
This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by MrFirebird on Friday, June 24, 2016 and has 36 replies.

I see similarities.
The United Kingdom's vote to leave the European Union is part of a tsunami of anti-establishment sentiment washing over a bitterly divided region.

The decision upended global markets, led to UK Prime Minister David Cameron's plans to resign and blew a cloud of uncertainty over Europe.

And the UK isn't alone. Anti-establishment leaders in France and other countries are already pushing similar referendums.

Here's a look at where anti-establishment resistance has shaken up power bases:

Read More, Here:

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Dutch anti-immigrant party chief urges 'Nexit' referendum for Netherlands
Sky News

24 June 2016


:: The Times

The vote to leave the European Union threatens the break-up of the UK.

:: The Daily Mirror

So what happens now?

:: Daily Mail

The day the quiet people of Britain rose up against an arrogant, out-of-touch political class.

:: The Guardian

Over. And Out - Europe tells the UK to leave now.

:: Financial Times

Britain has swept away 50 years of foreign policy in a move that has sunk its currency.

:: The Sun

A teary Prime Minister didn't want Brexit grief.

:: The Telegraph

Boris Johnson and Michael Gove are preparing a "dream team" to take control of the leadership of the Conservative Party.

:: i

Future of UK in doubt as referendum exposes deep divides.

:: Daily Express

World's most successful newspaper crusade ends in victory: We Are Out Of The EU.

:: Daily Star

Boris Johnson is favourite to become the next Prime Minister.

Posted by MrFirebird

I know a bloke in Lincolnshire who said basically the same thing, long ago.
Despite Russia’s Somber Facade, Glimpses of Joy Over E.U. Referendum

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President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia in Moscow this week. Officially, Moscow presented a sober facade. From other precincts, however, came eruptions of undisguised glee.®ion=Footer&module=MoreInSection&version=WhatsNext&contentID=WhatsNext&pgtype=article

Those were for Wynter.

You know, it's not hard to see why some people might like Putin.

Why Brexit Could Help Bring Back the British Auto Industry

We've still got British cars, but they don't have that old fashioned English flair. Here's how Brexit could fix that.

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Brexit is the best thing to have happened to the UK since the Allied victory over the Axis powers.

It's about time the UK started doing what is in the UK's best interests.
Posted by Wynter
Posted by MrFirebird

I know a bloke in Lincolnshire who said basically the same thing, long ago.
click to expand

I had a friend (now deceased 2012) from Norwich, who once said he considered himself to be an Anarchist.

I think he would have supported Britain leaving the EU.

He had moved to the US in 1957.

A side note.

Obama had urged the UK to stay in the EU.

Trump had urged the UK to leave the EU.

This morning, June 25, 2016, CNN had an article with an accompanying

video (See clip below) of Christianne Amanpour discussing Brexit, and it's motives, whether it was about

immigration or not. In the background stock footage, you would see ferry boats on the Thames

flying flags for or against Brexit. There were also activist made banners and signs aboard these

vessels. One sign said: "Let's put the GREAT back into BRITAIN. Vote OUT and BE GREAT AGAIN"

One cannot help but be reminded of Trump's "Make America Great, Again" slogan.

Seems to me, Mr. Trump possesses some resonating influence British political affairs, already.

Brexit: a precursor to what could happen in U.S.? (also the title of the specific clip)

To be certain, though, GB's departure from the EU, is akin to "striking out on their own", per se.

It remains to be seen how severe the markets tumble and for how long.

But one thing is clear: GB's historic retention of of it's currency, the British Pound Sterling, plus it's

departure from the EU, sends a message that it still values it's sovereignty. Something that Americans

could learn from. Particularly, the Right Wing Conservatives.

IF I were a politician, I would sponsor a bill that would promote legalizing secession so as to avoid

another US Civil War. Next, I would encourage those states, so willing, to band together on a national

referendum to secede from the US. These states would be those which are predominantly Conservative Republicans. I would also encourage those states, who so chooses and are granted secession,

to deport any and all liberal/socialist/marxist/communist democrats, so as to purge the poison that

IS the disgusting Democratic party.

The primary purpose of this is to separate one's self from a disease that yields nothing but angst

and displeasure, for all their hypocritical whining and complaining and attempts to tell others what

they cannot do, and that those others must be tolerant of their immoral indiscretions.

Those are my current thoughts, in rough draft. Subject to change for an even better idea...

Like deporting all those filthy liberals to Puerto Rico. or perhaps send them into exile to their

ancestral homelands. Don't like how things are done, here? LEAVE!

