Do You Guys Remember (Insert Member) Thread

This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by WoolyLabia on Saturday, February 22, 2025 and has 309 replies.
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Scorpiofish 😀
Posted by MyStarsShine
Scorpiofish 😀
You have to describe him too so people have an idea or if they forgot who he was 🤣

Old guy (probably as old as I am now)

Looked like a trucker or looked like the trucker in supernatural

Was really really into Superman

Had the biggest fan on the internet

Unfortunately for us his biggest fan posted here

Was groomed into butt seks then discovered women

Run free Jed

Wherever you are
Posted by WoolyLabia
Posted by MyStarsShine
Scorpiofish 😀

You have to describe him too so people have an idea or if they forgot who he was 🤣
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Christian guy who had extreme rage issues lol

Feby. Montgomery. Seraph. Qbone. Blackphase. Dazed. Tiz.
Also can't forget my 2 favorite OGs

DJ and CC.
Bling and James Welsh guy

The best double act of Dxp

I think the site died when cc left, it was a slow decline after that.

Tiz was one of the first I interacted with and prob why I stay past those first few months.



What’s that ridiculous doctor Scorpio dude’s name again that would always post high and really wanted to wife a virgin to always keep barefoot and pregnant? Utah would love him.
Posted by MyStarsShine
Scorpiofish 😀
I literally thought of him today when doing nytimes crossword because the clue was like preppy douchy shirt or something and my mind immediately went to izod.
Firebunny 😛
Do you remember RomancingA came in like a wrecking ball Native American goddess with a palate for many, varied spices?

Worth a mention lol.

Edit: I should have listened to her and married an Aries.
Posted by rhymesaurusss
I think the site died when cc left, it was a slow decline after that.
Tiz was one of the first I interacted with and prob why I stay past those first few months.

Wasn’t squishy a catfish? I heard she catfished some people. Like kittenlarouge and yupvirgo. Still, squishy was a sweetheart whoever they are.
Posted by CoCoBeans
Posted by rhymesaurusss
I think the site died when cc left, it was a slow decline after that.
Tiz was one of the first I interacted with and prob why I stay past those first few months.

Wasn’t squishy a catfish? I heard she catfished some people. Like kittenlarouge and yupvirgo. Still, squishy was a sweetheart whoever they are.
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No idea that was prob before my time, she was lovely, liked mung beans and vacationed in kerala. Prob the best astro read iv had on here.
Hot aqua guy


European based

Film buff

can't remember his name lol
Posted by rhymesaurusss
Posted by CoCoBeans
Posted by rhymesaurusss
I think the site died when cc left, it was a slow decline after that.
Tiz was one of the first I interacted with and prob why I stay past those first few months.

Wasn’t squishy a catfish? I heard she catfished some people. Like kittenlarouge and yupvirgo. Still, squishy was a sweetheart whoever they are.
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No idea that was prob before my time, she was lovely, liked mung beans and vacationed in kerala. Prob the best astro read iv had on here.
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I heard she faked her age by sounding younger....and was much older than what she led other people to believe.
Where am I inserting my member?
Pinsnneedles 🖤



Posted by Soul
Feby. Montgomery. Seraph. Qbone. Blackphase. Dazed. Tiz.
Sorry to say this but one of those users is still here under a new username. And whooo the hell cares about dazed. I don't miss him. He's probably doing life behind bars. The real jail and not the jail of dxp.

Scorpio sun and moon

Married to a Virgo lady

Caustic/dark sense of humour

Looks like comedian Seth Rogen.
Posted by SassyKiwi
What’s that ridiculous doctor Scorpio dude’s name again that would always post high and really wanted to wife a virgin to always keep barefoot and pregnant? Utah would love him.

The guy whose gf went to Europe and came back with thigh bruises right?
Posted by WoolyLabia
Posted by SassyKiwi
What’s that ridiculous doctor Scorpio dude’s name again that would always post high and really wanted to wife a virgin to always keep barefoot and pregnant? Utah would love him.

The guy whose gf went to Europe and came back with thigh bruises right?
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Mr “wifey” 🥴
blackphase (there was a v in there somewhere, maybe @blackphvse ?) 🫶

@nemdeux 💜


there's a bunch genuinely am struggling to remember the usernames, one was a virgo moon who was studying,


cc was a lot of fun where is she?

