drake vs. meek

This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by lnana04 on Sunday, July 26, 2015 and has 21 replies.
scorpio vs taurus

anyone paying attention to these two?

they were cool, and drake was even on meeks album until meek decided to diss him earlier this week on twitter by saying drake doesn't write his own lyrics. supposedly meeks real issue is that drake didn't retweet his album.

drake responded yesterday with this charged diss/warning.

most people like it, but a lot of people think it's weak. i however see it as a preparation for war, and think drake is being very strategic. ive never really listened to meeks music, but im sure he's going to have a comeback and will go hard. this will be like a chess match, i think. drake was really disrespectful on this, in a calm way, which meek will probably have to adjust his style of rapping, since he's more aggressive.

width="560" height="315" ="https:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UaqWdx-t_qI"

had to post it again, since it appears the first didn't show..

meek responded by saying this was "baby lotion soft." then he tweeted again "but i can tell he wrote this though" lol
Haha meek sounds like a butthurt little girl
Also I don't think you're ever gonna hear drake say anything harder, because he's not hard...that's not his thing...and he never pretends it is. He's just going to dismiss him and let record sales speak for themselves. No one even knows who meek is...hopefully Nicki saves whatever is left of his career after this lol

Posted by Damous
They're both nerds who suck


(secretly knows every word to every drake song)
this diss is so confusing and genius, especially if it really is Drake lol. people think this is daylyt featuring a drake impersonator, but if it's really ft. drake, wow. people think meek is acting different now that he's dating nicki minaj.

width="560" height="315" ="https:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iouvXZG1OLs"
they are rappers, if you don't listen to hip hop music this thread isnt for you lol.

I just checked out some more of meeks music. he's a much better rapper than i thought he was. if he responds im guaranteed it will be interesting.
Oh@Impulsive lol.

that's how I was at first but im enjoying listening to meek right now. i guess i never gave him a chance. here's the song they did togther. it's on meeks album. people think meek was ticked off too that people were saying drake did better than him on his own song. i don't hear it like that.

width="560" height="315" ="https:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EgRrxFsX538"
Posted by Impulsv
Drake should have not reacted. he is giving him a platform he doesn't have without drake. Me n u would never know of him lol
Even if he's good he'd be un notice by mainstream.

that's what im thinking. i guess the accusations are a bit much though, since they were cool and it's such an important thing in hip hop to write your own lyrics *eyeroll*, plus meek mill is with nicki who drake is friends with, so it seems like it's just all around betrayal. with meek mill being more of a street rapper it doesn't seem drake would be able to dodge the accusations in the future, although he's a bigger star, so i'm assuming drake felt he had to respond.

im realizing in this that drake has a lot of fans though. most people think it was petty of meek. maybe drake could've continued without saying anything, but idk. i personally wouldn't have responded, but i maybe drake sees this as a threat.
Why are they beefing in the first place? I don't have a twitter, I'm lost loll
Meek Mill is a fool.
Posted by Blood ft. Water
All of drake music is garbage

LOL@ the idiots who memorize his lyrics and spit them to their s/o

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Don't be fooled by these sudden 'beefs'
Posted by 037

Don't be fooled by these sudden 'beefs'

+1 million these ni $ $ as just want to line they pockets @ rozay and meek. meek is sexy as hell tho. Nicki does nothing for me.... idk why. I always loved little kim.
I dont trust this bitchez
I don't get publicity from this and Drake doesn't need it. Besides, there has to be a winner and a loser...there's no wins for them both. Accusing someone of having a ghostwriter is not something you can call a publicity stunt, unless it's publicity for himself. I can't see Drake being in on that.
Posted by lnana04
I don't get publicity from this and Drake doesn't need it. Besides, there has to be a winner and a loser...there's no wins for them both. Accusing someone of having a ghostwriter is not something you can call a publicity stunt, unless it's publicity for himself. I can't see Drake being in on that.

Posted by exoskeleton
i didn't even know who meek was before he dated nicki. i doubt anyone has compared him to drake, lmao.

seriously!!! lol
@tizani, I don't know. He just released another freestyle type of diss. He really fired Drake up, and still nothing from him smh. He's typical, gonna take his precious time and release something probably weeks from now, once Drake done calmed down, which will fire him up again. I'm like Impulsive, Drake shouldn't have responded. This can be a long drawn out thing.

width="560" height="315" ="https:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o0FhMHqXkLA"
Meek finally dropped his diss. He has a good ear for beats, and a better flow. I'm not sure if this will warrant another diss from Drake though, unless Meek has another one up his sleeve too. This whole thing started by Meek accusing Drake of having ghostwriters. When the beat slows and you hear the guy singing, that's the original "Know Yourself" song.

width="560" height="315" ="https:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rsM95jYHyUw"