DXP Survivor 2014 Part I

This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by StoicGoat on Monday, March 17, 2014 and has 614 replies.
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Welcome, players and audience members, to the St. Patrick??s Day Premiere of DXP Survivor 2014. The game will begin with the 12 players divided into two teams, as follows:
The Air Heads
The Downy Dryer Sheets a/k/a The Double Ds
When only 6 players remain, the teams will be disbanded and the game will become every (wo)man for him/her self. When only three players remain, that player who has accumulated the most points will get to choose which of the other two s/he will face in the final debate.
For the first debate, each team is charged to identify those 5 rights it believes most essential as human rights. As GetMisted chose her teammates, The Air Heads will be given first dibs. Any team member??s post will be counted as though s/he speaks for the entire team. The teams will alternate claiming rights until each has claimed a total of 5. The first debate will conclude 23 hours, 59 minutes, 59 seconds after the time stamp on the post claiming the last right. The winning team will be determined based on how well its members argue in favor of their rights, defend them against attack, support them logically and/or with empirical evidence, and weaken the opposing team??s chosen rights. For the purposes of this debate, ???human rights?? shall be defined as ???those fundamental rights humans have by virtue of being human.?? The members of the winning team will each receive one point for the first debate. Points awarded to the winning team??s members in each subsequent debate will increase by one. The winner will (hopefully) be declared 24 hours after the conclusion of each debate, at which time the challenge will be presented.
The challenge will only be applicable to the losing team??s members and will be sudden death; the first person to post the correct answer wins immunity from the vote that will immediately follow. The winner of the challenge will receive twice the points of the associated debate. Members of the losing team will be required to choose the teammate they wish to vote out. A simple majority is all that is needed. As previously stated, the winner of the challenge cannot be voted out. In the event a vote results in less than a majority, the team members will be required to recast their votes until a majority is achieved.
Following the team??s vote, the audience will vote on which member of the winning team to transfer to the losing team. Again, a simple majority will prevail. The audience will have until 9PM EST US of the following day (when the next debate will begin) to cast their votes. In the event a vote results in less than a majority, the start of the debate will be delayed until a majority is achieved. Votes from audience members whose first post on DXP was on or after March 6, 2014 will not be counted unless they are former members whose prior identify can be verified. Acceptance of prior identities shall be at the Judge??s sole discretion.
As it is St. Patrick??s Day, may the luck of the Irish be with you all and the first round's on me! Big Grin

Posted by xdimplez
oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man.
i cant even pay attention to this because i have to study tonight for an upcoming exam. mannnnnnnnnnn
is there going to be a comment thread?

Your wish is my command.
Dryer Sheets! Your turn.
I claim the Right to Liberty.
Airheads, you're up!
FYI: everything after the right to liberty that Damnata claimed is still fair game.
Posted by StillWater
Hey stoic, if we claim one does that mean that exact individual has to debate it or anyone in the team can?

You're only claiming for the team. Who argues for/against what is entirely up to the team members.
On behalf of my team #DownyDryerSheets

I claim The Right to Life.
Airheads, you're up again. Here's what's been claimed so far:
The Airheads
Freedom of thought
The right of the people to peaceably assemble and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances
The Downy Dryer Sheets
Right to liberty
The right to life
There is no rule saying each player can only claim one right for their team.
Dryer sheets, you're up! Here's what's been claimed:
The Airheads
Freedom of thought
The right of the people to peaceably assemble and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances
Right to be free from slavery
The Downy Dryer Sheets
Right to liberty
The right to life
Again on behalf of my team #DownyDryerSheets

I claim the Right to Freedom from Torture.
Airheads, speak up! What's been claimed:
The Airheads
Freedom of thought
The right of the people to peaceably assemble and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances
Right to be free from slavery
The Downy Dryer Sheets
Right to liberty
The right to life
Right to freedom from torture
Posted by
Mr. Goat, can we get a ruling on if Right to Liberty vs Right to be free from Slavery are not the same?

The admittance of the rights in question to their respective teams is upheld. How they are argued will be entirely up to the players.
Posted by GetMisted
Mr. Goat, can we get a ruling:
Our team argues the right to be free from slavery is included in the right of Liberty.

As liberty has yet to be defined, it could either include or exclude the right to be free from slavery. The Airheads believe it should be considered separately and they shall be afforded the opportunity to make their case.
The user who posted this message has hidden it.

I saw that. Meow hiss meow hiss hiss meowwwwwww.
I'm feeling like Crab this morning...
Trying to get these airheads to claim rights is like...what? Can you think of any good analogies?
Well I'll just add a quote from the end of my debate on roughly the same topic in the DXP Survivor Finale last year in 2013...
Posted by NotYourAverageAquarius
Funny if you consider what the criteria for an Anarchist to consider you or themselves to be human:
The more enlightened man will become, the less he will employ compulsion and coercion. The really civilized man will divest himself of all fear and authority. He will rise from the dust and stand erect: he will bow to no tsar either in heaven or on earth. He will become fully human when he will scorn to rule and refuse to be ruled. He will be truly free only when there shall be no more masters.

