Dr Phil today

This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by Deedee86 on Thursday, December 15, 2016 and has 57 replies.
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He will feature a local story. It happened when I first moved to this town 5 years ago and is still the most horrific thing I ever heard. The mother is telling her story to help change legislation. The man that murdered her 6 year old daughter was found not guilty by reason of insanity. Every two years he is reevaluated so not only does the family have to relive the incident every two years but there is a potential that this man will be released. I encourage everyone to watch, spread the word and support her efforts.

I will be watching the episode but the link I'm attaching is from newspaper detailing the incident. It is hard to comprehend that someone so evil could be your neighbor

‪Trebilcock Trial Day 1: Testimony From Victim’s Mother http://wibx950.com/trebilcock-trial-day-1-testimony-from-victims-mother/?trackback=twitter_mobile_top

***for some reason the link won't bring you directly to the article. If you search the page for "trebilcock" all the articles come up. Day 1 testimony tells the complete story of that day

Ok! That's why my link won't work. His name is getting censored. Just replace cock with c o c k

His name is Trebilc o ck
Posted by EnochtheWise
Horrible. Apparently she was a twin, and her sister saw the attack.

The twin was in the room. They slept in bunk beds. This was very calculated. He put the dog in the garage, went in the bedroom and pushed a dresser in front of the door. The mother was able to bust in. He stabbed the girl again while the mother was giving her CPR. She stabbed him in the neck but unfortunately didn't kill him.

If you read the day one testimony, there were signs the night before that something was not right but hindsight is 20/20.

This is a very small, close town. The courthouse was packed for the arraignment. Even the middle and high school kids were there for support.

I had to take my son to the emergency room later that evening and you could see the emotion on all of the hospital staff's faces. They tried to save the girl and the killer was a patient upstairs. I am sure it was a very hard day for them.
Posted by EnochtheWise
Posted by Deedee86
Posted by EnochtheWise
Horrible. Apparently she was a twin, and her sister saw the attack.

The twin was in the room. They slept in bunk beds. This was very calculated. He put the dog in the garage, went in the bedroom and pushed a dresser in front of the door. The mother was able to bust in. He stabbed the girl again while the mother was giving her CPR. She stabbed him in the neck but unfortunately didn't kill him.

If you read the day one testimony, there were signs the night before that something was not right but hindsight is 20/20.

He had previously confessed to cheating during the relationship, was afraid to go to Disney Land bc he had slept with a 12 yr old when he was 19 in FL, and apparently was also looking a kiddy porn? Seem to have been all sorts of red flags....I really don't know how you get on with life after something like this happens to your child. I suppose she's just living for her other daughter now. I'd be checking out if there were no other children.
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The trial also showed that the night before he told her older son that something bad will happen soon.

There was also an incident with him and the little girl that night as well.

She moved to a neighboring town and is either married or in another live in relationship. I'm sure this haunts her. She never intended for it to happen but failed to catch the warning signs.

I saw this... wow all I kept thinking was why she didn't call 911 sooner!!! And what was she doing with such a loser around her kids? There must have been signs. Well there were but she refused to look at them.
She watched him stab her daughter... a few times like what? I would have done anything in my power to stop that... weird
What passive sign might she be?
Posted by aquapiscescusp
What passive sign might she be?
I don't know her personally and I don't see anything on her fb.
Posted by Deedee86
Posted by aquapiscescusp
What passive sign might she be?
I don't know her personally and I don't see anything on her fb.
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Posted by aquapiscescusp
Posted by Deedee86
Posted by aquapiscescusp
What passive sign might she be?
I don't know her personally and I don't see anything on her fb.
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This is a tough one. I don't believe that she is a bad person. I think she trusted this man and blindly overlooked the signs. what sign or placement is most naive and overtrusting?

I saw this come on the other day and had to turn it. I couldn't stomach it. He also had sex w a twelve year old and maybe molested the twin he killed
Posted by Stensco21
I saw this come on the other day and had to turn it. I couldn't stomach it. He also had sex w a twelve year old and maybe molested the twin he killed

He also was fired from his job at a nursing home because there were complaints of abuse. The articles from the trial are sickening.

