Do Zodiac Signs Really Matter For Love

This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by Cinnamon Girl on Friday, July 30, 2010 and has 12 replies.
I keep seeing these postings on the horoscope boards where people are wondering whether they should go out with someone of a specific zodiac sign. So i ask the question: If you like someone and are attracted to them, does their zodiac sign really matter? Should you throw away a potentially good relationship because of something as frivolous as a persons' zosdiac sign? I have actually fallen madly in love with an Aquarius and Sagittarius. They are not supposed to be compatible with Scorpios. My Leo boyfriend doen't get along with Aries or Sagittarius women, although the astrologers say that they make a good couple. So are zodiac sign compatibality true or just a bunch of crock? I personally believe that it's a bunch of crock.
Posted by LovelyScorp
CG, you have a point. Everybody's situation is different. We are asked our opinions and they are given. Everyone has a unique experience on several topics.
For myself, I had my heart broken in a million pieces by a Sag 10 years ago. After recently stumbling upon this board, I realized why. Could I have read into it to appease my own soul. Possibly. But then again, I do not care, my soul has been appeased. I've also been married to a Scorpio. Worse sex I ever had in my life and a constant ego battle. His fault or mine? Who is to tell, but again, now I can understand the situation better. Now, I seem to fancy capricorn men a whole lot these days even though my first marriage was to a capricorn and that was not an experience I'd like to repeat. Why? I don't know. We were much younger then.
I tend to like Virgo's immediately but not Gemini's so much. Why? The statements and questions can go on and on.
The point is to each their own and all are free to draw their own conclusions.
Use the zodiac to choose relationships? No.
Use the personality traits of each to try and better understand them and more importantly, yourself. Yes.

Good point. I'm supposed to get along best with Pisces and Cancer mnen but I don't. Never been attracted to them in the least bit. We're better off as friends and nothing else. I think the zodiac signs are true to a certain extent but sometimes it becomes exaggerated. Libras and Scorpios are not supposed to be compatible but I know a Libra woman whose Scorpio husband has just died and she says that she cannot bear to be with another man. She absolutely adored this Scorpio man. She did EVERYTHING for him and then some. He was truly the love of her life.
I actually asked this question because I see a lot of people on here questioning whether thaey should go out with a certain zodiac sign because of the stereotypes they here about them. I think it's ridiculous that someone would actually put off a relationdship with another person because of their horoscope.
People who go by zodiac signs in realtionships tend to go by zodiac sun signs. There is so much more to a person than their sun signs. People should never let horoscopes rule their relationships. Compatibility should be truely based on personality, morals,values,etc.
Posted by Mr Nice
Posted by Cinnamon Girl
I actually asked this question because I see a lot of people on here questioning whether thaey should go out with a certain zodiac sign because of the stereotypes they here about them. I think it's ridiculous that someone would actually put off a relationdship with another person because of their horoscope.

Its like this water and fire dont mix well we both have the power to cancel each other out, water and air, water drowns air, fire needs air to breath, now earth is another matter indeed. No relationship is concete in stone anyway all the zodiac is something that was made up. It is your choice to go with who ever you like but you must understand its going to be hardwork, it will always an up hill struggle we just have different views on things, different likes, colors, ect, ect.
click to expand

Love is love. Zodiac signs donot matter.
lol @ Eleni
Do Zodiac Signs Really Matter For Love
If you use it for everything else, why detract it from love? Surely it matter especially for this as love is about compatibility which is what zodaic signs are really all about?
The issue is when it is based solely on Sun signs which is only a slice of the bigger pie which also contain common sense, where both parties are in life, where they both came from, moon signs, mercury, venus and blah blah blah Winking
Posted by Mr Nice
Cinnamon Girl are you a scorpio with a leo?

yes, i am with a Leo. As amatter of fact, most of my boyfriends have been Leo, Sagittarius and Aquarians-signs I'm not supposed to get along with. I had the best of relationships with these people. The people who I'm supposed to love, like Pisces and Cancers are the biggest turnoffs for me.
Posted by zenalchemy
lol @ Eleni
Do Zodiac Signs Really Matter For Love
If you use it for everything else, why detract it from love? Surely it matter especially for this as love is about compatibility which is what zodaic signs are really all about?
The issue is when it is based solely on Sun signs which is only a slice of the bigger pie which also contain common sense, where both parties are in life, where they both came from, moon signs, mercury, venus and blah blah blah Winking

Use it for everyhting else? Are you kidding me? What person uses zodiac signs "for everything else'? A lot of the horoscopes in the papers and matters are going off of generalizations and are 90% B.S.
I meant the horoscopes in the papers and magazines are B.S. Noone that I know of uses horoscopes for everything in their life. That's ridiculous. letting your horoscope define you and run your life.
I love every sign, and if someone of a specific hates me or I don't like them, I won't hold that against their sign. If I like a sag, which I usually do, I won't care if I'm not supposed to "get along" with him or not. I appreciate everyone for who they are.
Posted by xoaminahxo
I love every sign, and if someone of a specific hates me or I don't like them, I won't hold that against their sign. If I like a sag, which I usually do, I won't care if I'm not supposed to "get along" with him or not. I appreciate everyone for who they are.

Exactly. People are people regardless of their zodiac sign, but you have some people on here who come up with the most ridiculous assinine reasons that they won't date certain zodiac signs: I had my heart broken by a Scorpio and I won't date them again. I hate Pisces men because my Pisces boyfriend swam away. They act as though the other zodiac signs won't do the same thing to them. i hope they realize how stupid they are starting to sound.
Mr. Nice said it best