Posted by Prince_Pisces
I don't know about weird, but I remember pm'ing scorched telling her TOC was talking shit about her, just to try and start a fight LOL!
Posted by Prince_PiscesPosted by ScorpSuperior
What is the strangest thing you've done within the realm of dxp? Something that would make others raise an eyebrow or say, "what the hell, wierdo!".
I'll go first.
For me, it was during the time when we made that vocaroo (or whatever it's called) thread. I took a particular liking to the sound of EEE's voice, and proceeded to replay the recording several times over. 5 or 6 maybe. Don't judge me.
omg I will never forget when you told Dazed he sounded like Peg to expand
Posted by xygeneration
I think eee's vocaroo was played many times.
Posted by chopstickcharmerPosted by ScorpSuperior
What is the strangest thing you've done within the realm of dxp? Something that would make others raise an eyebrow or say, "what the hell, wierdo!".
I'll go first.
For me, it was during the time when we made that vocaroo (or whatever it's called) thread. I took a particular liking to the sound of EEE's voice, and proceeded to replay the recording several times over. 5 or 6 maybe. Don't judge me.
pretty much the same for me lulz!click to expand
Posted by everevolvingepithet
I don't mind if you do, ScorpSuperior, help yourself.
< width="200% " height="900" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" =" 3A users 34867210">
The user who posted this message has hidden it.
Posted by Prince_Pisces
Am I the only one who cant understand what EEE's saying? I feel like if I talked to him in real life, id be doing a lot of nodding, and one word answers LOL!
Posted by Prince_PiscesPosted by everevolvingepithet
PP- I get the impression you do that with most people anyways.
click to expand
Posted by everevolvingepithetPosted by Prince_PiscesPosted by everevolvingepithet
PP- I get the impression you do that with most people anyways.
click to expand
Posted by MzSag1201Posted by ScorpSuperior
Posted by MzSag:
The user who posted this message has hidden it.
Yours was cute creepy... mine was creepy creepy.
click to expand
Posted by robyn808
I'm a data hoarder. And I have lots of astro info about you people stored away. anytime we play a game or someone puts a questionnaire out, I collate and reformat those responses, in an attempt to find patterns. So far the only significant breakthroughs has been in my own astro education.
I doubt that's a surprise. but if it didn't sound so creepy I'd have a whole database filled up with your charts, and signification information you've posted. I haven't gone that far, I'm still working on a good incentive to get the majorities willing participation. But one day, I will figure out how to control you all, and rule the world! bahwhaahah!
Posted by PoissonPosted by everevolvingepithetPosted by Poisson
You have a good voice for those Science shows.
Like David Attenbrough or Terry Nutkins!
I need you narrate my day-to-day going ons. Maybe it'll make my life more interesting. Like a Nile crocodile stalking a gazelle... except I'd be dropping a deuce after some Mexican to expand
Posted by MzSag1201
I may or may not have saved pictures a few years ago of a certain DXP member to use against them as blackmail (not that they would've cared anyways...) and then never deleted them...
Posted by cunninglinguist
....I may have jacked off to a few chick's pics on here.
Posted by cunninglinguist
....I may have jacked off to a few chick's pics on here.
Posted by PotHeadVirgo24
Robyn sound like the F.E.D.S.
Posted by Wynter
LOL! I dunno...I've been called creepy. Does that count?
Posted by ScorpSuperiorPosted by Wynter
LOL! I dunno...I've been called creepy. Does that count?
It only counts if you consider it creepy too, whatever that action may have to expand
Posted by PurrrrrHisssssPosted by ScorpSuperior
For example:
I think it's pretty strange when two users who don't seem to interact that often, get into a "dispute" of sorts, and one one starts throwing insults based on info they could have only gathered by stalking the other's posting history.
Like, did you really spend ample amounts of time search through the person's profile and years-long posting history for specific information? And archived it?
LOL, that sounds like me. When I get into a heated fight with someone and it gets to the point where we're exhanging low blows, I just instantly remember fucked up things they've posted that I've read. Some of the things people post are pretty memorable. A lot of the air moon people fight like that. No stalking to expand
Posted by ScorpSuperiorPosted by PurrrrrHisssssPosted by ScorpSuperior
For example:
I think it's pretty strange when two users who don't seem to interact that often, get into a "dispute" of sorts, and one one starts throwing insults based on info they could have only gathered by stalking the other's posting history.
Like, did you really spend ample amounts of time search through the person's profile and years-long posting history for specific information? And archived it?
LOL, that sounds like me. When I get into a heated fight with someone and it gets to the point where we're exhanging low blows, I just instantly remember fucked up things they've posted that I've read. Some of the things people post are pretty memorable. A lot of the air moon people fight like that. No stalking necessary.
Purr, maybe not you, but I swear some people go to great lengths to dig up dirt and use it as ammo. Especially if one of the users has been here a lot longer than the other, and the newer one seems to have the other's whole bio filed away, lol. Idk, I just feel like some ppl def to expand
Posted by brianafay
I don't really consider this creepy...since it sort of landed in my lap...but a certain psycho on here messaged and tried to add my bf on fb...although they didn't use their "real" name it was very close (shortened nickname) and considering I have geeky friends I now know all of their personal information including their real name, where they live and work, etc.
Luckily, that turd finally went down
Posted by james tate
Posted by robyn808
I'm a data hoarder. And I have lots of astro info about you people stored away. anytime we play a game or someone puts a questionnaire out, I collate and reformat those responses, in an attempt to find patterns. So far the only significant breakthroughs has been in my own astro education.
I doubt that's a surprise. but if it didn't sound so creepy I'd have a whole database filled up with your charts, and signification information you've posted. I haven't gone that far, I'm still working on a good incentive to get the majorities willing participation. But one day, I will figure out how to control you all, and rule the world! bahwhaahah!
Posted by aquasnozPosted by robyn808
I'm a data hoarder. And I have lots of astro info about you people stored away. anytime we play a game or someone puts a questionnaire out, I collate and reformat those responses, in an attempt to find patterns. So far the only significant breakthroughs has been in my own astro education.
I doubt that's a surprise. but if it didn't sound so creepy I'd have a whole database filled up with your charts, and signification information you've posted. I haven't gone that far, I'm still working on a good incentive to get the majorities willing participation. But one day, I will figure out how to control you all, and rule the world! bahwhaahah!
I'm equal parts creeped out and turned on by this. to expand
Posted by RichardParker
Hey, darlin'!
What's good?
Posted by RichardParkerPosted by ScorpSuperiorPosted by RichardParker
Hey, darlin'!
What's good?
I'm good. Just happy to see that you're still around.
The feeling is defo mutual.
I miss a lot of the vintage crew- Yama, Aqi, LadyM. I hope they're all doing to expand