The mom seemed tired and like she needed help w the kids my mom was like this and being stressed can cause you to make bad decisions.
Posted by Deedee86
Posted by Stensco21
I saw this come on the other day and had to turn it. I couldn't stomach it. He also had sex w a twelve year old and maybe molested the twin he killed

He also was fired from his job at a nursing home because there were complaints of abuse. The articles from the trial are sickening.

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I seriously had to turn the tv off and the story has stuck in my head for days. It's ironic yih posted this

Posted by Deedee86
Posted by Stensco21
I saw this come on the other day and had to turn it. I couldn't stomach it. He also had sex w a twelve year old and maybe molested the twin he killed

He also was fired from his job at a nursing home because there were complaints of abuse. The articles from the trial are sickening.

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I seriously had to turn the tv off and the story has stuck in my head for days. It's ironic yih posted this

He does seem schizophrenic though still no excuse in my mind.
Posted by Stensco21
The mom seemed tired and like she needed help w the kids my mom was like this and being stressed can cause you to make bad decisions.

She must have been lonely and insecure to even let him in to begin with. He was no prize by any means. He tried to break up with her several times and she would cry and beg him to come back. According to her testimony, he dumped her and left with his ex girlfriend 2 days before the murder. He came back in the house that Sunday like nothing happened and proposed to her. The next morning he killed the little girl.

Posted by Deedee86
Posted by Stensco21
The mom seemed tired and like she needed help w the kids my mom was like this and being stressed can cause you to make bad decisions.

She must have been lonely and insecure to even let him in to begin with. He was no prize by any means. He tried to break up with her several times and she would cry and beg him to come back. According to her testimony, he dumped her and left with his ex girlfriend 2 days before the murder. He came back in the house that Sunday like nothing happened and proposed to her. The next morning he killed the little girl.

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I didn't see the last part and yea I thought she looked insecure and fragile. It's really hard being a single mom it can make you desperate and I'm sure she wasn't expecting him to nut out like he did. I on the other hand would have seen the red flags but I'm so suspicious of ppl and some ppl just don't keep there thoughts on the suspicious train. They get blind sided

Posted by Stensco21
Posted by Deedee86
Posted by Stensco21
I saw this come on the other day and had to turn it. I couldn't stomach it. He also had sex w a twelve year old and maybe molested the twin he killed

He also was fired from his job at a nursing home because there were complaints of abuse. The articles from the trial are sickening.

I seriously had to turn the tv off and the story has stuck in my head for days. It's ironic yih posted this

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We had only lived in the town for a couple months. The twins were one year younger than my son. The murder happened in the summer and the family moved and never returned to school. My kids did not know them but it was something their classmates were wrecked over.

My older son's good friend lives 2 doors down from that house and remembers that morning. He was inside but his father was outside trying to help.

Posted by Deedee86
Posted by Stensco21
Posted by Deedee86
Posted by Stensco21
I saw this come on the other day and had to turn it. I couldn't stomach it. He also had sex w a twelve year old and maybe molested the twin he killed

He also was fired from his job at a nursing home because there were complaints of abuse. The articles from the trial are sickening.

I seriously had to turn the tv off and the story has stuck in my head for days. It's ironic yih posted this

We had only lived in the town for a couple months. The twins were one year younger than my son. The murder happened in the summer and the family moved and never returned to school. My kids did not know them but it was something their classmates were wrecked over.

My older son's good friend lives 2 doors down from that house and remembers that morning. He was inside but his father was outside trying to help.

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Wow I'm so sorry. It hurt me to even hear the story much less be around when it happened. What state do you live in? I stopped watching when they were talking about how the brother was telling the mom he saw him w the twin w no pants on ugh

Posted by Stensco21
Posted by Deedee86
Posted by Stensco21
The mom seemed tired and like she needed help w the kids my mom was like this and being stressed can cause you to make bad decisions.

She must have been lonely and insecure to even let him in to begin with. He was no prize by any means. He tried to break up with her several times and she would cry and beg him to come back. According to her testimony, he dumped her and left with his ex girlfriend 2 days before the murder. He came back in the house that Sunday like nothing happened and proposed to her. The next morning he killed the little girl.