A house divided against itself, shall not stand.

The fact of the matter is, for the two bitterly diametrically opposed political parties,

the United States is surely divided against itself, and has been for the better part of

it's existence. The division is ever deeper and wider. I cannot help but expect a brutal

downfall, not unlike the Twin Towers on 9/11.

That's my European side, talkin.

My Native American side says "Everybody go home! Just go home!"

Posted by MrFirebird
A side note.

Obama had urged the UK to stay in the EU.
Who gives a shit what a useless and disbarred Chicago lawyer thinks?

The White House, Air Force One and Marine One will all have to be completely fumigated to get the stench of that communist POS cockroach off of them.
Posted by AnOdeToNoOne
Posted by MrFirebird
A side note.

Obama had urged the UK to stay in the EU.
Who gives a shit what a useless and disbarred Chicago lawyer thinks?

The White House, Air Force One and Marine One will all have to be completely fumigated to get the stench of that communist POS cockroach off of them.
click to expand

I take it that you don't like Oba Mahhh.

John B. Wells isn't that big a fan, either.

My impression was not that they were "in" the EU. Like look at the currency.
Posted by DwellingOnMove
My impression was not that they were "in" the EU. Like look at the currency.
The majority voted to get out of the EU.

The EU is something of a pseudo-United States.

The difference being nobody seems to know exactly who's running the show.

Some new rule comes up and it is law, whether the people want it or not.

Never mind if it is a good law for one nation-state, who cares if it's disastrous for another.

Britain was facing a lot of rules that was forcing them to do things they didn't want to do on top

of being forced to pay membership dues.

Seriously, I want to pay for someone to bash my head in.

Firebird, I just watched your video where the mohammeds were rioting over the fact that UK citizens were having a beer at the pub.

There is nothing wrong with that trash that some shotguns and rifles cannot fix.

I would have shot every last one of them in the nuts.

See, the thing is, human garbage (like the ones attacking UK citizens for having a beer) tends to listen to brute force very well because it's the only thing they understand and respect.

Take for example the rioters of 1968 in the USA.

Most of the useless trash that was rioting and destroying property did so because they didn't face weapons fire in the process.

Flash forward from those days to Kent State in May 1970.

Once the rioters found out that they will be met with weapon fire, they stopped rioting.

Yes, there were still protests well into 1970s era America....

....But riots? Nope, those stopped after the little bastards found out what rifle fire is.
I am not stupid.

Napoleon did the same thing to end the senselessly violent French Revolution.

Where do you think, "Give them a whiff of the grape" comes from?

Bottom line is, when human garbage are inflicting blunt force trauma in your head and neck areas, they are attempting to inflict life-threatening injuries.

......And when a person puts your life in danger, you can certainly choose to respond appropriately.

I have no doubt that you are angry at these people who have invaded the native culture

with assaults such as the pub. Many are. And rightly so, considering incidences

such as those, noted below.

England is just one nation where they are being invaded by "RADICAL" Islamic Jihadis.

The middle eastern immigrants do NOT belong in Europe. IF anything, the Caucasians

are learning a lesson of what it was like for the Native American Indians. It appears that

they are getting a taste of their own medicine.

Just remember, not ALL Muslims or people of Middle Eastern origin / descent are as you

described them.

Yes, there ARE a lot of bad people in the world. No mistake about it.

But I can tell you that I have come across some of the nicest people from those places,

Mexico and further south of the border. Some from Asia and some from Europe.

In fact, the sweetest person I've ever met online, happens to be from Iraq.

IF I am forced to make a judgement, however light or however severe, I prefer do so on

a righteous case by case basis.

The immigration problem that plagues Europe, is NOT unlike that which plagues the US.

There appears to be 3 primary motivations: 1) economics/better life 2) silent overthrow 3) all out invasion, destruction and eradication and ultimate overthrow of the native populace.

1 is self-explanatory and the honorable motivation

2 is the sort that describes people who engage political activities to overturn US government and thus

the people. They are backed by the Liberal Democratic Party. Whether they have legally entered the

US or not, they fall under the grey area of the contributing force behind America's problems.

3) is the type in which describes those immigrants who harbor hatred toward the US and it's citizen and would devise any means to destroy the native population. Whether through Sharia law, terrorist attacks

of all shapes and sizes.

That Oba Mahh and Hillary Clinton and their Social/Liberal cronies would approve of all this, by turning a blind eye, and not calling it out for it is, is telling.

War is in the wind.

