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Jun 26, 2017Comments: 0 · Posts: 345 · Topics: 63
My job of the past two years has led me with a complete disdain for people 60 and older. A majority I encounter are racist, sexist, entitled, and just are generally miserable.
My father who was in his 70's once said he would rather me old yeller him (translation -shoot him for those who dont know the reference) then be put in a nursing home. He said people his age have given up on life, are narrow-minded, and unhappy. He preferred to be around people younger as they had fresh ideas, and are excited about life still and are eager to learn new things
I have had bad experiences with older people in my personal life as well. I had a roommate from hell who was in his 60's. That man was obnoxious, racist, selfish, and a liar. He would never own up to his mistakes or lies.
Grandparents were the same - narrowminded, selfish and somewhat abusive to my mother. I literally get shakes when I know I am behind an older person in a check out line, because I anticipate full on karen like behavior And 90% of the time I am right
Maybe my job is driving me crazy, but I think ill have old person ptsd forever after I leave and wont be able to be around older people for any extended period of time
Has anyone else here dealt with these kind of feelings, or am I just a cold heartless POS?
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Sep 03, 2016Comments: 36249 · Posts: 40744 · Topics: 321
The old people here are darlings....I love talking with them, most are great craic 😀
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Jun 26, 2017Comments: 0 · Posts: 345 · Topics: 63
I've lost friends and family and Im now 40 I have some bitterness but I dont try to make other people feel miserable
I try to be happy as hard as it can be during the apocalypse I try to stay in touch with new technology and music and books.
Old people I find are highly argumentative as well They turn small conversations into arguments for no reason They whine and scream when they have to make any effort whatsoever regarding anything
Just because someone gets older does not mean they escape accountability for behavior and that includes myself.
I force myself to keep an open mind and not get narrow and to keep taking care of my health so I dont end up like these people.
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Jul 24, 2019Comments: 3567 · Posts: 7804 · Topics: 92
Yeah boomers can be a pain in the ass to be around. Starting with my mom. I drink with a few boomers and they cool people.
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Oct 21, 2015Comments: 11066 · Posts: 36034 · Topics: 110
Yes for sure.
But not all old people.
Maybe you just need to find better ones.
My mentor and friend is in her 60s and I admire and look up to her so so much. She's black and Indian, creative af (painter) and super independent. Very interesting upbringing and pov on things. A fountain of knowledge and empathy.
Older people are more set in their ways because they've had longer to settle into those ideals.
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Jun 26, 2017Comments: 0 · Posts: 345 · Topics: 63
If you work my job you will see the complete darkness within them. A majority of trump's supporters are older too. And they voice their support of him to me on the phone constantly. Its sick
Right now they dont care about the damage their president does to this country as long as they are free to openly hate or be greedy even though voting for him is against their best interests.
I was majorly aggravated when Biden got the nod but since he is too old for me and is very flawed. But our country has got to a point where you need an old white person to beat a crazy as hell old white person for the white house
We need younger people in these positions of government These older people are problematic for the most part even when they belong to the same party as me
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Feb 12, 2020Comments: 733 · Posts: 1348 · Topics: 11
But yah old ppl are definitely asking for it. lol
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Sep 03, 2016Comments: 36249 · Posts: 40744 · Topics: 321
My Grandad was just a few weeks shy of 90 before he passed and was the best fun...him and I really gelled...both loved music, both have wicked sense of humour and both Scorpios
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Dec 20, 2011Comments: 362 · Posts: 10167 · Topics: 100
It's just you and the job. I mean I don't see it as a bad thing really, you kinda know the tells of older people who are shit and yeah they do exist. There's plenty of other great old folks around.
And it goes both ways for sure. My friend loves working with old people and she can often correlate how grumpy someone can be based on their family but she loves the job. Similar in my experience with hospitality, people are shit lol, from all walks of life but there are just as many great people that I've met.
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Jun 26, 2017Comments: 0 · Posts: 345 · Topics: 63
@phoenixstorm I dont bring up politics they do They try to get me to engage in it but I dont take the bait
I work at an oxygen supply company as liaison between company and pt which is a nightmare to say the least as far as verbal abuse goes. Been doing this job for 2 years and have tried to get other job but is not easy to find one.
Good news is apparently my supervisor wants to "talk" to me when she gets back in the office If she gives me a written warning Im givng her 3 week notice right then
Im fed up and emotionally drained from this job
Elderly Aquarians are great. So are older Black people.
The rest? Meh. The unsightly effects of aging are some people's bad justice TBH. Not all old people show physical signs of aging. A good diet and innocence can keep you eternally youthful.
Exposure to feces and poor hygiene causes graying and white hair, missing teeth and wrinkles. That's why there's such a negative stigma associated with the loss of hair pigmentation, teeth and skin elasticity. It's often caused by close contact with poop--not old age.
Ageism, by the way--OP has it.
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Mar 24, 2019Comments: 5032 · Posts: 10515 · Topics: 281
nah it's mostly people around my age i find punchable
and old people who try to act like people around my age
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Mar 24, 2006Comments: 163 · Posts: 6615 · Topics: 326
You are an old person to a teenager and probably are just as annoying!
You do realise you are whinging like what you say an old person does?