Ask a Rabidtalker

This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by rabidtalker on Saturday, December 10, 2016 and has 21 replies.
Hello ask me anything, disclaimer, I might not respond, but I may, you will just have to hold out hope, hopefully forever ( *evil laugh* )

Are you going back to your ex because your score was high on that compatibility chart you did?
Posted by FirstDecanTaurianWomen0428
Are you going back to your ex because your score was high on that compatibility chart you did?
her and I scored 16, so i guess not. the high score was the unrequited crush and I wrote that in jest Tongue

Name your favorite 80 s song?
Posted by FirstDecanTaurianWomen0428
Name your favorite 80 s song?
Hmmm probably a toss up between Come on Eileen by the Dexy's Midnight Runners, and generally all the popular Cure songs.

What was your favorite toy?

Which subject did you hate or love? I'm referring to your INFJ personality...
What one hit wonder did you put on repeat?
Posted by FirstDecanTaurianWomen0428
What was your favorite toy?

Atari 2600

Which subject did you hate or love? I'm referring to your INFJ personality...

I both love and hated Literature, because I'm a slow reader (not sure what you're asking).

Posted by FirstDecanTaurianWomen0428
What one hit wonder did you put on repeat?
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All of them Big Grin

Yeah I meant in college, high school, or currently?
What movie did you like this year?
Posted by FirstDecanTaurianWomen0428
Yeah I meant in college, high school, or currently?

You can love or hate any subject depending on who teaches it, I'd probably still stick with Literature

Posted by FirstDecanTaurianWomen0428
What movie did you like this year?
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I have not watched a single movie this year.

At what age do you think we are to find our purpose in life?

Have you found yours?

Do you have a favorite quote?

If you knew tomorrow would be your last day alive, what would go out and do or see? And if you were to reflect on your life, would you have any regrets?
What's your favorite thing about being a Pisces moon?
Posted by themagnetoreborn
At what age do you think we are to find our purpose in life?

No idea, lol. But I think it has got to be no sooner than the first saturn return,

Posted by themagnetoreborn

Have you found yours?

No, well, maybe and that is to do things for myself rather than for other people, it fits in with my south node in the 11th, north node in the 5th pretty well.

Posted by themagnetoreborn

Do you have a favorite quote?

I think this changes depending on where you are in life, at this point my favorite quote roughly goes like this, "when they show you who they are, believe them the first time."

Posted by themagnetoreborn

If you knew tomorrow would be your last day alive, what would go out and do or see? And if you were to reflect on your life, would you have any regrets?
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I would call family and friends and wish them luck and say goodbye.

Regrets, Yes, because I'm spending this time building for the future and haven't had that much enjoyment yet, and, I have no kids which I would want at some point.

Posted by andstill
how are you as a wingman?

So-so, about average. I've seen some bad wingmen and some great wingmen.

Posted by andstill
your buddy has a crazy chick in sight do you take him to the side and say hay broux don't hit that or do you just egg him on *bro fists*
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I take him to the side and say she's crazy so if you hit that be ready for some crazy stuff.

Posted by femme
What's your favorite thing about being a Pisces moon?

being able to read people, situations, psychology and motivations.

Posted by tiziani
How do you feel about Cancer Suns being the reigning DXPIL Champions?
I guess it's good? i look at that thread and see 419 responses and it makes me feel too overwhelmed to click on it... too much to read Tongue

Posted by rabidtalker
Posted by themagnetoreborn

Do you have a favorite quote?

I think this changes depending on where you are in life, at this point my favorite quote roughly goes like this, "when they show you who they are, believe them the first time."
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A while ago it was "The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist."

"No idea, lol. But I think it has got to be no sooner than the first saturn return"

Posted by rabidtalker
Posted by rabidtalker
Posted by themagnetoreborn

Do you have a favorite quote?

I think this changes depending on where you are in life, at this point my favorite quote roughly goes like this, "when they show you who they are, believe them the first time."
A while ago it was "The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist."

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Any particular reason? Or is that just your sense of humor?
