Crips and Bloods

This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by Sn1p3r187 on Saturday, February 15, 2014 and has 19 replies.
Why can't they get along and make purple. Or better yet, stop the violence. I grew in a Blood neighborhood and I saw two people die in front of my eyes as a kid and the third, I heard him die and a bullet whizzed right past my window. It wasn't till about 1999 that the neighborhood I lived in started getting cleaned up with police having a substation near the apartments I was at. Though today the apartment complex is far safer, it still has occasional problems. Nothing compared to the 80's, 90's and early 2000's. Have you ever had to grow in a place infested by gangs? I live a better life now since I'm on my own and I don't have to worry as much about getting shot or robbed by a crack fiend like a did when I was 5. But if you did grow in a place like that. How did you deal with it?
I agree with metaphysical, while I didn't grow up in such a neighborhood. It is hard for individuals to walk a certain path, that's contrary to the paths of everybody around you. Many of the individuals that join gangs don't have much of a choice. Because it is about being accepted, just like individuals that end up in prison. Many of these people join a gang of similar race people, and if they didn't, they would be seen as outcasts by everybody. It is in our nature to want to be accepted, by individuals who we most identify with.
Posted by Metaphysicalreciprocity
the end result all the more sweeter.
It begins at home, honestly. I was one of the fortunate ones.

I'm glad you were metaphysical smile.
It goes back to the saying, safety in numbers. An individual who grows up in an environment riddled with violence, is more of a target standing alone rather than being accepted by their peers in the same neighborhood.
Now a days more crips are killin crips than they are with bloods.
OMG, I was just reading about this after watching an episode on Lockup & wondered why the heck would anybody want to join a gang. I read that with the Bloods you join for life. That's scary because people evolve, so what if your life takes on a different direction later on & you lose interest. Gangs are for stupid people with a death wish imo. Look at what happened to the Washington guy, The Crip founder. Dead at 25. That is so sad.
What is the point of joining? I don't get it. You learn nothing, gain nothing. It's dumb. It's hilarious how they say the highest ranking members are those with the most extensive life of crime & those that have survived the longest within the gang. Wow, real good people to look up to *SMH*
LMAO I even saw their hand signs...look athritic to me Tongue
And its always tough to go to their funeral, knowing that he was a gang banger but still one of the neighborhood played basketball and chilled with us, you know? Basketball and books were always our safe haven from all the craziness outside even tho some of em crip kids used to join our games and tear shit apart.
"What is the point of joining? I don't get it. You learn nothing, gain nothing. It's dumb. It's hilarious how they say the highest ranking members are those with the most extensive life of crime & those that have survived the longest within the gang. Wow, real good people to look up to *SMH*"
Its just another to earn money to get em a new pair of jordans, or that Lexus or some expesive stuff they gonna get killed over anyway, but at times its also to avenge a dead brother or cousin who got killed by a stray bullet or knocked out in a fight.
Fight anger with anger to create more anger, and its a never ending cycle in the neighborhood.
Posted by tsar322
"What is the point of joining? I don't get it. You learn nothing, gain nothing. It's dumb. It's hilarious how they say the highest ranking members are those with the most extensive life of crime & those that have survived the longest within the gang. Wow, real good people to look up to *SMH*"
Its just another to earn money to get em a new pair of jordans, or that Lexus or some expesive stuff they gonna get killed over anyway, but at times its also to avenge a dead brother or cousin who got killed by a stray bullet or knocked out in a fight.
Fight anger with anger to create more anger, and its a never ending cycle in the neighborhood.

That is so heartbreaking. I watch a lot of these crime shows & it's sad how they kill each other over nothing. It's killing their parents as well because some of these murders are never solved. I was watching a mother on that crime stoppers show crying & pleading to anyone with info on her son's murder. He was shot by unknown assailants in a drive-by shooting. The mom said, "he was a good boy. Everybody liked him". But, it's obvious that NOT everybody liked him or he wouldn't be dead, now would he? It's like the parents also have their heads buried in the sand. They're not paying attention to what is up with their kids, because the kids wouldn't be looking up to "Big homie" if they were getting enough attention at home. Lying & saying they were good & God fearing is just wrong. People need to get real about these things.
Posted by WaterCup
Posted by tsar322
"What is the point of joining? I don't get it. You learn nothing, gain nothing. It's dumb. It's hilarious how they say the highest ranking members are those with the most extensive life of crime & those that have survived the longest within the gang. Wow, real good people to look up to *SMH*"
Its just another to earn money to get em a new pair of jordans, or that Lexus or some expesive stuff they gonna get killed over anyway, but at times its also to avenge a dead brother or cousin who got killed by a stray bullet or knocked out in a fight.
Fight anger with anger to create more anger, and its a never ending cycle in the neighborhood.

That is so heartbreaking. I watch a lot of these crime shows & it's sad how they kill each other over nothing. It's killing their parents as well because some of these murders are never solved. I was watching a mother on that crime stoppers show crying & pleading to anyone with info on her son's murder. He was shot by unknown assailants in a drive-by shooting. The mom said, "he was a good boy. Everybody liked him". But, it's obvious that NOT everybody liked him or he wouldn't be dead, now would he? It's like the parents also have their heads buried in the sand. They're not paying attention to what is up with their kids, because the kids wouldn't be looking up to "Big homie" if they were getting enough attention at home. Lying & saying they were good & God fearing is just wrong. People need to get real about these things.
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Thats Life, some kids make stupid choices which turn out deadly. All parents can do is tell them whats right and wrong...They dont have to stick round and follow the kid round town but they can keep tabs on kid's friends and acquaintances...its the inner-city, there are 1000s of different personalities, trust nobody...look out for yourself, nobody else gonna do it.
Posted by tsar322
Thats Life, some kids make stupid choices which turn out deadly. All parents can do is tell them whats right and wrong...They dont have to stick round and follow the kid round town but they can keep tabs on kid's friends and acquaintances...its the inner-city, there are 1000s of different personalities, trust nobody...look out for yourself, nobody else gonna do it.