I didn't see the last part and yea I thought she looked insecure and fragile. It's really hard being a single mom it can make you desperate and I'm sure she wasn't expecting him to nut out like he did. I on the other hand would have seen the red flags but I'm so suspicious of ppl and some ppl just don't keep there thoughts on the suspicious train. They get blind sided

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Dr Phil didn't mention that part but it came out in her testimony during the trial. I posted links above but they kept getting censored because of his name. Just search David Trebilc ock

Posted by Deedee86
Posted by Stensco21
Posted by Deedee86
Posted by Stensco21
The mom seemed tired and like she needed help w the kids my mom was like this and being stressed can cause you to make bad decisions.

She must have been lonely and insecure to even let him in to begin with. He was no prize by any means. He tried to break up with her several times and she would cry and beg him to come back. According to her testimony, he dumped her and left with his ex girlfriend 2 days before the murder. He came back in the house that Sunday like nothing happened and proposed to her. The next morning he killed the little girl.

I didn't see the last part and yea I thought she looked insecure and fragile. It's really hard being a single mom it can make you desperate and I'm sure she wasn't expecting him to nut out like he did. I on the other hand would have seen the red flags but I'm so suspicious of ppl and some ppl just don't keep there thoughts on the suspicious train. They get blind sided

Dr Phil didn't mention that part but it came out in her testimony during the trial. I posted links above but they kept getting censored because of his name. Just search David Trebilc ock

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Do you know his zodiac sign?

Posted by Stensco21
Posted by Deedee86
Posted by Stensco21
Posted by Deedee86
Posted by Stensco21
I saw this come on the other day and had to turn it. I couldn't stomach it. He also had sex w a twelve year old and maybe molested the twin he killed

He also was fired from his job at a nursing home because there were complaints of abuse. The articles from the trial are sickening.

I seriously had to turn the tv off and the story has stuck in my head for days. It's ironic yih posted this

We had only lived in the town for a couple months. The twins were one year younger than my son. The murder happened in the summer and the family moved and never returned to school. My kids did not know them but it was something their classmates were wrecked over.

My older son's good friend lives 2 doors down from that house and remembers that morning. He was inside but his father was outside trying to help.

Wow I'm so sorry. It hurt me to even hear the story much less be around when it happened. What state do you live in? I stopped watching when they were talking about how the brother was telling the mom he saw him w the twin w no pants on ugh

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I think I felt the same way as you and everyone else in the country. It's just sickening. This happened in Sherrill, NY. First murder in 34 years.

The "Craigslist Killer" was also born and raised in Sherrill. Proof that sickos can be anywhere

@Stensco21 I tried figuring out their signs but can't find any records. Usually inmates are listed online but I can't find him. It must be because he is in the mental hospital.
Posted by Deedee86
Posted by Stensco21
Posted by Deedee86
Posted by Stensco21
Posted by Deedee86
Posted by Stensco21
I saw this come on the other day and had to turn it. I couldn't stomach it. He also had sex w a twelve year old and maybe molested the twin he killed

He also was fired from his job at a nursing home because there were complaints of abuse. The articles from the trial are sickening.

I seriously had to turn the tv off and the story has stuck in my head for days. It's ironic yih posted this

We had only lived in the town for a couple months. The twins were one year younger than my son. The murder happened in the summer and the family moved and never returned to school. My kids did not know them but it was something their classmates were wrecked over.

My older son's good friend lives 2 doors down from that house and remembers that morning. He was inside but his father was outside trying to help.

Wow I'm so sorry. It hurt me to even hear the story much less be around when it happened. What state do you live in? I stopped watching when they were talking about how the brother was telling the mom he saw him w the twin w no pants on ugh

I think I felt the same way as you and everyone else in the country. It's just sickening. This happened in Sherrill, NY. First murder in 34 years.

