Bad mistakes from the past

This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by hellosaggy on Thursday, February 7, 2019 and has 12 replies.
So our governor in VA dressed up in blackface 30 years ago and now they want him to resign...

The vice governor had a sexual encounter in 2004 that seems like sexual assault, and the claim that the victim gave seems a little sketchy.... not doubting it could have happened but red flags and her actions had some leading on intentions

And now the second in line has admitted doing black face in early 1980s

My question is... we all make mistakes . Some larger than others, some not known others in the light.

When is it ok to stop holding something over someone’s head?

You went to jail a decade ago...

You did frat boy crap 30 years ago

You used to get in bar fights 40 years ago

Everybody has done stuff they wouldn’t do now after growing up or learning from a situation. If anything that makes you stronger
It’s only a mistake if you exhibit regret. Regret for your actions, not that you got caught.
Posted by JustBrowsing

The problem is is that Social Justice Warriors don't care how long ago something has happened.

As long as we still give a shit about what they think, it'll just get more ridiculous.
So there’s a time limit on being enraged about sexual assault/rape?? Listen to yourself.
‘Frat boy crap’ aka rape.

Brush it under the rug.

Your privileged position matters more than the women (or men’s) lives you destroyed.
Posted by JustBrowsing

Posted by LadyNeptune

Posted by JustBrowsing

The problem is is that Social Justice Warriors don't care how long ago something has happened.

As long as we still give a shit about what they think, it'll just get more ridiculous.
So there’s a time limit on being enraged about sexual assault/rape?? Listen to yourself.
It doesn't matter what the transgression is. Some people wake up everyday just to be outraged about SOMETHING.
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Translation, it doesn’t matter to YOU. So it shouldn’t matter at all.

Easier to cry crazy sjw to devalue someone’s voice.
This thread reminds me of something said by conservative writer Kurt Schlichter: they may regret their new rules...

I'll leave it at that.
There’s levels to blackface.

Luanne from ny housewives with her blackface dianna Ross. Distasteful and insensitive, yes. She should’ve slowed down with the bronzer.

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Governor Ralph Norman and his blackface costume shoulder to shoulder with a kkk costume. Not ok. You can’t claim it’s not racists.

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This guy is in a position of power over the lives of Americans. Luanne is a bored housewife who only has power over her ex husband and the alimony he’s gotta pay.

Your message about the justice system is flawed.

You get blacklisted forever no matter the felony and race does play a factor in people’s level of forgiveness.

People dont ask what the felony was for. They just run from people that have them.

Social norm are social norms.

As a black man in this country. I notice and deal with more than most white people, even if they are woke.

What Northam did was flat out racist, done in bad taste, and perpetuates medical doctor elitism.

But would the Northam today, do what he did as a guy in his early 20s. I’m sure the answer is no.

People take things like it happened yesterday sometimes and don’t do the “whole person” approach.

I’m sure that’s a teachable moment and one he can caution against.
Posted by hellosaggy

Your message about the justice system is flawed.

You get blacklisted forever no matter the felony and race does play a factor in people’s level of forgiveness.

People dont ask what the felony was for. They just run from people that have them.

Social norm are social norms.

As a black man in this country. I notice and deal with more than most white people, even if they are woke.

What Northam did was flat out racist, done in bad taste, and perpetuates medical doctor elitism.

But would the Northam today, do what he did as a guy in his early 20s. I’m sure the answer is no.

People take things like it happened yesterday sometimes and don’t do the “whole person” approach.

I’m sure that’s a teachable moment and one he can caution against.
Do you think he would’ve won the popular vote for governors seat if this pic was in the public eye during his election?

Posted by LadyNeptune

Posted by hellosaggy

Your message about the justice system is flawed.

You get blacklisted forever no matter the felony and race does play a factor in people’s level of forgiveness.

People dont ask what the felony was for. They just run from people that have them.

Social norm are social norms.

As a black man in this country. I notice and deal with more than most white people, even if they are woke.

What Northam did was flat out racist, done in bad taste, and perpetuates medical doctor elitism.

But would the Northam today, do what he did as a guy in his early 20s. I’m sure the answer is no.

People take things like it happened yesterday sometimes and don’t do the “whole person” approach.

I’m sure that’s a teachable moment and one he can caution against.
Do you think he would’ve won the popular vote for governors seat if this pic was in the public eye during his election?

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Honestly based on how we do things in this country . No, he probably wouldn’t have made the ballot.

Then you look at the current president, where people know and heard and saw a lot of what he did... he didn’t win popular vote, but he got about 46% , some of which included victims of his narcissistic, elitist behavior. So who the hell knows now a days 🤷🏾‍♂️
Posted by hellosaggy

Posted by LadyNeptune

Posted by hellosaggy

Your message about the justice system is flawed.

You get blacklisted forever no matter the felony and race does play a factor in people’s level of forgiveness.

People dont ask what the felony was for. They just run from people that have them.

Social norm are social norms.

As a black man in this country. I notice and deal with more than most white people, even if they are woke.

What Northam did was flat out racist, done in bad taste, and perpetuates medical doctor elitism.

But would the Northam today, do what he did as a guy in his early 20s. I’m sure the answer is no.

People take things like it happened yesterday sometimes and don’t do the “whole person” approach.

I’m sure that’s a teachable moment and one he can caution against.
Do you think he would’ve won the popular vote for governors seat if this pic was in the public eye during his election?

Honestly based on how we do things in this country . No, he probably wouldn’t have made the ballot.

Then you look at the current president, where people know and heard and saw a lot of what he did... he didn’t win popular vote, but he got about 46% , some of which included victims of his narcissistic, elitist behavior. So who the hell knows now a days 🤷🏾‍♂️
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Lol good point. If we are gonna demand this guy step down from office we need to say "you first Mr. president"
Posted by Black-Mamba

What's hilarious is that all 3 in line for governor were in blackface in the 1980s

guess nobody wanted to be white.

My lawyer sister thinks they should be taken out of office, because they show precedent of racism and lack of remorse

i think , if this guy is trying to get rid of General E lee day and replace it with a voting holiday, good job
Ehhhh... it’s hard to say Anything other than I’m sorry. Can’t go back in time. Maybe that’s just my sag ways, I give people some rope to hang them selves . Nobody is perfect.

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