Posted by MrFirebirdI know a bloke in Lincolnshire who said basically the same thing, long ago.
Posted by WynterPosted by MrFirebirdI know a bloke in Lincolnshire who said basically the same thing, long to expand
Posted by MrFirebirdWho gives a shit what a useless and disbarred Chicago lawyer thinks?
A side note.
Obama had urged the UK to stay in the EU.
Posted by AnOdeToNoOnePosted by MrFirebirdWho gives a shit what a useless and disbarred Chicago lawyer thinks?
A side note.
Obama had urged the UK to stay in the EU.
The White House, Air Force One and Marine One will all have to be completely fumigated to get the stench of that communist POS cockroach off of to expand
Posted by DwellingOnMoveThe majority voted to get out of the EU.
My impression was not that they were "in" the EU. Like look at the currency.
Posted by Wynter
Damn, Mr.Bird
Arn't you glad you don't live in the UK?
Posted by MrFirebirdTruthPosted by Wynter
Damn, Mr.Bird
Arn't you glad you don't live in the UK?
I don't know, Wynter.
For all that's going on, here, in the US, and the rest of the world, it doesn't seem to matter.
What country you live in, is kinda like a like going to the ice cream store and having the guy
mix all the ice cream in their coolers into one batch.
I don't dare imagine what that would taste like.
That's what America tastes like and what the UK, Europe and the rest of the world is fast becoming.
One giant scoop of ice cream poop.
I DO think it's interesting to see what happens with the rest of the EU states and what Scotland ends
up doing.
At least it's interesting until I am ready to take a nap. Then.... I lose to expand
Posted by MrFirebirdThat guy really makes a good argument.
Point to ponder, the banks may decide to elevate interest rates on loans in response
to Brexit. In fact, the situation may be a boon for new businesses, but the banks may
win in the end.
More research would be advised.
Posted by Admiral
Honestly if only it were that simple but the world isn't fair and it never will fucking be. Most of these are dreams at the most. England left but it will pay for many generations because of it. I've still to see an argument that doesn't talk about sides.
Also I don't enjoy how you talk about democrats being human trash or filth just like I don't enjoy any kind of prejudice or discrimination. I see it as very chauvinistic and bigoted. You sound like hitler talking about the jews when you speak of democrats. I'll be blocking you.
Posted by AdmiralLOL, you pity me?Posted by MrFirebirdI pity you.Posted by Admiral
Honestly if only it were that simple but the world isn't fair and it never will fucking be. Most of these are dreams at the most. England left but it will pay for many generations because of it. I've still to see an argument that doesn't talk about sides.
Also I don't enjoy how you talk about democrats being human trash or filth just like I don't enjoy any kind of prejudice or discrimination. I see it as very chauvinistic and bigoted. You sound like hitler talking about the jews when you speak of democrats. I'll be blocking you.
I'll print this out, frame and add it to my collection.
Blocker #20020230842340234323433339992399293497321087566566234
I am quite proud of my wall of certificates. They go well with my hunting trophies.
I find them to be quite the conversation piece over hot coffee and a pinch of pipe tobacco.
Let's see... what do we tell our future guests about this guy???
I know...
This clown thought he was an Admiral refrigerator or something.
I think he should have bought a shotgun.
Go outside and fire two blast when someone threatens him.
That song makes me want to go sky hunting.
click to expand
Posted by WynterPosted by MrFirebirdThat guy really makes a good argument.
Point to ponder, the banks may decide to elevate interest rates on loans in response
to Brexit. In fact, the situation may be a boon for new businesses, but the banks may
win in the end.
More research would be to expand