I'm genuinely having some kind of temporary dementia but the double scorpio girl, did she change her name to @jazzykid ?? 🫶

ixi 🫶

I'm gonna feel bad in a second when i remember others i know i will
The Libra guy who wanted to be a Scorpio

and whose posts never seemed to end lol.

He measured his dick next to a tube of toothpaste 😆🤣😅
Posted by Jumpin_Jupiter
Posted by Soul
Feby. Montgomery. Seraph. Qbone. Blackphase. Dazed. Tiz.

Sorry to say this but one of those users is still here under a new username. And whooo the hell cares about dazed. I don't miss him. He's probably doing life behind bars. The real jail and not the jail of dxp.
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He actually passed away last month. He went 5 years sober, and died from natural causes.
Posted by Soul
Posted by Jumpin_Jupiter
Posted by Soul
Feby. Montgomery. Seraph. Qbone. Blackphase. Dazed. Tiz.

Sorry to say this but one of those users is still here under a new username. And whooo the hell cares about dazed. I don't miss him. He's probably doing life behind bars. The real jail and not the jail of dxp.

He actually passed away last month. He went 5 years sober, and died from natural causes.
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I'm shock to hear that it's sad and shocking at the same time. Still goes to show how one can leave this earth being dirty to even strangers on the internet. Bible does say god don't like ugly but may he still rest in peace.
Posted by Jumpin_Jupiter
Posted by Soul
Posted by Jumpin_Jupiter
Posted by Soul
Feby. Montgomery. Seraph. Qbone. Blackphase. Dazed. Tiz.

Sorry to say this but one of those users is still here under a new username. And whooo the hell cares about dazed. I don't miss him. He's probably doing life behind bars. The real jail and not the jail of dxp.

He actually passed away last month. He went 5 years sober, and died from natural causes.
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I'm shock to hear that it's sad and shocking at the same time. Still goes to show how one can leave this earth being dirty to even strangers on the internet. Bible does say god don't like ugly but may he still rest in peace.
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Yea it's crazy how random the world works. He left dxpnet and got sober. Completely turned his life around. I'll be honest many people would likely say the same thing about me if I randomly left. Some people would even be happy to hear that I died lol. I know he said and did some shady shit on here over the years, but towards the end he truly changed and got his life together. I consider him one of the greatest mentors when it comes to dxpnet members, and he was a huge influence for me making changes for the better in my own life, and sobriety. Anyone that can crawl out of the pits of hell and still have the strength to do better gets major respect in my book. He should have got to live longer in his redemption arc, but maybe it was simply time to leave here and go somewhere better.
Posted by Soul
Posted by Jumpin_Jupiter
Posted by Soul
Feby. Montgomery. Seraph. Qbone. Blackphase. Dazed. Tiz.

Sorry to say this but one of those users is still here under a new username. And whooo the hell cares about dazed. I don't miss him. He's probably doing life behind bars. The real jail and not the jail of dxp.
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He actually passed away last month. He went 5 years sober, and died from natural causes.
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Wow he was so young …. Not yet 40?

Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by Soul
Posted by Jumpin_Jupiter
Posted by Soul
Feby. Montgomery. Seraph. Qbone. Blackphase. Dazed. Tiz.

Sorry to say this but one of those users is still here under a new username. And whooo the hell cares about dazed. I don't miss him. He's probably doing life behind bars. The real jail and not the jail of dxp.
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He actually passed away last month. He went 5 years sober, and died from natural causes.
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Wow he was so young …. Not yet 40?

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38. They said he passed from natural causes, and it happened in the night while asleep.
XxxAliciaxxX , black phase, tcta, tiziani, rockyroadicecream, fisk, Lady Neptune (pisces woman holding a dog profile picture), mysterioustaurus, dj,

cc, teramine, busyeyes, vsop (Libra man trolling the Libra forum), Gemini twin brothers, anime / hentaingaming Scorpio dude on the front page, wagtail, justagirl,

saggurl88, black libra-scorpio cusper woman on the Libra forums, mudra (Libra woman that married an European Leo man then they divorced right after) ,

bkbella, wolf something (Libra dude posting memes on the front page) , and that's all for now
Posted by Soul
Posted by Jumpin_Jupiter
Posted by Soul
Feby. Montgomery. Seraph. Qbone. Blackphase. Dazed. Tiz.

