Child sexual abuse and the adults that protect the abuser

This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by mzmee on Friday, July 28, 2017 and has 29 replies.
Watching 3 scenarios play out currently.

1. Mom almost acts like it didn't exist. She doesn't think her guy friend is capable. I'm gonna cut her off. I don't want to because there's only me plus a mutual friend that advocates for the baby. She's 6.

2. Little girl that's 12. Kind of slipped up and told that the family friend has been touching her inappropriately. Everyone in the family says she's a compulsive liar and to not believe her. They don't see the signs tho and it's crazy.

3. Third, little girl that's 4. FOUR. Exhibits all the signs. Someone brought it to moms attention and didn't understand that the way the little girl acted when we all talked about our important parts and how no one is supposed to touch them. Baby girl bawled.

I let out a huge cry for these babies. Wanna keep typing but tears are welling up in my eyes.
We anonymously reported. These are cases that are in progress as we speak. It amazes me how adults refuse to protect the children because they feel this charming guy would never stoop so low. First mom, we didn't tell her we reported but she calls daily in shock. Her boyfriend has been ordered out of the home and she's sooooooo heartbroken. Makes me sick to my stomach.
Eventually I'll reveal that I reported. I got a lot of flack for not minding my business but it is what it is. Said friend turned around and reported too.
Call the police or something so they can take those girls to the doctor. They will know if they've been sexually abused or not.
Posted by PVJamz
Posted by mzmee
Eventually I'll reveal that I reported. I got a lot of flack for not minding my business but it is what it is. Said friend turned around and reported too.
Why do you feel you need to reveal you reported? Honestly, them not knowing, and you being kept in the loop, may be the best thing for that child. Minding your own business gets kids hurt.
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After this all blows over I'll tell them. I'm gonna stay close and won't blow that. Not even. That's why I said something. I'd be a piece of shit if I sat back and watched all this go down and not say a word. I'm gonna be here for all of them.

Close family member had this happen. Fucked her entire head up. That's not something you can just wake up and get over.

Disgusting woman

Don't bring strange men into the presence of your children

As for women that put the need to be with a guy over the care of their children, they are scum
Posted by mzmee
Eventually I'll reveal that I reported. I got a lot of flack for not minding my business but it is what it is. Said friend turned around and reported too. did you get 3 cases like that?

People who sexually abuse children are the scum of the earth. They don't deserve jail. They deserve one bullet between the eyes.
Posted by Deedee86
People who sexually abuse children are the scum of the earth. They don't deserve jail. They deserve one bullet between the eyes.
Prison is a waste of tax payers money.........hand me the gun
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by Deedee86
People who sexually abuse children are the scum of the earth. They don't deserve jail. They deserve one bullet between the eyes.
Prison is a waste of tax payers money.........hand me the gun
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Exactly. $ 40,000 yearly to house in prison or 20 cents for a bullet. I say we hold public executions like they did in the 1800's. Sell tickets and use that money for child welfare charities.

Posted by Deedee86
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by Deedee86
People who sexually abuse children are the scum of the earth. They don't deserve jail. They deserve one bullet between the eyes.
Prison is a waste of tax payers money.........hand me the gun

Exactly. $ 40,000 yearly to house in prison or 20 cents for a bullet. I say we hold public executions like they did in the 1800's. Sell tickets and use that money for child welfare charities.

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Yes D

I would enjoy watching the *holy* men of the Catholic Church take their penance in return for all the damage and abuse they did over the years to all those poor little boys and girls Sad


Posted by halalbae
abuse haunts the victims, because they are shamed and the abuser usually is protected from the system

they will feel abandoned by their abuser, parents and the system. so besides reporting the abuse, making sure the victims have emotional support, is important
One thing I can't understand is why do they let outnof jail? And then they must have that sign on their houses...

Like really??? It's so comforting to KNOW that child molested lives next door, right?
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by Deedee86
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by Deedee86
People who sexually abuse children are the scum of the earth. They don't deserve jail. They deserve one bullet between the eyes.
Prison is a waste of tax payers money.........hand me the gun

Exactly. $ 40,000 yearly to house in prison or 20 cents for a bullet. I say we hold public executions like they did in the 1800's. Sell tickets and use that money for child welfare charities.

Yes D

I would enjoy watching the *holy* men of the Catholic Church take their penance in return for all the damage and abuse they did over the years to all those poor little boys and girls Sad


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Wolves in sheeps clothing.

They are the worst.

Posted by Deedee86
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by Deedee86
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by Deedee86
People who sexually abuse children are the scum of the earth. They don't deserve jail. They deserve one bullet between the eyes.
Prison is a waste of tax payers money.........hand me the gun

Exactly. $ 40,000 yearly to house in prison or 20 cents for a bullet. I say we hold public executions like they did in the 1800's. Sell tickets and use that money for child welfare charities.

Yes D

I would enjoy watching the *holy* men of the Catholic Church take their penance in return for all the damage and abuse they did over the years to all those poor little boys and girls Sad



Wolves in sheeps clothing.

They are the worst.

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Yes, vile

And I have spoken to people who were abused by nuns and priests and their mothers knew but did nothing about it

How fucking sick is that ?
Posted by Deedee86
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by Deedee86
People who sexually abuse children are the scum of the earth. They don't deserve jail. They deserve one bullet between the eyes.
Prison is a waste of tax payers money.........hand me the gun

Exactly. $ 40,000 yearly to house in prison or 20 cents for a bullet. I say we hold public executions like they did in the 1800's. Sell tickets and use that money for child welfare charities.

