Ayahuasca. Tell me your experiences!

This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by heliumfiasco on Tuesday, March 5, 2019 and has 20 replies.
Well, go on...... 👂🏼👀
Dont do drugs kids

I read about it many years ago and watched some videos about it in recent years. That's my experience with it. I would do a ayahuasca retreat. I've heard it's an interesting, healing experience.
Posted by Arielle83

Fuvking aliens


Tell me more about the f*cking aliens.
Did they build the goddamn pyramids or what?! Haha
Posted by Arielle83

Posted by Jim_Joe_Bob_Applethorn

Posted by Arielle83

Fuvking aliens


Tell me more about the f*cking aliens.
I can’t explain it. Just fucking alien message thingy ma bobs.

Like a video game that makes sense.

Clean your body and detox for at least a month or the bad aliens come to feed on your anxiety.
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I've often heard that it's something hard to describe.
My friend has gone to Peru 3 times for ceremonies. She was a “functioning” cocaine addict for 10 years. Had her finances and career in order but was struggling every where else. She tried to get sober in nearly every way. Did ayahuasca once has been clean two years. Has gone back twice.
I’m very interested in the spiritual/ healing/ transcendence properties described with this herb.
Posted by Fawne

I think it’s dangerous, it’s like skipping all the hard work to become spiritual. I believe people can become spiritual and heal themselves without the drug.

Also, it’s like opening yourself up to everything out there that is good and bad... similar to playing with the oujia board, seems volatile. 😁
My thoughts exactly

Some hippie shit looking for answers in drugs.
I don’t believe in “evil” spirits. That’s thinking in terms of duality. I believe anything can be determined good or bad depending on the perspective.

I enjoy psychedelics very much. I’ve done DMT, shrooms, acid. All have been good experiences for me. I experienced the alien thing with DMT a few years back. I am wayyyyyyy further along in my spiritual journey than I was then. My Third eye has opened briefly a few times during meditation over the last few months. I’d like to go a bit deeper now. More so to examine aspects of myself. I’ve been going hard for two years on doing personal shadow work.
They’ve been saying stuff like that since the beginning of time concerning psychedelics. Mostly grossly exaggerated urban myths. Everyone knows a guy, who knows a guy that’s in a mental hospital or went crazy. Those stories usually are based off synthetic psychedelics like acid. Not saying it doesn’t happen but I know more people negatively impacted by alcohol. Not a concern of mine at all. I have a higher probability getting raped leaving my local pub than an ayahuasca retreat. Because that happens everyday, in every city in the US.

I just wanted to know peoples personal experiences with it smile
Posted by LethalFantasia

Posted by HeartofTopazz

Definitely hard to explain without sounding like a weirdo lol. You meet aliens aka “machine elves”. It’s hard to explain them, but you just know once you’re there. Everything about the experience including the interdimensional beings feels much more familiar than anything we perceive as reality now. There’s been times they communicated with me and times that they haven’t. I’ve never had a bad trip. It’s the most spiritual experience and is definitely life changing. I wouldn’t say it’s for everyone. I’m trying to type this while the Gem talks my ear off so I’ll stop there. Lol

Did you get sick at all?
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I hear you poop and puke for like 30 mins... but that it feels good. Like you’re purging all negativity from your body.
Posted by LethalFantasia

Posted by heliumfiasco

Posted by LethalFantasia

Posted by HeartofTopazz

Definitely hard to explain without sounding like a weirdo lol. You meet aliens aka “machine elves”. It’s hard to explain them, but you just know once you’re there. Everything about the experience including the interdimensional beings feels much more familiar than anything we perceive as reality now. There’s been times they communicated with me and times that they haven’t. I’ve never had a bad trip. It’s the most spiritual experience and is definitely life changing. I wouldn’t say it’s for everyone. I’m trying to type this while the Gem talks my ear off so I’ll stop there. Lol

Did you get sick at all?
I hear you poop and puke for like 30 mins... but that it feels good. Like you’re purging all negativity from your body.