Sorry to say this but one of those users is still here under a new username. And whooo the hell cares about dazed. I don't miss him. He's probably doing life behind bars. The real jail and not the jail of dxp.
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He actually passed away last month. He went 5 years sober, and died from natural causes.
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Damn Scorpios are dropping like flies these days

Funny thread about dxpnet on lipstickalley

They even talk about op and his dog. Tongue

Remember the fake flakes of the zodiac (Libra) thread on the Libra forums??? Man, I was mad as sht.Laughing

I think that thread was the most popular thread during that decade. 😅

Posted by Soul
Posted by Jumpin_Jupiter
Posted by Soul
Posted by Jumpin_Jupiter
Posted by Soul
Feby. Montgomery. Seraph. Qbone. Blackphase. Dazed. Tiz.

Sorry to say this but one of those users is still here under a new username. And whooo the hell cares about dazed. I don't miss him. He's probably doing life behind bars. The real jail and not the jail of dxp.

He actually passed away last month. He went 5 years sober, and died from natural causes.
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I'm shock to hear that it's sad and shocking at the same time. Still goes to show how one can leave this earth being dirty to even strangers on the internet. Bible does say god don't like ugly but may he still rest in peace.

Yea it's crazy how random the world works. He left dxpnet and got sober. Completely turned his life around. I'll be honest many people would likely say the same thing about me if I randomly left. Some people would even be happy to hear that I died lol. I know he said and did some shady shit on here over the years, but towards the end he truly changed and got his life together. I consider him one of the greatest mentors when it comes to dxpnet members, and he was a huge influence for me making changes for the better in my own life, and sobriety. Anyone that can crawl out of the pits of hell and still have the strength to do better gets major respect in my book. He should have got to live longer in his redemption arc, but maybe it was simply time to leave here and go somewhere better.
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This world is corrupt. We live in a corrupt world. I already know theres tons of people in this world wish i was dead and would even be happy about it cus most people cant stand my rigid attitude towards people that deserve to see the rigid side of me. Very seldom im a nice one. Just very seldom. That's why I just try to limit my intake on socializing cus it's a burden and stressful and can cause me sudden death. That is why I live for myself with no one close that I can call a true friend. Just me, myself and I and I think that's the best way to live. For yourself. People think the way I live is boring and when I try to tell people the only way to live is for yourself they think I'm trying to tell them what to do.
Posted by WoolyLabia
Posted by SassyKiwi
What’s that ridiculous doctor Scorpio dude’s name again that would always post high and really wanted to wife a virgin to always keep barefoot and pregnant? Utah would love him.

The guy whose gf went to Europe and came back with thigh bruises right?
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Yeah that’s the one. I had joined near the height of Scorpio & Pisces pairings obsession phase which he was a part of while with her. Saw endings like that coming from a mile away lool
Posted by Soul
Posted by Jumpin_Jupiter
Posted by Soul
Feby. Montgomery. Seraph. Qbone. Blackphase. Dazed. Tiz.

Sorry to say this but one of those users is still here under a new username. And whooo the hell cares about dazed. I don't miss him. He's probably doing life behind bars. The real jail and not the jail of dxp.
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He actually passed away last month. He went 5 years sober, and died from natural causes.
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Dazed very recently passed away?? I remember playing dxp games with him in my earlier years. Even though he could easily be a twat he was an integral part of dxp’s entertainment makeup. That’s really sad to hear.
I’ve never understood the “natural causes” thing?

And @Soul i hope you’re not thinking of joining him….too many songs to write/perform, too many books to write and too many bathrooms to tile…you’ve a lot to give and receive.

Posted by MyStarsShine
The Libra guy who wanted to be a Scorpio
and whose posts never seemed to end lol.
He measured his dick next to a tube of toothpaste 😆🤣😅
Lord Terramine 🤣
Posted by Soul
Posted by Jumpin_Jupiter
Posted by Soul
Feby. Montgomery. Seraph. Qbone. Blackphase. Dazed. Tiz.