With that said...
Imma say
The right of free will
Dryer Sheets, what answereth ye?
The Airheads
Freedom of thought
The right of the people to peaceably assemble and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances
Right to be free from slavery
The right to free will
The Downy Dryer Sheets
Right to liberty
The right to life
Right to freedom from torture
Airheads, last one for your team.
The Airheads
Freedom of thought
The right of the people to peaceably assemble and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances
Right to be free from slavery
The right to free will
The Downy Dryer Sheets
Right to liberty
The right to life
Right to freedom from torture
Right to be considered innocent until proven guilty in a fair trial
Scruffy your silly
Stoic how did I know you were gonna pose this topic again in this Survivor ^.^
I understand why you want me to GetMisted... lets wait a few minutes. And perhaps I will.
I think for next time maybe we should have each member choose one right so as to stop one member of the group from choosing everything BUT... I suppose the other side of that coin is your team members should be thinking this way from the get go.
I just wanna be fair
Big Grin
The right to education....for the Airheads Please!..
K there we go
Dryer Sheets, last one. Best make it count!
The Airheads
Freedom of thought
The right of the people to peaceably assemble and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances
Right to be free from slavery
The right to free will
The right to education
The Downy Dryer Sheets
Right to liberty
The right to life
Right to freedom from torture
Right to be considered innocent until proven guilty in a fair trial

I'd like to claim "The Right to Freedom from Discrimination" for my team.
sorry guys..was missing in action for a little bit there...a 30 minute nap turned to 3 or so hours..

Posted by NotYourAverageAquarius
I think for next time maybe we should have each member choose one right so as to stop one member of the group from choosing everything BUT... I suppose the other side of that coin is your team members should be thinking this way from the get go.
I just wanna be fair
Big Grin

There you go.
Everyone was informed of the start time more than 24 hours in advance. If they choose not to attend, I fail to see how any measure of fairness has been violated.
Teams, the rights you have chosen are below. Now all you have to do is prove why yours are more important than your opponent's. The debate will end at 1 AM EST US, March 19.
The Airheads
Freedom of thought
To peaceably assemble and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances
Freedom from slavery
Free will
The Downy Dryer Sheets
Freedom from torture
To be considered innocent until proven guilty in a fair trial
Freedom from discrimination
Posted by GetMisted
Posted by NotYourAverageAquarius
I think for next time maybe we should have each member choose one right so as to stop one member of the group from choosing everything BUT... I suppose the other side of that coin is your team members should be thinking this way from the get go.
I just wanna be fair
Big Grin

Because ironically, the non-AIR team "thought" to post for the others because they went to bed.
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The statement wasn't really directed at you misted but I understand why you would think that.
Sorry, wasn't trying to talk dirty about you to the head goat.
It did look that way though didn't haha! I was just thinking about from my perspective.
ha I still made a typo oh well w/e it stays for all time fuck it ~_~
Posted by GetMisted
Posted by NotYourAverageAquarius
I think for next time maybe we should have each member choose one right so as to stop one member of the group from choosing everything BUT... I suppose the other side of that coin is your team members should be thinking this way from the get go.
I just wanna be fair
Big Grin

Because ironically, the non-AIR team "thought" to post for the others because they went to bed.
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Well..speaking for myself...After 9 hours of work...I beleive I have to RIGHT to take a nap if I so desire since I had originally showed up too early before anything started..my nap just dragged on a little longer than (I wanted) it to be, but only I apologize to my team mates for missing any action....
Posted by StoicGoat
Teams, the rights you have chosen are below. Now all you have to do is prove why yours are more important than your opponent's. The debate will end at 1 AM EST US, March 19.
The Airheads
Freedom of thought
To peaceably assemble and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances
Freedom from slavery
Free will
The Downy Dryer Sheets
Freedom from torture
To be considered innocent until proven guilty in a fair trial
Freedom from discrimination

Man I hate the way you stated that to be honest T_T
Posted by NotYourAverageAquarius
Posted by GetMisted
Posted by NotYourAverageAquarius
I think for next time maybe we should have each member choose one right so as to stop one member of the group from choosing everything BUT... I suppose the other side of that coin is your team members should be thinking this way from the get go.
I just wanna be fair
Big Grin

Because ironically, the non-AIR team "thought" to post for the others because they went to bed.