I pass x

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Hahaha! I respect that! Not everyone is down for a shitpants party! 😂

During the 80s, cocaine was everywhere. Even in my small island most famous people at the top, singers, tv presenters, etc, were taking cocaine. In usa it was probably 95% of famous personalities who would take it. In europe it was probably closer to 75% , but most top singers did.

But it was only for rich adults, I grew up and went to to high school and never was sollicitated for drugs, like most of the middle class kids around me.

The CIA was doing a lot of bad shit around the world in the 70s and 80s and using cocaine money to finance themselves. All this is well documented elsewhere. At this time, drug started entering the african-american community and there was a big conspiracy theory that the CIA was trying to eliminate african americans with drugs. But perhaps it was just the latino dealers they were working with who were trying to expand their market, who knows... But at this time, only african americans were allowed to be targetted, and the drugs went everywhere in that community, rich, poor, men, women, kids, elders,...everybody was a possible consumer.

Then toward the end of the 80s, drug dealing started seeping from black community to young white middle class school kids, thanks to some young entrepreneurs who saw the potential. And that's when th US became a drug society. You could probably consider that as a form of karma for al lthe CIA shit in other countries. The politics got pissed and started the "war on drugs" and went after noriega and escobar, but it was too late and the business just kept expanding.

Now, just from what I hear everywhere, it seems that the quasi-totality of young americans of all social classes, who went to school through the 90s decade and later, were introduced to recreational drugs, even briefly, and consider that a normal recreational activity. IDK, at least 90% . Gen-Y should probably be called gen-D instead.


I don't really mind this, keep being you america, lol.

I don't know about ayahuasca but anything that directly fucks with your brain receptors is prone to give you the most authentic experience you've ever had. I'm ready to believe this.

It's possible you communicate with aliens, or you may go down and communicate with your cells at the cellular level, this would sound more likely to me. But in the end, you're still back to DXP.
I was 20 and on a work study school dig in college.

I shit and puked myself.

Parts of it were terrifying.

Relieved some childhood shit I had forgot.

Would not do again.
Posted by Marai

Spaceshuttle into dmt reality

Vomit out of every hole

Ultimate transcendence

Yes, in that order
This is correct.

Also, a nasty restrictive diet one week before and one week after.
Posted by Impulsv

Posted by Arielle83

Posted by Fawne

I think it’s dangerous, it’s like skipping all the hard work to become spiritual. I believe people can become spiritual and heal themselves without the drug.

Also, it’s like opening yourself up to everything out there that is good and bad... similar to playing with the oujia board, seems volatile. 😁
Ya one of my friends had a bad trip and ended up with psychosis

Yes I heard if you are predeisposed you can become psychotic or get that mental illness
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People with a family history of things like schitzophrenia should never ever take psychedelics. Just FYI.
It helped me discover my calling in life, which I've been working towards since. However it didn't happen during the ceremony. I went home and felt so fragile and vulnerable like something was unlocked inside me that I had to go investigate, which is where I came upon my realization.

It also made me much more forgiving of others. Not in a "tolerate bullshit like a little bitch way", but in a more detached yet comprehensive understanding that people have their own struggles that can manifest in questionable actions.
I never "tripped" but I got super weird stoned on some gold weed once - maybe it was laced with something because I never felt like that before and that feeling came back the next day when I was at work several times that day and the next day it was less so I think it was spiked with something.

But I'm good at barfing and shitting.

Bring it on; I'm down !
I went to a ceremony on Saturday. Had a fantastic experience. No puking/ no shitting. Very kind and gentle symbolism for a few hours. I had no repressed memories or any sort of negative release happen. It was an amazing experience. Not at all what I expected it to be. I was shown spirit guides and given some important information regarding my mother, and some important information regarding things I inherited from my ancestors that need to be healed.

LOVED IT! Will do again.