all of us are lucky enough to have a passion for guitar playing and wife beating, amiright.Posted by LadyNeptuneLadyNeptune it's all good cus you dont fuck with me and not aggravating like arkansassy is.Posted by GemLoverThen close your eyes if your uncomfortable. Look away. Block me. Idgaf about your comfort levels.Posted by LadyNeptuneLadyNeptune just let it go already. We know you hate the guy who's being falsely accused for grooming kids. A total misunderstanding in which he'd done explain to people like you but you still carrying it on and on just stop already you making my head hurt reading it all the time. I wouldn't even waste my time explaining to a bunch of nobodies if I was him. And digging in everybody's profile histories and putting them on display is considered to be a creep. You, dazed and everybody else who's doing that need to stop. That's one of the reasons why I got arkansassy blocked. I dont like creeps.Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShowSo you like to ‘joke’ about sexually grooming a 14year old boy.
She picked out a silly joke I made over a year ago and twisted it around to fuel her retarded man-hating vendetta against me.
I didn’t go through your posts. Dazed did. I’m just not letting it go because I find pedophiles the lowest of the low. I don’t hate men, I hate grown ass adults who groom children for sex.
I’m not going anywhere you sick fuck.
On the real:
Dont you guys have anything better to do with yur lives than go around creeping in peoples profiles anyway? Like why do everybody do that? Is it to like their photos? Is it to mute them? Is it to follow them? Give me the to expand
Posted by GemLoverI'm afraid my nails are incapable of that kinda growth + I need to put contacts in my eyes without going blind.Posted by LadyNeptuneYou know you acting like a 2 year old child with this post. This is something 1st graders would do to get other kids to bully right alongside with them. I'm not about to follow up with this childish behavior post. Maybe you need to try your hands on a musical instrument yourself. Instead of using your hands to type crazy shit like this to try and get back at me.Posted by GemLoverNot all of us are lucky enough to have a passion for guitar playing and wife beating, amiright.Posted by LadyNeptuneLadyNeptune it's all good cus you dont fuck with me and not aggravating like arkansassy is.Posted by GemLoverThen close your eyes if your uncomfortable. Look away. Block me. Idgaf about your comfort levels.Posted by LadyNeptuneLadyNeptune just let it go already. We know you hate the guy who's being falsely accused for grooming kids. A total misunderstanding in which he'd done explain to people like you but you still carrying it on and on just stop already you making my head hurt reading it all the time. I wouldn't even waste my time explaining to a bunch of nobodies if I was him. And digging in everybody's profile histories and putting them on display is considered to be a creep. You, dazed and everybody else who's doing that need to stop. That's one of the reasons why I got arkansassy blocked. I dont like creeps.Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShowSo you like to ‘joke’ about sexually grooming a 14year old boy.
She picked out a silly joke I made over a year ago and twisted it around to fuel her retarded man-hating vendetta against me.
I didn’t go through your posts. Dazed did. I’m just not letting it go because I find pedophiles the lowest of the low. I don’t hate men, I hate grown ass adults who groom children for sex.
I’m not going anywhere you sick fuck.
On the real:
Dont you guys have anything better to do with yur lives than go around creeping in peoples profiles anyway? Like why do everybody do that? Is it to like their photos? Is it to mute them? Is it to follow them? Give me the to expand
Posted by GemLoverYeech that's a rough way to be. Makes you seem like you're in need of medication for ADD or something, when it's simply your natural state. Maybe another Gemini or a Sag woman (they're even nuttier lol) can "handle your scandal". Or a Leo maybe not, they'd be too focused on being entertained by YOU instead.Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShowI'm bored all the time because I am Gemini influenced dominated by Gemini. I need entertainments in my life even in the bedroom. Like I can't be with a woman who doesn't or can't sustain my entertainment needs. And I'm a fast type too although I frequents my left hand the most whilst typing on phone. And I can't see your gif until I get back to within wifi range.Posted by GemLoverMy sun is in the III house - the Gemini house, so I'm more like you than you know. And I wouldn't say boring, I'd say those with Gemini influences are easily bored and we're in need of constant stimulation, which makes us skilled multitaskers.
@HeavyEntertainmentShow it's all good bruh. I ain't even triggered by these retards on here although it may seem like I am. And believe me when I say this. I laughs at a lot of these users even tho I dont put an lol in my posts. A lot of these users entertains me. I'm a Gemini and as a Gemini we need to be entertained to stimulate our boring nature. And the majority of the times I do just sit back and watch some of these users make a complete fool out of themselves while I'm just laughing. I grab my popcorn and diet Pepsi and kick back and enjoy watching the sparks fly.
LadyNeptune doesn't bother me. As a matter of fact, I just looks at her as another troller (me being one of them, hence why i say another troller).
And believe me I'm not even mad at the fact you telling it like it is with me. Your contributions and inputs are always more than welcome and I fully respect your insights. Always a joy whenever I see you posts.
Technology can also relax our racing mind. And I average around 60-65 words per minute, so I type pretty fast and I think even faster. Sound familiar?
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Posted by GemLoverPosted by HeavyEntertainmentShowBroski what's suppose to be wrong with a man wanting to be entertained in the bedroom? Is that suppose to be funny that a man likes to be dominated by a woman? Cus that's the kind of entertainment I like. Just plain ole sex dont cut it for me.Posted by GemLoverYeech that's a rough way to be. Makes you seem like you're in need of medication for ADD or something, when it's simply your natural state. Maybe another Gemini or a Sag woman (they're even nuttier lol) can "handle your scandal". Or a Leo maybe not, they'd be too focused on being entertained by YOU instead.Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShowI'm bored all the time because I am Gemini influenced dominated by Gemini. I need entertainments in my life even in the bedroom. Like I can't be with a woman who doesn't or can't sustain my entertainment needs. And I'm a fast type too although I frequents my left hand the most whilst typing on phone. And I can't see your gif until I get back to within wifi range.Posted by GemLoverMy sun is in the III house - the Gemini house, so I'm more like you than you know. And I wouldn't say boring, I'd say those with Gemini influences are easily bored and we're in need of constant stimulation, which makes us skilled multitaskers.
@HeavyEntertainmentShow it's all good bruh. I ain't even triggered by these retards on here although it may seem like I am. And believe me when I say this. I laughs at a lot of these users even tho I dont put an lol in my posts. A lot of these users entertains me. I'm a Gemini and as a Gemini we need to be entertained to stimulate our boring nature. And the majority of the times I do just sit back and watch some of these users make a complete fool out of themselves while I'm just laughing. I grab my popcorn and diet Pepsi and kick back and enjoy watching the sparks fly.
LadyNeptune doesn't bother me. As a matter of fact, I just looks at her as another troller (me being one of them, hence why i say another troller).
And believe me I'm not even mad at the fact you telling it like it is with me. Your contributions and inputs are always more than welcome and I fully respect your insights. Always a joy whenever I see you posts.
Technology can also relax our racing mind. And I average around 60-65 words per minute, so I type pretty fast and I think even faster. Sound familiar?
And she's still coming back..........
Hey, when you make Gemitati look sane & intelligent in comparison, that's when you know you are seriously fucked up. But now we have the shortlist for DXP's "Fallen from Grace" 2018 award. It's only got that one name on it.
And please dont affiliate me with gemitati. She's the last person I would want to be worse than. I'm faithful to one sign only. Not all 12 signs like gemitati.
Haven't the thought ever cross you that maybe perhaps I choose to be bored sometimes? Like what's out there on the streets for a 46 year old man? I choose to be a hermit by choice. And quite frankly and quite honestly I love it. So no medication is to expand