The "Craigslist Killer" was also born and raised in Sherrill. Proof that sickos can be anywhere

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Yes this killing def struck a nerve in me. Some ppl are monsters. Doesn't seem like a human being could be cable if these things
Posted by Deedee86
@Stensco21 I tried figuring out their signs but can't find any records. Usually inmates are listed online but I can't find him. It must be because he is in the mental hospital.
Yes that's prb why. She seemed like a water sign to me
Posted by Stensco21
I saw this come on the other day and had to turn it. I couldn't stomach it. He also had sex w a twelve year old and maybe molested the twin he killed
Didn't she allude to him being sexually bizarre?
Posted by aquapiscescusp
Posted by Stensco21
I saw this come on the other day and had to turn it. I couldn't stomach it. He also had sex w a twelve year old and maybe molested the twin he killed
Didn't she allude to him being sexually bizarre?
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I didn't watch it that far honestly. The whole thing gave me the creeps

Posted by Stensco21
Posted by aquapiscescusp
Posted by Stensco21
I saw this come on the other day and had to turn it. I couldn't stomach it. He also had sex w a twelve year old and maybe molested the twin he killed
Didn't she allude to him being sexually bizarre?

I didn't watch it that far honestly. The whole thing gave me the creeps

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Me too. But I was perplexed by her and I kept watching. I found it odd how she recounted the dragged out scene of the continuous stabbing of her daughter and no tears in her eyes.

Posted by aquapiscescusp
Posted by Stensco21
Posted by aquapiscescusp
Posted by Stensco21
I saw this come on the other day and had to turn it. I couldn't stomach it. He also had sex w a twelve year old and maybe molested the twin he killed
Didn't she allude to him being sexually bizarre?

I didn't watch it that far honestly. The whole thing gave me the creeps

Me too. But I was perplexed by her and I kept watching. I found it odd how she recounted the dragged out scene of the continuous stabbing of her daughter and no tears in her eyes.

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Well she did say she wakes up and goes through the motions. She look dissociated. Like ptsd to me
There was a lot of drama online afterwards. The father and I have a few mutual fb friends so a lot of posts wound up on my tl. He was understandably upset about that man being allowed in the house to begin with. They were not divorced and he claimed to not know that this man was living there.

The father took it very hard. I have no doubt that the mother blamed herself but she got up and carried on with life, mainly for the other two kids. The father just fell apart.
Posted by DivaCanLeo
Posted by Deedee86
@Stensco21 I tried figuring out their signs but can't find any records. Usually inmates are listed online but I can't find him. It must be because he is in the mental hospital.
He's probably a virgo ands she sounds like a Pisces

Maybe an aqua with a pisces moon
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I admit that those crossed my mind.
Posted by Deedee86
Posted by DivaCanLeo
Posted by Deedee86
@Stensco21 I tried figuring out their signs but can't find any records. Usually inmates are listed online but I can't find him. It must be because he is in the mental hospital.
He's probably a virgo ands she sounds like a Pisces

Maybe an aqua with a pisces moon
I admit that those crossed my mind.
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Yea she seemed pretty Pisces matyr type person

Posted by DivaCanLeo
Posted by Deedee86
There was a lot of drama online afterwards. The father and I have a few mutual fb friends so a lot of posts wound up on my tl. He was understandably upset about that man being allowed in the house to begin with. They were not divorced and he claimed to not know that this man was living there.

The father took it very hard. I have no doubt that the mother blamed herself but she got up and carried on with life, mainly for the other two kids. The father just fell apart.
Of course when your mother is a prostitute she can easily move on while everyone else deals with the ramifications

Not even divorced and she put a pedophilia and a murderer in her house

Everyone is right she should have killed herself but worthless people never do
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Wow poor dad! He is prb drowning in guilt

Posted by Deedee86
Posted by DivaCanLeo
Posted by Deedee86
@Stensco21 I tried figuring out their signs but can't find any records. Usually inmates are listed online but I can't find him. It must be because he is in the mental hospital.
He's probably a virgo ands she sounds like a Pisces

Maybe an aqua with a pisces moon
I admit that those crossed my mind.
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*rolls eyes* the pun towards virgo and pisces. and even aqua. Jeeeezzzz.

any sign really, just the other day, I was reading the real life story of the catwoman, who is Leo sun/Cancer moon and good thing she didn't have any children.

she was just allowing men to take advantage of her.

and earlier today with Britney Murphy, it's sad what happened, but did you see her husband?

eard of the story, I haven't even looked at the link yet. But how can anyone live with themselves???

Posted by DivaCanLeo
Posted by Deedee86
There was a lot of drama online afterwards. The father and I have a few mutual fb friends so a lot of posts wound up on my tl. He was understandably upset about that man being allowed in the house to begin with. They were not divorced and he claimed to not know that this man was living there.

