Back and forth

This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by venusianbull on Thursday, January 10, 2013 and has 24 replies.
I have been absent for a good while as anyone who gives a flip knows.
Despite the three ring circus that is dxmcdoodles and its eerie similarity to every installment of "Rugrats" I have seen..tis good to be back. smile
I have been absent for some time as anyone who gives a flip knows.
Despite the three ring circus that is dxmcdoodles and its eerie
Similarity to every installment of "Rugrats" I have ever is good to be back. smile
I have been absent for some time as anyone who gives a flip knows.
Despite the three ring circus that is dxmcdoodles and its eerie
Similarity to every installment of "Rugrats" I have ever is good to be back. smile
Welcome back VB! Are u still with your Cancer man? Happy New Year!
Getting the hang of this bloody Android. Bear with me for typos and repeats.
Whoop whoop!! Big Grin
you got internet smileyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay

Oh and welcome back VB
Missed you too Layna. *snuggle*
welcome back VB! :]
No LadySag, not for some time. Single and disgustingly hopeful as ever. smile never know..some dashing dude might get off his taters and claim me yet. Winking
Hearts to to you TOC. smile
Ta Blingman! Big Grin
Ish..sort of..on Mah phone. Big Grin Feels rather attention whore-esque this being up thrice, but hey ho...and woops!
Thank you, and hullo!
oh on your phone so your using works wifi ?
Hello again you must really like that phone you got posts all over the place Tongue
Haha! More like some doddering old bat figuring out a touch screen. Tongue
Hehe. Wubs oo Exo. smile
Hey VB, knew you'd come back...they always come back... or lurk around observing some of the mayhem Tongue
VB!!!! *huge hug*
Thar ya be.
Of course, I have been following the smoke signals, but it really is good to have you back here. I have really missed you!!!!
Posted by venusianbull
Haha! More like some doddering old bat figuring out a touch screen. Tongue

I know I have one too and it drives me batty somedays especially the apple products the corner keys never seem to work right for me
Me lurk? Mebbe.. Big Grin
Hellooo M and ultra! smile
((((Dof)))) quit grabbing my ass. Tongue smile

Me thinks the Lady doth ask to much!!! *squeeze*
Hey VB, you have returned! We missed you!!! Big Grin
Please do not abandon us again, this place has been falling apart without you!! Sad
Awww lil. *dragging toe* smile

Oh welcome back. I haven't been a very good dxp member myself though.
No perfect attendance award for me...