are you right or left handed?

This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by VirgoChyld on Friday, November 8, 2013 and has 29 replies.
I am left handed, people that are right handed say it is strange seeing us doing everyday activities with our left hand. Do you feel the same way
Left-handed people are weird! Not in the sense that something is wrong with them. It's just that idk how they freakin' do all that stuff with their left hand!! I can't write or even snap my fingers with just my left hand! They're like weird & genius at the same time! wtf
Have only one hand and it??s placed in the middle of my forehead??_.what is left or right hands again.?
Posted by auriqa
Ambidextrous. I write with my right hand, everything else is left.

you just like me, I write with my left and do everything with my right, bat right hand in baseball, kick a ball with my right. Lol
Posted by Slicks
Posted by auriqa
Ambidextrous. I write with my right hand, everything else is left.

I'm opposite. write with my left, almost everything else with my right
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same here, just quoted auriqa I am the exact opposite
Posted by xcupcake
I can write with my toes.

Posted by krysrenee7
Left-handed people are weird! Not in the sense that something is wrong with them. It's just that idk how they freakin' do all that stuff with their left hand!! I can't write or even snap my fingers with just my left hand! They're like weird & genius at the same time! wtf

I was being picked on about being left handed, lol
Posted by Deep78
Posted by xcupcake
Posted by Deep78
Posted by xcupcake
Left handed people look awkward when they write.

True I write with my paper set side ways and I totally write upside down...because if I try to hold my pen or pencil like a right hander I will smear the ink all over the pinky side of my left if anything I would say I was pretty brilliant lol.

Which hand do you throw with?

I'm left-handed. I do everything left-handed except...and this maybe vulgar...but I wipe with my right. Lol it's the truth. My momma trained me well...she said I was her most difficult due to all the adjustments.
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Posted by xcupcake

How you acquire that skill?
Posted by Qbone
Have only one hand and it??s placed in the middle of my forehead??_.what is left or right hands again.?

Posted by CancerOnTheCusp

how you learn to use your non dominate hand?
I was forced to write with my right hand. So my handwriting sucks no matter which side I use.
Its always been which ever feels right. Scissors-either hand.
Right handed
Posted by CancerOnTheCusp
I was forced to write with my right hand. So my handwriting sucks no matter which side I use.
Its always been which ever feels right. Scissors-either hand.

that is interesting. I thought that you would do that on your own. Sucks that you were forced to write with your right
Posted by scorchedearth
Posted by pixie242
Right handed

ew, a right hander. >_>
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Posted by sunnyvirgo83
I can write with both. I mainly use my right hand but when it comes to pretty much everything else I use my left hand....just feels more comfortable. I can write with my left hand not as well, likes like a 3d grader's hand I can snap my fingers with my left hand, and when I play my ukulele I use my left hand to play chords.

that is cool, play the ukulele left handed. Your comfortable using your left hand for daily activities
Posted by SelfPic
I'm ambidextrous.

how are you guys ambidextrous? Is my question, I am only ambidextrous batting in baseball
Posted by Deep78
It's said that us left handlers die 9 years less than a right hander. There are so many things said about left haded people...

I read about the left handed facts a long time ago, as a poster said the left handed people were outcast and looked down upon people who used their right hand
Posted by auriqa
Ambidextrous. I write with my right hand, everything else is left.

+1. I even eat with two spoons when I'm in a hurry & just shovel the food in there to be done.
Right! My left hand is useless unless it's for opening things.
Posted by RomancingA
Right but I use my left for weird applying makeup....brushing my hair and ughhh for sexual purposes.
I'm not sure if I'm ambi.....

I knew a few dumb bitches in school who literally forced themselves to become left handed in school just to be different lol.
They are to say the least.....three kids in, unmarried and still living in their parents basements with no job.

I doesn't matter.

Use your left hand for hair, makeup and sexual exploits. Details of what you use your left hand sexually. Sounds kinky.
I would say your ambidextrous, you can use your left hand. You must not like them bitches do you? What type of girl you were in school?
Posted by WaterCup
Posted by auriqa
Ambidextrous. I write with my right hand, everything else is left.

+1. I even eat with two spoons when I'm in a hurry & just shovel the food in there to be done.
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that is crazy but..... ingenious idea, lol +1000
Posted by Scenic
Right! My left hand is useless unless it's for opening things.

lol, I overstand everything has it's place and time
Posted by VirgoChyld
Posted by WaterCup
Posted by auriqa
Ambidextrous. I write with my right hand, everything else is left.

+1. I even eat with two spoons when I'm in a hurry & just shovel the food in there to be done.

that is crazy but..... ingenious idea, lol +1000
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I mostly do it with cereal in the morning because I hate soggy cereal, I like it crunchy.
Posted by scorchedearth
left handed people are supposedly more artistic/creative and more prone to substance abuse and mental disorders.
i've had a bunch of books about being left handed that right handed people have bought me because me being left handed is apparently very interesting to them for whatever reason. *shrugs*

Right side of the brain = left hand
Left side of the brain = right hand.
"...a person who is "left-brained" is often said to be more logical, analytical, and objective, while a person who is "right-brained" is said to be more intuitive, thoughtful, and subjective."
Basically the right side of the brain is responsible for artistic "talent".
Why I quoted talent you can find out by reading "Drawing on the right side of the brain" by Betty Edwards. States that anyone can learn to control the right side of their brain, therefore anyone can be a good artist.
Meanwhile I'm right handed and attend school of visual arts lol!
Posted by maelstrom
Posted by WaterCup
Posted by VirgoChyld
Posted by WaterCup
Posted by auriqa
Ambidextrous. I write with my right hand, everything else is left.

+1. I even eat with two spoons when I'm in a hurry & just shovel the food in there to be done.

that is crazy but..... ingenious idea, lol +1000

I mostly do it with cereal in the morning because I hate soggy cereal, I like it crunchy.

By now they really should have developed a crispy/crunchy cereal that stays that way for indefinite periods of time
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Yes!! But it stays crunchy if you tilt the bowl lol.
Posted by xPurrrHisssx
Posted by VirgoChyld
I am left handed, people that are right handed say it is strange seeing us doing everyday activities with our left hand. Do you feel the same way

Right-handed and no, I don't really pay attention to stuff like that.
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cool, I don't either
Right handed.
btw this forum needs an edit option for the dyslexic people like me.. or those who just type and hit post message too fast! LMAO suppose I could preview first- but that takes too long!

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