I get what you're saying but sometimes you hear that some of these victims were shot around 1am etc. Wee hours of the morning. Makes you wonder what kind of parent allows their teen to be out & about at that time of the night. It makes no sense.
So please tell me, what is the sole purpose of gangs? What are they "protecting"? And what's with all the rivalry between the crips & the bloods?
Posted by WaterCup
Posted by tsar322
Thats Life, some kids make stupid choices which turn out deadly. All parents can do is tell them whats right and wrong...They dont have to stick round and follow the kid round town but they can keep tabs on kid's friends and acquaintances...its the inner-city, there are 1000s of different personalities, trust nobody...look out for yourself, nobody else gonna do it.

I get what you're saying but sometimes you hear that some of these victims were shot around 1am etc. Wee hours of the morning. Makes you wonder what kind of parent allows their teen to be out & about at that time of the night. It makes no sense.
So please tell me, what is the sole purpose of gangs? What are they "protecting"? And what's with all the rivalry between the crips & the bloods?
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It's money, drugs, protecting turf, honor and and a lot of has to do with respect. Different turfs are where they sell drugs and you don't go on each others turf because then you are messing with cash flow and "disrespecting". We are talking big money too, with ties to billion dollar mexican cartels. I don't think crips and bloods are so prominent now but gangs like MS-13 and Surenos are all over East LA but you don't ever see it if you are in west LA. It's like two different planets.
Posted by KittenLaRouge
Posted by WaterCup
Posted by tsar322
Thats Life, some kids make stupid choices which turn out deadly. All parents can do is tell them whats right and wrong...They dont have to stick round and follow the kid round town but they can keep tabs on kid's friends and acquaintances...its the inner-city, there are 1000s of different personalities, trust nobody...look out for yourself, nobody else gonna do it.

I get what you're saying but sometimes you hear that some of these victims were shot around 1am etc. Wee hours of the morning. Makes you wonder what kind of parent allows their teen to be out & about at that time of the night. It makes no sense.
So please tell me, what is the sole purpose of gangs? What are they "protecting"? And what's with all the rivalry between the crips & the bloods?

It's money, drugs, protecting turf, honor and and a lot of has to do with respect. Different turfs are where they sell drugs and you don't go on each others turf because then you are messing with cash flow and "disrespecting". We are talking big money too, with ties to billion dollar mexican cartels. I don't think crips and bloods are so prominent now but gangs like MS-13 and Surenos are all over East LA but you don't ever see it if you are in west LA. It's like two different planets.
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But aren't the Surenos a "set" of the bloods or the crips? Forgot which.
This is crazy though because many of them put their lives at risk for nothing...most aren't super rich so it beats the purpose, really. It's a huge waste of time imo. Really wish it could stop.
Posted by WaterCup
Posted by KittenLaRouge
Posted by WaterCup
Posted by tsar322
Thats Life, some kids make stupid choices which turn out deadly. All parents can do is tell them whats right and wrong...They dont have to stick round and follow the kid round town but they can keep tabs on kid's friends and acquaintances...its the inner-city, there are 1000s of different personalities, trust nobody...look out for yourself, nobody else gonna do it.

I get what you're saying but sometimes you hear that some of these victims were shot around 1am etc. Wee hours of the morning. Makes you wonder what kind of parent allows their teen to be out & about at that time of the night. It makes no sense.
So please tell me, what is the sole purpose of gangs? What are they "protecting"? And what's with all the rivalry between the crips & the bloods?

It's money, drugs, protecting turf, honor and and a lot of has to do with respect. Different turfs are where they sell drugs and you don't go on each others turf because then you are messing with cash flow and "disrespecting". We are talking big money too, with ties to billion dollar mexican cartels. I don't think crips and bloods are so prominent now but gangs like MS-13 and Surenos are all over East LA but you don't ever see it if you are in west LA. It's like two different planets.

But aren't the Surenos a "set" of the bloods or the crips? Forgot which.
This is crazy though because many of them put their lives at risk for nothing...most aren't super rich so it beats the purpose, really. It's a huge waste of time imo. Really wish it could stop.
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Crips and bloods are primarily black, surenos and ms-13 are mexican and their are quite a few Asian gangs in LA as well. It's really and "honor" and "respect"" thing. If you are not respected by society, you can earn your stripes and respect in a gang right? and what is so important to most men? respect. It runs sooo deep almost like a religion. It will never stop imo. Its the get rich or dye trying attitude. If you watch the movie "COLORS", it explains it well. And The movie "sin nombre" is great as well, about MS-13.
Kitten, that's very interesting. Sure I'll check the movies if they have them over here. Wow.
Posted by WaterCup
Posted by tsar322
Thats Life, some kids make stupid choices which turn out deadly. All parents can do is tell them whats right and wrong...They dont have to stick round and follow the kid round town but they can keep tabs on kid's friends and acquaintances...its the inner-city, there are 1000s of different personalities, trust nobody...look out for yourself, nobody else gonna do it.

I get what you're saying but sometimes you hear that some of these victims were shot around 1am etc. Wee hours of the morning. Makes you wonder what kind of parent allows their teen to be out & about at that time of the night. It makes no sense.
So please tell me, what is the sole purpose of gangs? What are they "protecting"? And what's with all the rivalry between the crips & the bloods?
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There are tons of answers to your questions and they all add up to thing, IGNORANCE.