Do y'all agree there is a gap in your life as you are addicted to an anonymous forum?

This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by Double_trouble_29 on Wednesday, March 30, 2016 and has 47 replies.
Social media is different. Reddit is also different as there are a huge number of users and topics. It is also fun.

But dxp?

Also, most of the conversations i seen hardly contribute to the astrological or general advice the OP has asked. They lead to people bickering over who is right and pull others down. Does it mean they are trying to fulfill a gap IRL, by being a Tier1/2/3/infinite user here?

peace out biotch

Posted by SDNA
Tier 1 Since Day 1!

In that case you must have a special case of "I have no life".
Posted by wagtail

peace out biotch


No life outside?
Posted by Double_trouble_29
Posted by wagtail

peace out biotch


No life outside?
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I like to pretend...
Dxp is for Astrology purposes a few know a thing or too, and then some use it more for relationship sabotages..
Relationship compatibility issues more or less. But there are more forums here than any other site. ...
Posted by ontransit
Posted by xXxAliciaXxX
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How pathetic, OP!

And@arielle83 how pathetic are you giving reasons for why you are on here.

What a dingle bat op! Up yours asshole
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Says someone who puts a sex doll for avi

Yup this place has some cool peeps on here, can even pops some popcorn too and sit back and look at what happens in the irl and behind the screen it's still irl experiences and people.
Posted by Taureye
Nobody loved me so i ended up here. They told me i would be traversing the river styx.

Your presence surprises me. You are okay looking, have a job i think and seem smart. Really curious as to why someone like that would be addicted to anonymous forum.
I am ACTUALLY Norman Reedus.
Shhhh keep it on tha down low a'ight?
Posted by Arielle83
This is the only thing I'm active on.

I don't have any other social media things, but Facebook. I use that to talk to my friends back home, read the news, and my work stuff is on there.

I find different perspectives, debate and random topics interesting. Plus ppl in here are hilarious, so I'm laughing.

Ok. You make sense. Dont listen to the sex doll bitch
Are you on lent?@UmiSays??
Posted by UmiSays
All honesty I dont get the conversations I get here out in real life. Truth with some laughs, its nice

You don;t have funny people in your friend circle in real life. Thats what it is.
This is why no one can find a bull we're inside working hard, to play harder, then click bookmark dxp poof a Taurus emerges. Haha
Posted by SDNA
Posted by Double_trouble_29
Posted by SDNA
Tier 1 Since Day 1!

In that case you must have a special case of "I have no life".

I was born in this Tier. I can't expect you to understand but know this I am becoming a great person and that greatness shall spread throughout the kingdom. You can be a fuccboi all you want that's on you but I know who I am and I know where I belong.

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Said by every kid in high school who gets bulied by the crowd , oh, and In Real Life ofcourse.
Posted by Double_trouble_29
... most of the conversations i seen hardly contribute to the astrological or general advice the OP has asked. They lead to people bickering over who is right and pull others down...

You like to live life dangerously, I can tell.
Posted by Taureye
Posted by Double_trouble_29
Posted by Taureye
Nobody loved me so i ended up here. They told me i would be traversing the river styx.

Your presence surprises me. You are okay looking, have a job i think and seem smart. Really curious as to why someone like that would be addicted to anonymous forum.

All the above you've stated has no bearings on why and where someone chooses to spend their free time. And that goes for everyone. I find this site to have a lot of interesting people.
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Seen you serious for the first time. Maybe you DID introspect a little there
Posted by SDNA
Posted by wagtail
I am ACTUALLY Norman Reedus.
Shhhh keep it on tha down low a'ight?

i'm on season 2
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Halfway thru S4- dude it gets GOOOOoooddd starts good, gets better
Posted by SDNA
Posted by Double_trouble_29
Posted by SDNA
Posted by Double_trouble_29
Posted by SDNA
Tier 1 Since Day 1!

In that case you must have a special case of "I have no life".

