Last Night, I had the strangest vision I have ever had. The following was the only way I could interpret what was going on in my head. My problem is that I can?t figure out what it all means, it is filled with metaphors I KNOW have a specific meaning, but
Last Night, I had the strangest vision I have ever had. The following was the only way I could interpret what was going on in my head. My problem is that I can?t figure out what it all means, it is filled with metaphors I KNOW have a specific meaning, but
The Myth:
Scorpios, so some people would have us believe, are less than delightful folk. They stand accused of being secretive and suspicious with a tendency to nurse grudges. Scorpios are also supposedly full of anti-social habits inc
Has anyone here never met his or her Mother/Dad since birth?
Have you ever wanted to meet them & if you did meet what was it like?
Has anyone here never met his or her Mother/Dad since birth?
Have you ever wanted to meet them & if you did meet what was it like?
You know you like Guns N' Roses!! COME ON SPREAD THE LOVE!! lol. and definently led zeppelin also..
As it says on the topic.. if anyone wants to get a good book for compatibility and horoscopes.. get Linda Goodman's Love Signs. thick lookin book with a maroon color. It has a really good and very descriptive explanation on all of the signs and pairings..
I'm a scorpio and my girlfriend is virgo and when it comes to sex neither of us will deny that the sex is incredible. But i always have to intiate the sex and i was wondering is there anyway to turn my girlfriends sexual clark kent attitude into a super m
What are the chances of a leo female winning when playing mind games with a scopr male...??? I am sure there are gonna be lots of "lol" because leos are not supposed to be that good at that but seriously you think the scorp will be always one step f
Mum - AQUA
Dad - LEO
Mum - You never listen to my opinion
Dad - You never listen to my opinion
Grrrr Arrrrgggg