Sorry to say this but one of those users is still here under a new username. And whooo the hell cares about dazed. I don't miss him. He's probably doing life behind bars. The real jail and not the jail of dxp.
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He actually passed away last month. He went 5 years sober, and died from natural causes.
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No fucking way dazed is dead holy shit

Isn’t he like in his 30s like about your age soul
Posted by WoolyLabia
Posted by Soul
Posted by Jumpin_Jupiter
Posted by Soul
Feby. Montgomery. Seraph. Qbone. Blackphase. Dazed. Tiz.

Sorry to say this but one of those users is still here under a new username. And whooo the hell cares about dazed. I don't miss him. He's probably doing life behind bars. The real jail and not the jail of dxp.
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He actually passed away last month. He went 5 years sober, and died from natural causes.
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No fucking way dazed is dead holy shit
Isn’t he like in his 30s like about your age soul
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Yes, to both.
Holy shit I found his obituary

He is dead 😐

RIP dazed

Posted by WoolyLabia
Posted by Soul
Posted by Jumpin_Jupiter
Posted by Soul
Feby. Montgomery. Seraph. Qbone. Blackphase. Dazed. Tiz.

Sorry to say this but one of those users is still here under a new username. And whooo the hell cares about dazed. I don't miss him. He's probably doing life behind bars. The real jail and not the jail of dxp.
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He actually passed away last month. He went 5 years sober, and died from natural causes.
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No fucking way dazed is dead holy shit
Isn’t he like in his 30s like about your age soul
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Yea he was 38. There was no known illness, no substance abuse, nothing. The man simply went to sleep and never woke up. At least not in this current version of reality.

We still have time left though right? At least for today.
Posted by Soul
Posted by WoolyLabia
Posted by Soul
Posted by Jumpin_Jupiter
Posted by Soul
Feby. Montgomery. Seraph. Qbone. Blackphase. Dazed. Tiz.

Sorry to say this but one of those users is still here under a new username. And whooo the hell cares about dazed. I don't miss him. He's probably doing life behind bars. The real jail and not the jail of dxp.
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He actually passed away last month. He went 5 years sober, and died from natural causes.
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No fucking way dazed is dead holy shit
Isn’t he like in his 30s like about your age soul
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Yea he was 38. There was no known illness, no substance abuse, nothing. The man simply went to sleep and never woke up. At least not in this current version of reality.
We still have time left though right? At least for today.
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Well there goes the theory that god only takes the nice people 🤣

I will share a dazed memory

When the first dxp chat was set up I was a moderator and I banned him from chat and skies and I laughed and laughed

I forgot when we made up but we were cordial for the 2nd half of our time on DXP
Posted by WoolyLabia
Posted by MyStarsShine
The Libra guy who wanted to be a Scorpio
and whose posts never seemed to end lol.
He measured his dick next to a tube of toothpaste 😆🤣😅

Lord Terramine 🤣
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That’s the one 😂
Posted by WoolyLabia
Posted by Soul
Posted by WoolyLabia
Posted by Soul
Posted by Jumpin_Jupiter
Posted by Soul
Feby. Montgomery. Seraph. Qbone. Blackphase. Dazed. Tiz.

Sorry to say this but one of those users is still here under a new username. And whooo the hell cares about dazed. I don't miss him. He's probably doing life behind bars. The real jail and not the jail of dxp.
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He actually passed away last month. He went 5 years sober, and died from natural causes.
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No fucking way dazed is dead holy shit
Isn’t he like in his 30s like about your age soul
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Yea he was 38. There was no known illness, no substance abuse, nothing. The man simply went to sleep and never woke up. At least not in this current version of reality.
We still have time left though right? At least for today.
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Well there goes the theory that god only takes the nice people 🤣
I will share a dazed memory
When the first dxp chat was set up I was a moderator and I banned him from chat and skies and I laughed and laughed
I forgot when we made up but we were cordial for the 2nd half of our time on DXP
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For me it was tiny chat. It was the first time I ever attempted hanging out with the more popular members at the time. People hated I was there. I remember Robin complaining and saying "Who the fuck invited Soul?" Daze actually invited me, and had my back the whole time. Even asked me what music I wanted to listen to, played it, and pretty much let me feel completely accepted. He is my sun moon opposite, which made me like him even more. A Scorpio sun with Leo moon accepting a Leo sun with Scorpio moon is pretty amazing imo.
Oh well back to the regularly scheduled program.

That aries chick I can't remember her name but I think she's from somewhere in England and hated the shit out of geminis but she was cool with me.