Can you just get married?

This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by capgirl69 on Tuesday, May 21, 2013 and has 26 replies.
Just curious. I don't think I have ever heard of anyone doing this.
Did you or anyone you know ever just get married without being engaged first?
Is that allowed?
Sure, I know many people who did not get engaged first. I don't believe it's a law smile
Where is this coming from Nancy?? Did the Scorp suggest such? Are you guys headed to Vegas anytime soon?? I hear Elvis is available to do the honors... smile
I just want to know.
We were talking about it.
I told him we have to get engaged first and he said, "Why?"
I did not know. I never heard of anyone doing that. lol. I said, "You just have to!"

And I would LOVE to go to Vegas! That is my dream wedding!
Posted by capgirl69
I just want to know.
We were talking about it.
I told him we have to get engaged first and he said, "Why?"
I did not know. I never heard of anyone doing that. lol. I said, "You just have to!"

You could have a little engagement party with close family... nothing too extravagant.
It can't hurt to have an engagement... you two did JUST move in together. I think living with someone to REALLY get to know them is a good idea. In a year it may be just too much to handle that he will never, ever pick up his stinky ass socks or regularly has skid marks in his underwear Tongue
Posted by lildol
It can't hurt to have an engagement... you two did JUST move in together. I think living with someone to REALLY get to know them is a good idea. In a year it may be just too much to handle that he will never, ever pick up his stinky ass socks or regularly has skid marks in his underwear Tongue

lol. I'm not saying we are going to do it, I just wanted to know if it was allowed.
Posted by aquapiscescusp
Posted by capgirl69
I just want to know.
We were talking about it.
I told him we have to get engaged first and he said, "Why?"
I did not know. I never heard of anyone doing that. lol. I said, "You just have to!"

You could have a little engagement party with close family... nothing too extravagant.
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Yeah, like all of DXP... nothing TOO extravagant Big Grin
Posted by lildol
Posted by aquapiscescusp
Posted by capgirl69
I just want to know.
We were talking about it.
I told him we have to get engaged first and he said, "Why?"
I did not know. I never heard of anyone doing that. lol. I said, "You just have to!"

You could have a little engagement party with close family... nothing too extravagant.

Yeah, like all of DXP... nothing TOO extravagant Big Grin
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yeah, we could all help in the planning too smile
c'mon this place needs a good party....
We are going to have a circus themed wedding. Under a big top! He is crazy excited about it. lol.
OH, then def DXP should host LOL
Posted by lildol
OH, then def DXP should host LOL

Posted by Poisson
My Piscean romanticism is screaming DO IT!!! ELOPE!!! ??? ??? ???
Or do a guerilla style wedding. Invite your closest and dearest family and friends for a "lovely semi-formal luncheon" and show up in a white dress with a priest/pastor/justice of the piece.

Seriously, we are having a big top, a popcorn bar, cotton candy, fried chicken and corn dogs. and a photo booth with props. A red and white striped cake. lol. Or at least that is what was discussed.
He was like, "When can we do this?"
I said, "when we get engaged we can plan it."

But that's a great idea- we can invite people to our circus party and just get married. lol.
You're brave to wanna marry again lol. Congratulations & may you have a happy long future together.
Oh & yum @ fried chicken.
Posted by tiziani
Yeah my parents got married on a beach, no witnesses. The ink had barely dried off his divorce to his first wife too! Good times.

Le tiz, you absolutely must tell me their signs. My curiosity is getting the better of me!
Posted by WaterCup
You're brave to wanna marry again lol. Congratulations & may you have a happy long future together.

Thanks, congrats is a bit premature but if and when it becomes a reality, I'll be telling everyone!
Lets guess? Aquarius and Aries?
Posted by tiziani
Posted by TheLadyScorpio
Posted by tiziani
Yeah my parents got married on a beach, no witnesses. The ink had barely dried off his divorce to his first wife too! Good times.

Le tiz, you absolutely must tell me their signs. My curiosity is getting the better of me!

Match made in Venus smile
My father was born on the same day as me and my mother is a Taurus.
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How cool is that, the very same birth date by month and day?
Please tell me your Libran father had as much of a Gemini influence as you do, because of all the Libran men that I know who has similar weight in that sign, were the most spontaneous if not romantic individuals alive, be it for the better good or not...
Good times indeed, personally a 'giggle' unleashed itself upon imaging 'said' predicament but then again that would be my own experience marring the image on a whole, my understanding of certain 'flavours'...without sounding discriminatory hopefully, since that is hardly my intention.
Ay, interesting Big Grin
so, who's paying for the wedding?
Posted by tiziani
Indeed, same day. Same career in media (albeit his achievements obviously far outweigh mine).
Truth be told he had no option be to be spontaneous, since he treated most of his life as an adventure and would often come home making a save at the last minute for being away for so long on the road.
He pulled out a lot more stop in the marriage, but it probably wouldn't have gotten off the ground had he not saved his most dramatic move for winning over my mother in the buildup. It's a story about him messing it up, her moving back from London to Trinidad and him pursuing her on a boat by joining a shipping crew to make his way over. The boat actually sank during the trip, so he literally risked his life to propose to her.
I don't actually think any other type of proposition would have sealed the deal, if you'd known how badly he'd messed it up the first time he had the chance. You know how stubborn Taurus can be.

With that story being told, you are his son through and through, there is no doubt about that.
Although I wonder if those Virgo parts within your machinery, may be the very things that may stop you, or rather hinder you from achieving such spontaneity. Your mother must have been an exceptional Taurus to accept such a save after such a fall, it begs the question, whom yearns for security more? The Crab or the Bull?
Now in what or rather which way should you be following in his footsteps? That is quite the question to ponder.
Posted by tiziani
Posted by TheLadyScorpio
Posted by tiziani
Indeed, same day. Same career in media (albeit his achievements obviously far outweigh mine).
Truth be told he had no option be to be spontaneous, since he treated most of his life as an adventure and would often come home making a save at the last minute for being away for so long on the road.
He pulled out a lot more stop in the marriage, but it probably wouldn't have gotten off the ground had he not saved his most dramatic move for winning over my mother in the buildup. It's a story about him messing it up, her moving back from London to Trinidad and him pursuing her on a boat by joining a shipping crew to make his way over. The boat actually sank during the trip, so he literally risked his life to propose to her.
I don't actually think any other type of proposition would have sealed the deal, if you'd known how badly he'd messed it up the first time he had the chance. You know how stubborn Taurus can be.

With that story being told, you are his son through and through, there is no doubt about that.
Although I wonder if those Virgo parts within your machinery, may be the very things that may stop you, or rather hinder you from achieving such spontaneity. Your mother must have been an exceptional Taurus to accept such a save after such a fall, it begs the question, whom yearns for security more? The Crab or the Bull?
Now in what or rather which way should you be following in his footsteps? That is quite the question to ponder.

A question I've asked myself many times, and others have even wrestled to give me the answer. However earlier this year I accepted that he was always a young man, never meant for growing old. And I'm what's left of his memory. The only way he would ever grow old is if I kept living the way I was living before, and that thought was motivation enough for me to change up my thinking, since it's on me honour to him and myself.
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For some reason, as enlightening as it sounds, it also gives a sense of burden to you (or so it seems). Almost not knowing where you end and where he starts, have you figured out this distinction between the both of you. From the likes of what you had shared there, you seem to view yours
...view yourself as an extension off of what he is without seeing yourself enough as a separate entity as a whole, to evolve from. Now, I may be wrong or I may not but though to throw that out there anyways.