Do women go through a period in their lives where they garner a lot of male attention? Have you experienced or are currently experiencing it? I've noticed that I've been getting male attention more than normal. It's not just compliments but men trying to pursue a relationship. While this may seem like a wonderful thing to many, it isn't so much for a woman who is a bit of a loner and wants to just focus on college. I was wondering if there is a science-based reason for this seemingly sudden attention from males. Do women perhaps let off some sort of biological or chemical mating signal unawares? Knowledge is power and to better understand the motivation behind human actions and their triggers is to become better equipped to respond appropriately to either encourage or, in my case, curb specific behaviors.
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Oct 15, 2013Comments: 243 · Posts: 2393 · Topics: 16
LilyBlossom, Hello
Science can often explain alot things and maybe there is a way to see how the body is reacting to the male environment around you. I how ever don't know about that. I will go ahead and relate things to astrology mostly because this is an astrology board. Often people just think there is nothing to it but in reality the very first astrologers where looking at the seasons.
We are coming up on Spring. Which to the animal and plant world is time to get busy. This is why V day is where it is... Now real spring if you notice starts really kinda at the end of Pisces... be it that our world has a different tilt... Spring starts different times in relativity however over thousands of years humans like animals have come to be somewhat clock like.
I am not going to lie I feel a great pull myself and have asked a girl out. She said she was seeing someone. Understandable...
That being said in harder core astrology there are some really positive position of planets for love... Not just for some signs but quite a few. Aqua has Jupiter entering it on or around Feb. 15... This is a often when people meet a true love. As this planet is the planet of expansion... Could also bring kids as well or marriage to a current relationship. Being that you are in to sciences like a lot of air signs or heavy influences can be this could have something to do with it. Again maybe more then just your sun sign as you have to look at all the planets. Uranus the planet that rules Aqua... Is in Aries... So fire signs... which are often times the most forward of the Zodiac... I have notices though that Cancers, Scorpios, Gem, and a few other signs seem to be looking harder then normal too.
I am not telling you that you have to be in a relationship but I would keep an open mind. Someone that is right for you will not take your focus off of what you are doing. Some times when we ignore a section of our life it will keep coming at us... If you don't keep an open mind then you may miss something that I call a karamatic relationship... and yes you can miss these. We are given lesson to learn not when we plan them. I am an Aqua risings and Aries sun so I have been watching this action closely myself. As well as I seem to have a thing for Aqua's
I hope things work out for you... I did my best. Oh and you don't think this is science all I can say is Math is what science is founded on... you find patterns or things that have a consistent o
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Oct 15, 2013Comments: 243 · Posts: 2393 · Topics: 16
I hope things work out for you... I did my best. Oh and you don't think this is science all I can say is Math is what science is founded on... you find patterns or things that have a consistent out come. We are like the number pie... I consider it like the God number... as it does not have pattern and does not end. So to a point it can't be reasoned with like most normal interaction of atoms... Again this is why no matter how big or small science tries to makes things. Everything still moves... it is that energy that makes everything apart of God so to speak.
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Feb 11, 2010Comments: 252 · Posts: 38715 · Topics: 473
Yes, the period between birth and death.
We don't notice it at times but it's always there.
Libra friend perspective "You know why we build bridges, roads, developped societies, tried our hands at art etc?"
"Amaze me"
"To get women. It's the sole purpose and we try anything that works"
Take it with a grain of salt though.