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Feb 22, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2787 · Topics: 83
They play the intimidation game to try to get you to join, but it only pissed me the fuck off and turned me away from them.
Here's my tale: There were three recruiters in the recruitment office I visited, and two of the three were cool, but the remaining one was a bit of a dick. My whole four and a half hours there was him trying to non-physically bully me into joining, using a bunch of tough talk, and him trying to convince me that the Corps was the best fucking thing since an orgasm that makes you pass out. When I went there, I had no intentions of joining immediately, I just wanted to get info about the Marines from the source before I made my decision on which branch to join. I was being polite for most of my time there, answering questions, keeping things civil, but near the end, the dick just starting talking louder and faster, trying to scare and bullshit me into joining, and even trying to make me feel guilty for not being in the Marines yet... It didn't work. At that point he asked me what I was going to do, and I said "Army" while maintaining steady eye contact. I then gathered the stuff I brought with me, said "my goal is Army Airborne," then turned around and never looked back. I'm stubborn, and if I don't totally respect you, then I will push back or break away when being pushed. That being said, fuck him.