I was born in this Tier. I can't expect you to understand but know this I am becoming a great person and that greatness shall spread throughout the kingdom. You can be a fuccboi all you want that's on you but I know who I am and I know where I belong.

Said by every kid in high school who gets bulied by the crowd , oh, and In Real Life ofcourse.

i do not follow. i was class president.
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They get beaten the most. In the playground. Behind the bushes.
Posted by Double_trouble_29
Social media is different. Reddit is also different as there are a huge number of users and topics. It is also fun.

But dxp?

Also, most of the conversations i seen hardly contribute to the astrological or general advice the OP has asked. They lead to people bickering over who is right and pull others down. Does it mean they are trying to fulfill a gap IRL, by being a Tier1/2/3/infinite user here?

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Sorry forgot to address your topic:

What are we all doing in here?

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The better question is, which pill did we take:
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Dxp is my new tumblr. I'm hooked.
Posted by Arielle83
Posted by ontransit
@arielle83 I dont crush.

Ima closer.

Yu wouldnt know anthing about that.

But please keep explaining yourself and telling me to lick your ass. Its looks great for my ego! Another one under my notch smile.

Your trolling is comparable to a 12 yr old girl chasing a boy at recess for his baseball hat.

Only the 12 yr old is obese and gets distracted by advertisements of discontinued twinkies.

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Wait, they cancelled twinkles again. I thought we got them back? 😂😂😂
Posted by Arielle83
Posted by ontransit
@arielle83 I dont crush.

Ima closer.

Yu wouldnt know anthing about that.

But please keep explaining yourself and telling me to lick your ass. Its looks great for my ego! Another one under my notch smile.

Your trolling is comparable to a 12 yr old girl chasing a boy at recess for his baseball hat.

Only the 12 yr old is obese and gets distracted by advertisements of discontinued twinkies.

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Posted by BG2
Posted by Taureye
Posted by BG2
Posted by Taureye
Posted by BG2
Posted by Taureye
Posted by BG2
Posted by Taureye
Posted by BG2
Posted by Taureye
This thread is super duper uber colossally judgmental.

Did you get my PM?

Nope nothing.

HOLY SHIT!! I sent it to the wrong person! FUCK ME SIDEWAYS! Crying

How does that even happen lol

I don't know...Laughing Crying Laughing
Damage control!

OMG what did you even say lmfao I'm cringing for you right now.

Personal shit. Like my addiction to autoerotic asphyxiation. Fml...

SMH you know what since you had to go through that. I would like world to know that i too have an addiction to autoerotic asphyxiation, except i do it after i lather myself in mayo.

At least I'm not alone. That's cool.
That was a Spartacus-like moment.
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I have something in my eye.
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Posted by Double_trouble_29
Posted by Taureye
Nobody loved me so i ended up here. They told me i would be traversing the river styx.

Your presence surprises me. You are okay looking, have a job i think and seem smart. Really curious as to why someone like that would be addicted to anonymous forum.
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Posted by Double_trouble_29
Social media is different. Reddit is also different as there are a huge number of users and topics. It is also fun.

But dxp?

Also, most of the conversations i seen hardly contribute to the astrological or general advice the OP has asked. They lead to people bickering over who is right and pull others down. Does it mean they are trying to fulfill a gap IRL, by being a Tier1/2/3/infinite user here?

you're hard at work filling your holes in
Posted by Taureye
OP takes a shit, then watches all the flies converge on it. GUYS lets not be flies. I'd rather be a peacock.

Finally, someone who has brains.
Posted by Taureye
OP takes a shit, then watches all the flies converge on it. GUYS lets not be flies. I'd rather be a peacock.

Posted by LadyNeptune
Dxp is my new tumblr. I'm hooked.

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Posted by FirstDecanTaurianWomen0428
Dxp is for Astrology purposes a few know a thing or too, and then some use it more for relationship sabotages..
Relationship compatibility issues more or less. But there are more forums here than any other site. ...