I can smell it like I can smell rain on the wind.

That's why they want to take the guns away. So they can dominate everyone.

A righteous man with a gun and the fear of Almighty God, is a force to be reckoned with.

Notice I said God, NOT "Allah".

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European Migrant Crisis

Refugees Of The Syrian Civil War

Tampa, FL Syrian Refugees

Thought to ponder:

The Syrian Refugee had fled his/her native Syria, due to the civil war, there.

Regardless of host nation, many are not necessarily there because they want to be there,

but due to the hardships consequential of a civil war, in which they chose not to engage in.

A similar observation can be seen with the refugees from Somalia in the US.

In 1999, the United States classified the Bantu refugees from Somalia as a priority and the United States Department of State first began what has been described as the most ambitious resettlement plan ever from Africa, with thousands of Bantus scheduled for resettlement in America.[27] In 2003, the first Bantu immigrants began to arrive in U.S. cities, and by 2007, around 13,000 had been resettled to cities throughout the United States with the help of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the U.S. State Department, and refugee resettlement agencies across the country.[27]

In both cases, a Liberal Democratic US president occupied the White House.

Then there are refugees from Mali

I don't particularly have a problem with refugees, however, I think that considering their

circumstances, it is unwise to just turn them loose into a society that is foreign to them.

Considering that in the US, there are still "Indian Reservations" (a nice term for human zoos and tourist attractions),

I am surprised the US had not thought of refugee communities, in the which people of a common homeland are concentrated and governed a well regulated refugee board.

Same concept should be done in Europe, but neither the US nor EU have apparently

given thought to this. As a result, US national security and that of the EU's member states

are compromised.

What happens next should be predictable: A house full of division.

Indeed, racial, religious and national and political diversity are contributing factors of

division. Thus.... a house divided against itself, shall not stand. A house of division is

a house of chaos. It shouldn't be any wonder why the US is constantly at odds with itself.

For all it's divisions, how can it not be?

For the desire of a tower, to attain greatness in great height, they were made confused.

For none could understand another, for their tongues were confused and their thoughts

and opinions opposed to one another.

User Submitted Image

Damn, Mr.Bird smile

Arn't you glad you don't live in the UK?

Point to ponder, the banks may decide to elevate interest rates on loans in response

to Brexit. In fact, the situation may be a boon for new businesses, but the banks may

win in the end.

More research would be advised.

Posted by Wynter
Damn, Mr.Bird smile

Arn't you glad you don't live in the UK?

I don't know, Wynter.

For all that's going on, here, in the US, and the rest of the world, it doesn't seem to matter.

What country you live in, is kinda like a like going to the ice cream store and having the guy

mix all the ice cream in their coolers into one batch.

I don't dare imagine what that would taste like.

That's what America tastes like and what the UK, Europe and the rest of the world is fast becoming.

One giant scoop of ice cream poop.

I DO think it's interesting to see what happens with the rest of the EU states and what Scotland ends

up doing.

At least it's interesting until I am ready to take a nap. Then.... I lose interest.

Posted by MrFirebird
Posted by Wynter
Damn, Mr.Bird smile

Arn't you glad you don't live in the UK?

I don't know, Wynter.

For all that's going on, here, in the US, and the rest of the world, it doesn't seem to matter.

What country you live in, is kinda like a like going to the ice cream store and having the guy

mix all the ice cream in their coolers into one batch.

I don't dare imagine what that would taste like.

That's what America tastes like and what the UK, Europe and the rest of the world is fast becoming.

One giant scoop of ice cream poop.

I DO think it's interesting to see what happens with the rest of the EU states and what Scotland ends

up doing.

At least it's interesting until I am ready to take a nap. Then.... I lose interest.

click to expand

And yes, it will be interesting to see the break-up of the UK.
Posted by MrFirebird

Point to ponder, the banks may decide to elevate interest rates on loans in response

to Brexit. In fact, the situation may be a boon for new businesses, but the banks may

win in the end.

More research would be advised.

That guy really makes a good argument.
Posted by Admiral
Honestly if only it were that simple but the world isn't fair and it never will fucking be. Most of these are dreams at the most. England left but it will pay for many generations because of it. I've still to see an argument that doesn't talk about sides.

Also I don't enjoy how you talk about democrats being human trash or filth just like I don't enjoy any kind of prejudice or discrimination. I see it as very chauvinistic and bigoted. You sound like hitler talking about the jews when you speak of democrats. I'll be blocking you.

I'll print this out, frame and add it to my collection.