The father took it very hard. I have no doubt that the mother blamed herself but she got up and carried on with life, mainly for the other two kids. The father just fell apart.
Of course when your mother is a prostitute she can easily move on while everyone else deals with the ramifications

Not even divorced and she put a pedophilia and a murderer in her house

Everyone is right she should have killed herself but worthless people never do
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you talk big sometimes.

but I remember when we talked about Halle Berry's mother, should her mother have just OFFED herself because she was witnessed to abuse daily like that? Now look at what happened to Halle Berry...she has trouble with her marriages.
Posted by DivaCanLeo
Posted by Deedee86
@Stensco21 I tried figuring out their signs but can't find any records. Usually inmates are listed online but I can't find him. It must be because he is in the mental hospital.
He's probably a virgo ands she sounds like a Pisces

Maybe an aqua with a pisces moon
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An aqua would have killed him with her bare hands. What?
Posted by EnochtheWise
Posted by Deedee86
Posted by EnochtheWise
Horrible. Apparently she was a twin, and her sister saw the attack.

The twin was in the room. They slept in bunk beds. This was very calculated. He put the dog in the garage, went in the bedroom and pushed a dresser in front of the door. The mother was able to bust in. He stabbed the girl again while the mother was giving her CPR. She stabbed him in the neck but unfortunately didn't kill him.

If you read the day one testimony, there were signs the night before that something was not right but hindsight is 20/20.

He had previously confessed to cheating during the relationship, was afraid to go to Disney Land bc he had slept with a 12 yr old when he was 19 in FL, and apparently was also looking a kiddy porn? Seem to have been all sorts of red flags....I really don't know how you get on with life after something like this happens to your child. I suppose she's just living for her other daughter now. I'd be checking out if there were no other children.
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it's weird he's not on the criminal profile site. even mentally ill people are on there.

Posted by aquapiscescusp
Posted by DivaCanLeo
Posted by Deedee86
@Stensco21 I tried figuring out their signs but can't find any records. Usually inmates are listed online but I can't find him. It must be because he is in the mental hospital.
He's probably a virgo ands she sounds like a Pisces

Maybe an aqua with a pisces moon
An aqua would have killed him with her bare hands. What?
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Idk I didn't see him that much on the show idk what he was
Posted by DivaCanLeo
This angers me so much. If he was in prison they would have butt raped him and probably killed him

Yet he gets to plea insanity

That's when I'd be willing to do time cause he'd be dead.

Ppl that harm children make me sick
Before trial he was in jail and did get beat up. The inmate that did it got charged with assault. I'm sure the guards tried to look the other way in that one.

He made a comment during his arraignment that was pretty sick. He said that he lived with his girlfriend and then giggled and said "I guess she's not my girlfriend anymore".

Then he asked to be placed in protective custody.

Posted by DivaCanLeo
Don't have children just to bring chaos into their lives.

Also what about Britney Murphy.

Oh and I'm not talking big when i say that if anybody touches or kills my future children they're going to be dead.

I'll just escape to Africa of i have too.

Rape impacts people for life

well I agree with you, but im trying very hard even to find out Rosemarie Fritzl's case file, and she's the infamous mother who allowed Josef Fritzl to FOOL her for decades while her own daughter was in the dungeon being raped everyday.


all she cared was that her life was RUINED...

there are sick mothers too. I don't think it's sign but someone who is insecure so much that she wants a "perfect" life, and shove away the ugliness.

or there are women like halle berry's mother who allows a man to beat her daily so that their children witness that, and are traumatized.
Posted by Stensco21
Posted by aquapiscescusp
Posted by DivaCanLeo
Posted by Deedee86
@Stensco21 I tried figuring out their signs but can't find any records. Usually inmates are listed online but I can't find him. It must be because he is in the mental hospital.
He's probably a virgo ands she sounds like a Pisces

Maybe an aqua with a pisces moon
An aqua would have killed him with her bare hands. What?
Idk I didn't see him that much on the show idk what he was
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Maybe because he was found not guilty


replace the word chicken in the link with c ock
Posted by Deedee86
Posted by Stensco21
Posted by aquapiscescusp
Posted by DivaCanLeo
Posted by Deedee86
@Stensco21 I tried figuring out their signs but can't find any records. Usually inmates are listed online but I can't find him. It must be because he is in the mental hospital.
He's probably a virgo ands she sounds like a Pisces

Maybe an aqua with a pisces moon
An aqua would have killed him with her bare hands. What?
Idk I didn't see him that much on the show idk what he was

Maybe because he was found not guilty


replace the word chicken in the link with c ock
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I can't believe the jury wtf

Posted by DivaCanLeo
Posted by lisabethur8
never even heard of the story, I haven't even looked at the link yet. But how can anyone live with themselves???

