Bands or Singers You Feel That Dont Deserve The Hate

This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by slowdive80 on Wednesday, September 20, 2017 and has 10 replies.
So you know how there may be a band or singer you like that everyone else eye rolls at. Mainly because they released a lot of bad singles and everyone detests them.

This is the thread where you can vouch for a 2nd look at them or basically why they dont necessarily suck.

Here's Mine - REM

A lot of people detest REM due to a lot of bad singles released (losing my religion, everybody hurts, stand, Man on the Moon Shiny Happy People)

But they are actually a great and pioneering band (alternative rock would not exist without them)

Their most underrated album New Adventures In Hi-Fi is their most rocking one. That is the one I use to tell people to listen to which usually makes them fans.

One of my favorite songs from that album is Undertow -

Another underrated song is Let Me In, Michael Stipe's tribute to his friend Kurt Cobain -

Some REM albums to check out if you are interested is Murmur, Reckoning, Life's Rich Pageant, Green, New Adventures in Hi-fi, Collapse into Now

Feel free to share yours in this thread..
@thetinman -

Ha, you and my friend would get along famously. He loves smooth jazz. I dont dislike it but its not necessarily my thing.

But Im glad he listens to it, better than gangsta rap which I detest. I like Hip-hop but more in the alternative vain like The Roots or De La Soul.
I have another one but it is old and would considered "Dad Rock"

Im kind of embarrassed by this one given how slick it is and they are overplayed in supermarkets

But... Steely Dan.

They get a lot of hate (understandably given how smooth and backgroundish they are) but the lyrics are freaking brilliant.

These guys have such an incisive wit in their songs which are character studies. Take for example Hey Nineteen. Its about an aging hipster trying to relate to a nineteen year old girl. He thinks he is hip at first but finds he is outdated. And the only way he can relate to the girl is through drugs and alcohol. It is so scathing.

But see the music is so slick no one notices the satire or storytelling in the lyrics. Peeps may not like the music aspect, but you got to give the Dan props for being brilliant songwriters -

Nickel back
Warangel -

Yeah, I have to agree with that on Vanilla Ice. Same with Celine Dion. Her music is just garbage. I mean there is a reason the Celine Dion sketch from Saturday Night Live was so popular. I used to work in a pharmacy where they would play the Titanic song by Celine 4 times a day.

If thats not hell, I dont know what is.
Yeah cant get into Swift.

Mainly I think her music is bland and she is super fake. But part of my bias extends from peeps I knew in the music industry who have dealt with her. Behind the scenes she can be super cold and mean. Plus there are some songs she has written that were actually ghost-written by other people who she paid handsomely to take credit for them.

But if someone likes her, more power to them. Just dont force me to listen to it if I am in a public setting LOL

@GOB- LOL I have to check that out. Never heard that before will do when I get off work.
Chance_12 -

Cool man. I feel that is the crown achievement in their catalogue. Accelerate and Collapse into Now were great returns to form.

You know, with Pink Floyd, I am the cliche douche that prefers the Syd Barrett years. Dont get me wrong Gilmour is a great guitarist. but Waters Floyd is kind of eh to me.

But to each their own, who cares what I think.

Another one that gets hate is The Bee Gees, just because of their disco years. Man, their 60's stuff is so rock solid that you cant say it sucks. As long as you dont focus on the lyrical content and just listen to the musical arrangements they are very innovative. Like First of May from the Odessa album -

Or my favorite from the 70's period - How Deep is Your Love the perfect pop song -
Posted by The_eleventh_sign_11
Nickel back
Haha so true
Have to maybe change the name of this thread to underrated. I am a huge of Jack White's band The Dead Weather. Even moreso than the White Stripes. The only problem with The Dead Weather is live they are superior to the tame album recordings. It is night and day, they sound so much better live -

Hang You From The Heavens -

Blue Blood Blues -

Let Me Through - Song starts at 3:10 (One of the best rock songs Ive ever heard in years -
Why didnt it post ? Sad Grr...

Hang You from The Heavens

Blue Blood Blues

Let Me Through - (Song starts at 3:10) -