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The process to get to that 20c bullet is pricey though. Pricier than a lifetime in prison.

Plus if we eliminate the prisoner population who is gonna make our walmart products for dirt cheap?
Posted by LuckyLibra979
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by Deedee86
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by Deedee86
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by Deedee86
People who sexually abuse children are the scum of the earth. They don't deserve jail. They deserve one bullet between the eyes.
Prison is a waste of tax payers money.........hand me the gun

Exactly. $ 40,000 yearly to house in prison or 20 cents for a bullet. I say we hold public executions like they did in the 1800's. Sell tickets and use that money for child welfare charities.

Yes D

I would enjoy watching the *holy* men of the Catholic Church take their penance in return for all the damage and abuse they did over the years to all those poor little boys and girls Sad



Wolves in sheeps clothing.

They are the worst.

Yes, vile

And I have spoken to people who were abused by nuns and priests and their mothers knew but did nothing about it

How fucking sick is that ?
No bullshit I know someone who was repeatedly raped for years by her father while her mother turned a blind eye and wouldn't accept the fact. Almost 40 years later and that woman still has mental breakdowns.

Now that's fucking sick. I hate mfs that docthis and I swear I would lose my mind if this happened to my son or my siblings kids. I swear man...
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Shame on that woman, how could she just allow her child to be treated that way Sad. The scumbag should not have been allowed to become a mother

Like you, i would lose my head and serve time for it......
6 year old went to the dr ordered by children family services. Her hymen was broken.

All you hear from the mamma is he didn't seem like the type. Well he is hoe, fuck him, get off my line and comfort your baby.

I'm heart broken
Posted by Impulsv
What s mre disgusting is calling the 12 year girl a little liar by these adults

According to them, she's fast and a compulsive liar.

I asked one time like did you ever wonder why tho? Did you eeeeevvveeerrr sit down and think real hard about why this could be? A child exhibiting suttle sexual behavior. Everyone had a damn excuse.

I hate fucking humans man
I just need to lay down. This has taken a lot of me.
Posted by mzmee
Watching 3 scenarios play out currently.

1. Mom almost acts like it didn't exist. She doesn't think her guy friend is capable. I'm gonna cut her off. I don't want to because there's only me plus a mutual friend that advocates for the baby. She's 6.

2. Little girl that's 12. Kind of slipped up and told that the family friend has been touching her inappropriately. Everyone in the family says she's a compulsive liar and to not believe her. They don't see the signs tho and it's crazy.

3. Third, little girl that's 4. FOUR. Exhibits all the signs. Someone brought it to moms attention and didn't understand that the way the little girl acted when we all talked about our important parts and how no one is supposed to touch them. Baby girl bawled.

I let out a huge cry for these babies. Wanna keep typing but tears are welling up in my eyes.
Call CPS asap.
Posted by Impulsv
Angry so sad

Why I belive women with small children should not date

Until they are grown

Anyman that comes in the child's life can hurt them while u completely trust them.

So so sad
Amen to that lady

Why women are so desperate to get a man when they have the most important job in the world to do totally baffles me.

Selfish and stupid and obviously dangerous for some children
Posted by mzmee
6 year old went to the dr ordered by children family services. Her hymen was broken.

All you hear from the mamma is he didn't seem like the type. Well he is hoe, fuck him, get off my line and comfort your baby.

I'm heart broken
Oh God Sad how very sad......poor little girl

I would have to punch that woman into next weekend.....*didn't seem the type*....what is that supposed to mean?

I have friends that bring men back to the house when their children are just isn't right for the kids. Being a mother is about putting yourself last, not first

What a fucking messed up Society we live in

Posted by mzmee
I just need to lay down. This has taken a lot of me.
Posted by Impulsv
there is no type

No guarantee

Always a risk even though u think he's a great guy

But anyways that is what I'd do
Also, when a woman starts to date a new guy she often gets so caught up in him, the kids get put on the back burner. I've seen that happen a few times....uuughhh
Wow. These poor children... this is very transparent, but I know how they feel. I mean, I was never raped, but I was constantly molested by a family member of mine when I was about 7. I remember clearly telling my mom, and she just looked at me, and ignored it. Never did anything about it because we'd still go and visit this person after I told her. People wonder why I don't like my mother, and that is the main reason why. How could you not believe your child, and just either act like they're crazy, or just ignore the issue? I don't understand it. Please report them.
I'll try my best to respond to everyone and actively participate in the convo but it's too much going on. I come here to vent to you guys when I can get a breather.

Dcfs interviewed the 12 year old. She's being scheduled for an ordered dr visit Monday. I wasn't there when they came to my family house but a close cousin was. Every answer 12 year old gave, family rolls their eyes and huffs and puffs. This is my fathers side so we were never really that cool because they didn't like my mom. This makes me hate them even more tho.
Posted by Scorpio123
Thing is, it doesn't even have to be a man you're dating, it could literally be ANYONE. Family members, other kids, or even a friendly lady neighbor.
That's the thing, it's never a stranger. It's always someone who has regular unsupervised access because of the level of trust established or a perception of a level of trust.

Posted by m200991
Posted by mzmee
Eventually I'll reveal that I reported. I got a lot of flack for not minding my business but it is what it is. Said friend turned around and reported too.
You can always look into becoming a Mandated Reporter, and if you were subjected to it in some way... at that time it became your business, so you did the right thing. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
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It's pretty easy to do in my state too. I'll definitely do that. Thanks.

Posted by CaramelizedCoffee
These three are all in the family?
1 is a close friend, 1 is family on my dads side, 1 is a friend of a friend.