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Apr 23, 2016Comments: 511 · Posts: 2341 · Topics: 198
I am bingewatching ytvideos with blacks knowing their rights. They get into heated arguments over laws they know better than the cops, they even know that there is such a thing as the drivers checklist. Damm, it would really ruin my day and long arguments would stress me if i am late for work. Is it really that bad?
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Jan 29, 2021Comments: 753 · Posts: 859 · Topics: 22
Our poor history with the cops date way back to their initial conception. They were created to stop run away slaves. It is pretty bad but when you have the history we have here just as recent as the 60s, it should be easy to see why the bad is magnified.
I've been racially profiled multiple times in my life. 3 times in one hour. And a black cop spearheaded that sadly. But Just recently my ass shoulda been locked up but I had a cop kinda sympathize with me and he let me go. But overall its bad but I don't know how bad. I live in the south. I see a lot of things honestly.
So tbh we never have and never will have an overall good relationship with the cops. Until uvalde most Texans that weren't black were "back the blue". Kinda makes me angry how they mock our movement while adding coals to our fire.
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Dec 17, 2013Comments: 372 · Posts: 6468 · Topics: 165
Knowing your rights doesn't make it better. In fact, it can make it worse. They (the police officer) can get you for "resisting arrest" or some other bullshit trumped up cause if you argue with them. Or use you arguing as a means to put hands (or worse) on you.
*Edited to add I am not Black. I just saw you were directing those towards Black Americans, not Americans in general.
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Apr 23, 2016Comments: 511 · Posts: 2341 · Topics: 198
Oh man it really angers me, it feels like a waste of time being in argument you cant get out of, because the other party has
the gun and the state behind them. I am watching this and the thought you cant tell them fuck off gives me anxiety. And I am just watching this in germany.
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Mar 06, 2022Comments: 10806 · Posts: 4077 · Topics: 49
Sadly, lot of that correlates to social/financial status. If a person is black and poor, it’s even worse. I lived in a state with not very many black people, but even I have seen it. Lot of discrimination and mistreatment. It probably stems from ignorance and fear.
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Jul 24, 2019Comments: 3378 · Posts: 7640 · Topics: 89
Yeah. I'm also good pals with a lot of law enforcement officers here. Remember, I was once in the force myself. So it would be a big laugh anyone here ever think about threatening to taking me to court like one user once did. Not a chance at winning Lolol just lol!
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Apr 23, 2016Comments: 511 · Posts: 2341 · Topics: 198
Maybe it also has structural causes. The training is just not long enough and subpar. Are the municipal pds doing the training as well? After 9/11 they got militarized. They should do the opposite and train them in deescalating conflicts. The fact that the states do their own thing rather than have nationwide standardisation is also not always good. That warriortraining does not make sense at all. They do need selfdefense maybe even more than they already got but warriortraining is not helpful.
Everything is just too aggressive. Might as well send them to the army and then into the streets.
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Jan 10, 2015Comments: 1862 · Posts: 16901 · Topics: 108
American police are the worst. I can't imagine why anyone would want to pick such a cowardly career path. There is no issue with abusing power and bullying law abiding citizens. Yet they are also too cowardly to actually protect children being murdered in the other room. It's pathetic and sad. Any decent minded cop in America should be ashamed if they chose to be apart of something so disgusting and do nothing to change it for the better. I will never be able to look at the police as heros. Nowadays they are just cowards. A gang of criminals who get paid to steal money from normal civilians, and maybe stop other criminals on the side. It's such a disgrace.