Blocker #20020230842340234323433339992399293497321087566566234

I am quite proud of my wall of certificates. They go well with my hunting trophies.

I find them to be quite the conversation piece over hot coffee and a pinch of pipe tobacco.

Let's see... what do we tell our future guests about this guy???

I know...

This clown thought he was an Admiral refrigerator or something.

I think he should have bought a shotgun.

Go outside and fire two blast when someone threatens him.

That song makes me want to go sky hunting.

Interesting that this article showed up in the Guardian, roughly a week before the vote:
And here (from 2013):

Love this comment: "David Cameron has pledged to hold talks to get some powers back from Brussels and to reduce the burden of red tape on business, ahead of a 2017 referendum on membership of the EU."

Apparently that didn't work out too well.
Posted by Admiral
Posted by MrFirebird
Posted by Admiral
Honestly if only it were that simple but the world isn't fair and it never will fucking be. Most of these are dreams at the most. England left but it will pay for many generations because of it. I've still to see an argument that doesn't talk about sides.

Also I don't enjoy how you talk about democrats being human trash or filth just like I don't enjoy any kind of prejudice or discrimination. I see it as very chauvinistic and bigoted. You sound like hitler talking about the jews when you speak of democrats. I'll be blocking you.

I'll print this out, frame and add it to my collection.

Blocker #20020230842340234323433339992399293497321087566566234

I am quite proud of my wall of certificates. They go well with my hunting trophies.

I find them to be quite the conversation piece over hot coffee and a pinch of pipe tobacco.

Let's see... what do we tell our future guests about this guy???

I know...

This clown thought he was an Admiral refrigerator or something.

I think he should have bought a shotgun.

Go outside and fire two blast when someone threatens him.

That song makes me want to go sky hunting.

I pity you.
click to expand
LOL, you pity me?

You said you were going to block me.

But here you are..... oops...

Now, what have I to think of you? A liar?

Someone who cannot think for themselves?

Someone who, for lack of forming an intelligent opinion

finds themselves in need to parrot others who

cannot think for themselves?

Someone who cannot make up their minds?

Someone who cannot keep their word?

Someone who doesn't know how to block?

Or perhaps someone who, in their twisted masochism,

desires a good clubbing?

What's it going to be?

That's what I thought.

Refugees and migrants becoming aggressive in lands not their own.

Posted by Wynter
Posted by MrFirebird

Point to ponder, the banks may decide to elevate interest rates on loans in response

to Brexit. In fact, the situation may be a boon for new businesses, but the banks may

win in the end.

More research would be advised.

That guy really makes a good argument.
click to expand

I DO search for intelligent commentaries. I also search for statistical data to back

up those commentaries, as well as examples of abuses.

My native side is very keen on the business of land invasion and peculiar methods

means to overthrow nations.

I am pretty certain that the EU and the US and elsewhere, willingly let anybody and everybody

inside their borders is akin to a plot to overthrow the established systems. It's like countries

are committing national suicides. - think about it.... ship all your manufacturing overseas.

dumb down the students in school, promote diversity everywhere, regardless how severe

those differences are and what their implications are, promote the idea of disarming the citizenry.

And do nothing when the facts are in your face, with regard to the rising aggression of refugees

and migrants in whom, the gracious host's best interests are not considered.

It's like going back to a global Tower of Babel. And the consequence appears to be

that those natives of each nation, are being sacked. When governments topple and there

are no means to instigate order, the toppled not only falls, but it's people. And thereafter,

bitter struggles against new tyranny.

Somewhere in the back of my mind, I see these extremists cultivating an effective variation of

ISIS on US soil. The likes of which, traditional US militia and nationalists could only dream of.

These American "ISIS" as it may be called, would surely be benefactors of an unarmed US citizenry.

Seeing that the Democrats pine away at restricting and banning weapons that would give those

Americans a fighting chance in that day, still to come, one cannot help who's side the Democratic

party is truly on.

When a nation such as those in Europe had joined the EU, they, in a sense, had given up

their national identities. Seeing that the likes of ISIS would destroy national treasures, I wouldn't

put it past the extreme among refugees and migrants to destroy national treasures in European

countries as well. Indeed, when a young society doesn't care about their own heritage, it's not going to bother them to watch their very existence erode and disappear, let alone, ancient and historical

landmarks, structures and works of art.

It's a tragedy that is presently continually unfolding. The only way to protect what they have left

is to expel those refugees and migrants go to war with them and kill every last one.

All of that disruption, has put the economies in peril.