i'm a gay female and befriend with cappy girl for 5 yrs already. All these times I knew she's the hardworking type, and she treat everyone the same, for example flirty joke around, being touchy with both sexes. Although I'm gay, I treat her in just a plat
I was born september 30th 1998. For some weird reason when I see stuff about Librans, I am like wtfff?? Its either Libras are really clever or people are just dumb. All i see is that Libras are all rainbows, overly generous, sugar spice and everything nic
The other day Scorpio male tells me he regrets rushing into things and he wants to be friends. Then, next thing you know, I'm meeting his Mom. lol. I'm confused.
Do you think that souls gradually like let's say two opposing souls over the generations keep wanting to make it better ..until they finally reach peace?
Hey there, I literally just joined this forum but whatever. In my astrology, I am Pisces in everything except Rising, in which I am Leo. Of course this adds up to be very unique, and I've always wanted to answer questions. Give me scenarios, things you wo
You can also replace either one with your dominant sign. For example, if Sagittarius is your dominant sign, your sun sign is Scorpio, and your moon sign is Libra, you could check Sagittarius sun - Libra moon, Scorpio sun - Sagittarius moon, and Scorpi
Hey. It's just a question that I have. This pisces and I tried to have a relationship but it didn't work, mainly because he is still in love with his ex-girlfriend. I'm cancer and we created a special bond. Some weeks ago, there were dark clouds between u
Aries: Are you from Tennessee? Because…um…*sweats* YOU’RE HOT
Taurus: I’m addicted to yes and allergic to no, so what’s it gonna be because it’s allergy season and I don’t need another reason to sneeze on you
Gemini: Girl you better have a license