Last year, some people gave me REALLY helpful advice in relationship and astrology,It helped me SO much and I will forever be thankful to SOME members for that. But they were, let's say 15% of the population. Rest of them just fuck you r thread up with their personal bickering and "no life IRL issues" without realizing that the OP actually needs sensible answers and they are being useless to the OP.
Posted by Double_trouble_29
Social media is different. Reddit is also different as there are a huge number of users and topics. It is also fun.

But dxp?

Also, most of the conversations i seen hardly contribute to the astrological or general advice the OP has asked. They lead to people bickering over who is right and pull others down. Does it mean they are trying to fulfill a gap IRL, by being a Tier1/2/3/infinite user here?

Yes, please help
Posted by Double_trouble_29
Posted by FirstDecanTaurianWomen0428
Dxp is for Astrology purposes a few know a thing or too, and then some use it more for relationship sabotages..
Relationship compatibility issues more or less. But there are more forums here than any other site. ...

Last year, some people gave me REALLY helpful advice in relationship and astrology,It helped me SO much and I will forever be thankful to SOME members for that. But they were, let's say 15% of the population. Rest of them just fuck you r thread up with their personal bickering and "no life IRL issues" without realizing that the OP actually needs sensible answers and they are being useless to the OP.
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Posted by Double_trouble_29
Social media is different. Reddit is also different as there are a huge number of users and topics. It is also fun.

But dxp?

Also, most of the conversations i seen hardly contribute to the astrological or general advice the OP has asked. They lead to people bickering over who is right and pull others down. Does it mean they are trying to fulfill a gap IRL, by being a Tier1/2/3/infinite user here?

That's like shopping at walmart, and seeing someone you know there,

and then making fun of them for being there.

Social media on the other hand is MUCH WORSE-- your Real Lyfe (thanks, Wags)

is dependent on the content and the presentation thereof.

Posted by Double_trouble_29
Social media is different. Reddit is also different as there are a huge number of users and topics. It is also fun.

But dxp?

Also, most of the conversations i seen hardly contribute to the astrological or general advice the OP has asked. They lead to people bickering over who is right and pull others down. Does it mean they are trying to fulfill a gap IRL, by being a Tier1/2/3/infinite user here?

this is one of the only forums I visit, but not everyday, if we get busy like holidays and lots work then I won't be on.

plus I like astrology and relationships.

I knew that deep down I love relationships. I used to read lots of books on romance all the time. Instead of doing that I go to this forum instead of reading a juicy romance book. (I love to ESCAPE and dream)

I get my romance good in real life anyway and am very happy, so astrology suits my interest too.
Posted by Taureye
Nobody loved me so i ended up here. They told me i would be traversing the river styx.

This is dxpurgatory.

Big Grin
I just use DXP to pass time in between other computer works
I think people who spend a lot of time here, typically are implementing a form of escapism, to avoid shit in their life. Often times these every day the acts of logging in and participating, are subconscious choices, where our internal emotions are controlling how we spend our time. i.e. there's a lot of fucked up people on this site.
Posted by Astrobyn
I think people who spend a lot of time here, typically are implementing a form of escapism, to avoid shit in their life. Often times these every day the acts of logging in and participating, are subconscious choices, where our internal emotions are controlling how we spend our time. i.e. there's a lot of fucked up people on this site.

I feel from this post, writing a song.

entitled, "we are all fucked up, fucked up in the head, fucked up in the soul,

won't you please, give me reprieve,
love me true,
don't hate me for writing this song,
just love me for who I am,
fucked up as I am,
as I lay down to sleep,"


fucked up, yah yah yah
fucked up yah yah yah

we are all fucked up.
There's being some free time in my life
Posted by Geminiam
Posted by Astrobyn
I think people who spend a lot of time here, typically are implementing a form of escapism, to avoid shit in their life. Often times these every day the acts of logging in and participating, are subconscious choices, where our internal emotions are controlling how we spend our time. i.e. there's a lot of fucked up people on this site.