Posted by DivaCanLeo
Posted by Deedee86
There was a lot of drama online afterwards. The father and I have a few mutual fb friends so a lot of posts wound up on my tl. He was understandably upset about that man being allowed in the house to begin with. They were not divorced and he claimed to not know that this man was living there.

The father took it very hard. I have no doubt that the mother blamed herself but she got up and carried on with life, mainly for the other two kids. The father just fell apart.
Of course when your mother is a prostitute she can easily move on while everyone else deals with the ramifications

Not even divorced and she put a pedophilia and a murderer in her house

Everyone is right she should have killed herself but worthless people never do

you talk big sometimes.

but I remember when we talked about Halle Berry's mother, should her mother have just OFFED herself because she was witnessed to abuse daily like that? Now look at what happened to Halle Berry...she has trouble with her marriages.
This lady brought the chaos into her home.

She wasn't being abused her daughter was

She's a disgusting piece of sheet.

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some people shouldn't have children then. They should just kill themselves before even considering it.

there are manipulators everywhere. Naïve people of every kind. Why do you think there were thousands of followers for jim jones, or groups of people who followed Manson...and on a larger scale, Hitler. They should all off themselves because people are too weak. there are a lot of weak people in the world who destroy children. i'm not trying to defend the mother, because that's what she was part of. Part of the manipulating scam of a psychopath/sociopath.

well maybe halle berry was abused too. I think she was but won't say it. a man who abuses a wife will also do so with anyone else who is close.
Posted by Stensco21
Posted by Deedee86
Posted by Stensco21
Posted by aquapiscescusp
Posted by DivaCanLeo
Posted by Deedee86
@Stensco21 I tried figuring out their signs but can't find any records. Usually inmates are listed online but I can't find him. It must be because he is in the mental hospital.
He's probably a virgo ands she sounds like a Pisces

Maybe an aqua with a pisces moon
An aqua would have killed him with her bare hands. What?
Idk I didn't see him that much on the show idk what he was

Maybe because he was found not guilty


replace the word chicken in the link with c ock

I can't believe the jury wtf

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No jury. It was judge only. His choice.

Posted by Deedee86
Posted by Stensco21
Posted by Deedee86
Posted by Stensco21
Posted by aquapiscescusp
Posted by DivaCanLeo
Posted by Deedee86
@Stensco21 I tried figuring out their signs but can't find any records. Usually inmates are listed online but I can't find him. It must be because he is in the mental hospital.
He's probably a virgo ands she sounds like a Pisces

Maybe an aqua with a pisces moon
An aqua would have killed him with her bare hands. What?
Idk I didn't see him that much on the show idk what he was

Maybe because he was found not guilty


replace the word chicken in the link with c ock

I can't believe the jury wtf

No jury. It was judge only. His choice.

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Ok so this guy had serious mental problems and she didn't know? Left her kids alone with him?

I'm sorry but something is weird.
Posted by Stensco21
Posted by Deedee86
Posted by Stensco21
Posted by aquapiscescusp
Posted by DivaCanLeo
Posted by Deedee86
@Stensco21 I tried figuring out their signs but can't find any records. Usually inmates are listed online but I can't find him. It must be because he is in the mental hospital.
He's probably a virgo ands she sounds like a Pisces

Maybe an aqua with a pisces moon
An aqua would have killed him with her bare hands. What?
Idk I didn't see him that much on the show idk what he was

Maybe because he was found not guilty


replace the word chicken in the link with c ock

I can't believe the jury wtf

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how can you read the link? it says no link..
I feel most sorry for the surviving twin. Her sister got stabbed right beside her in bed. How do you get over that?