I definitely use it to escape sometimes when I can't get out of my own head and don't want to share all the fucked up crazy shit in my head with real people in my life. It can be kind of therapeutic on my obsessive days lol. Plus no one gives a fuck about feelings so you get the slap in your face truth sometimes that is needed!
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Straight Face you're damn near my mother!
Posted by Geminiam
Posted by Astrobyn
Posted by Geminiam
Posted by Astrobyn
I think people who spend a lot of time here, typically are implementing a form of escapism, to avoid shit in their life. Often times these every day the acts of logging in and participating, are subconscious choices, where our internal emotions are controlling how we spend our time. i.e. there's a lot of fucked up people on this site.

I definitely use it to escape sometimes when I can't get out of my own head and don't want to share all the fucked up crazy shit in my head with real people in my life. It can be kind of therapeutic on my obsessive days lol. Plus no one gives a fuck about feelings so you get the slap in your face truth sometimes that is needed!

Straight Face you're damn near my mother!

Ew. Never say that again lol
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She's got your sun moon and rising, but her venus and mars is cancer/taurus
Posted by Geminiam
Posted by Astrobyn
She's got your sun moon and rising, but her venus and mars is cancer/taurus

Ahhhh I see. What was it like having her as a mother? Does she seem like she has all the qualities they describe for those signs?
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I'm a virgo rising taurus sun gem moon, so we have a lot in common in different areas. she can be way more ridged in her thoughts and ideas especially emotions, but a lot more flexible and forgiving with people, than i am. She is totally self centered when it comes to emotions tho... she'll do something I don't like and if i tell her, "mom this makes me feel like this and i don't like it" next thing i hear is "it hurts my feelings, you said I hurt your feelings" that could be also the cancer, but virgo rising doens't like to be corrected either.

She's super smart can figure out anything, always helping people, always happiest with people around her. I often wish she was bolder tho, you'd think she was if you didn't know her long, but she wasn't a great roll model for sticking up for yourself when it counted the most, she kinda just let life happen around her and went with the flow of it all. not that she'd be disrespected, someone called her a hoe once and she through a knife at him. Not that she's not promiscuous by most standards, she kept multiple open relationships with several men while i was growing up, and she still insist to never go longer than 3 days without sex.
Posted by Taureye
Is this thread still going on? Guess the butter was smellier and bigger than i thought.

I figured the chickens would have eaten all the peas by now. Winking
Posted by Taureye
Posted by Piscis_Hominis
Posted by Taureye
Is this thread still going on? Guess the butter was smellier and bigger than i thought.

I figured the chickens would have eaten all the peas by now. Winking

Maybe we're all just hippos and not chickens....hungry hungry....
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Or maybe pigs. Pigs eat poop you know?
Posted by Taureye
Posted by Double_trouble_29
Posted by Taureye
Posted by Piscis_Hominis
Posted by Taureye
Is this thread still going on? Guess the butter was smellier and bigger than i thought.

I figured the chickens would have eaten all the peas by now. Winking

Maybe we're all just hippos and not chickens....hungry hungry....

Or maybe pigs. Pigs eat poop you know?

They also eat their own poop though, out of courtesy.
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Sad I didn't get my share. It was all licked clean by other's. Must've been yummy.
Posted by Taureye
Posted by Piscis_Hominis
Posted by Taureye
Is this thread still going on? Guess the butter was smellier and bigger than i thought.

I figured the chickens would have eaten all the peas by now. Winking

Maybe we're all just hippos and not chickens....hungry hungry....
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Some of us eating are eating balls for points...
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Some of us are talking trash...
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Sone of us are (getting) addicted to this butter...
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Some of us are chasing what we shouldn't...
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Some of us don't really want to be here but we have no other place to go...
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Some of us need to open up our minds in an uncomfortable manner...
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Some of us are clogging up stuff with stupid pics 'n stuff...
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Some of us have bigger problems on our hands...
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Some of us are wondering how long this treetrunk ing thread will go on...
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