The statement wasn't really directed at you misted but I understand why you would think that.
Sorry, wasn't trying to talk dirty about you to the head goat.
It did look that way though didn't haha! I was just thinking about from my perspective.
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It kind of sounds like a good idea..only because it put pressure on the other team mates especially if they want to stick around longer in the game...participation is highly favored.
Posted by NotYourAverageAquarius
Posted by StoicGoat
Teams, the rights you have chosen are below. Now all you have to do is prove why yours are more important than your opponent's. The debate will end at 1 AM EST US, March 19.
The Airheads
Freedom of thought
To peaceably assemble and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances
Freedom from slavery
Free will
The Downy Dryer Sheets
Freedom from torture
To be considered innocent until proven guilty in a fair trial
Freedom from discrimination

Man I hate the way you stated that to be honest T_T
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Big Grin
Posted by GetMisted
Posted by aquariuslove14
Posted by GetMisted
Posted by NotYourAverageAquarius
I think for next time maybe we should have each member choose one right so as to stop one member of the group from choosing everything BUT... I suppose the other side of that coin is your team members should be thinking this way from the get go.
I just wanna be fair
Big Grin

Because ironically, the non-AIR team "thought" to post for the others because they went to bed.

Well..speaking for myself...After 9 hours of work...I beleive I have to RIGHT to take a nap if I so desire since I had originally showed up too early before anything started..my nap just dragged on a little longer than (I wanted) it to be, but only I apologize to my team mates for missing any action....

That's why I said to pass the duties on to your teammates so that you can sleep. Maybe you misinterpreted what I said?
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No I didn't misinterpret...I only apologize to the team...especially NYAA because I understand his view on it also.... smile
I have received a PM requesting clarification. There is no need to raise any issue pertaining to law in the course of this debate. The teams are welcome to do so if they feel it will aid their respective causes, but I assure you, the citing of legal precedents and the like is completely unnecessary.
The Downy Dryer Sheets
Liberty - Seems far too general to be called a right honestly. Liberty to what? Liberty as a right is like a politicians favorite friend, sounds nice to the ear but general enough to apply to anything. I can have the liberty to kill, the liberty to actually Discriminate, torture, and find anyone guilty before being proven guilty. I actually have the Liberty to contradict every right in the Downy Dryer Sheet list.

Freedom from torture
To be considered innocent until proven guilty in a fair trial
Freedom from discrimination

Posted by GetMisted
Posted by StoicGoat
I have received a PM requesting clarification. There is no need to raise any issue pertaining to law in the course of this debate. The teams are welcome to do so if they feel it will aid their respective causes, but I assure you, the citing of legal precedents and the like is completely unnecessary.

What about international law?
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I think he means you can use law or w/e angle you like..
W/e you feel is relevant.
You can use international and you then you don't have to.
Well that's the way I understood what he said hahaha
Freedom of Education
Education is important, not only for the youth but as growing adults in continuing education. If it wasn??t for the freedom of education half of us wouldn??t even know human rights. smile
No one can hold me back from educating myself about my rights??_.
Posted by GetMisted
Posted by StoicGoat
I have received a PM requesting clarification. There is no need to raise any issue pertaining to law in the course of this debate. The teams are welcome to do so if they feel it will aid their respective causes, but I assure you, the citing of legal precedents and the like is completely unnecessary.

What about international law?
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You are free to attack, defend, and/or support with whatever tools you wish to bring to your disposal. I reiterate that the discussion of any law in this debate, though certainly permitted, is entirely unnecessary.
Posted by NotYourAverageAquarius
Posted by GetMisted
Posted by StoicGoat
I have received a PM requesting clarification. There is no need to raise any issue pertaining to law in the course of this debate. The teams are welcome to do so if they feel it will aid their respective causes, but I assure you, the citing of legal precedents and the like is completely unnecessary.

What about international law?

I think he means you can use law or w/e angle you like..
W/e you feel is relevant.
You can use international and you then you don't have to.
Well that's the way I understood what he said hahaha
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I agree with Nacho's interpretation.
Posted by NotYourAverageAquarius
The Downy Dryer Sheets
Liberty - Seems far too general to be called a right honestly. Liberty to what? Liberty as a right is like a politicians favorite friend, sounds nice to the ear but general enough to apply to anything. I can have the liberty to kill, the liberty to actually Discriminate, torture, and find anyone guilty before being proven guilty. I actually have the Liberty to contradict every right in the Downy Dryer Sheet list.

Freedom from torture
To be considered innocent until proven guilty in a fair trial
Freedom from discrimination

absolutely agree
Lets face it folks, Fair doesn't exist
So...it is okay to go out and kill then be deemed innocent and say the trial was fair because the evidence and witnesses were thrown out.
Even when the person is innocent they are still found guilty because of race/gender and what ever else bull-butter.
Posted by GetMisted
Posted by aquariuslove14
Freedom of Education
Education is important, not only for the youth but as growing adults in continuing education. If it wasn??t for the freedom of education half of us wouldn??t even know human rights. smile
No one can hold me back from educating myself about my rights??_.

Before you go any further with "Freedom of Education", I ask that you first provide a definition of what you proclaim education to be.
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Education in its general sense is a form of learning in which the knowledge, skills, and habits of a group of people are transferred from one generation to the next through teaching, training, or research. Education frequently takes place under the guidance of others, but may also be autodidactic.[1] Any experience that has a formative effect on the way one thinks, feels, or acts may be considered educational
The importance of education to the development of intellectual freedom is expressed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 26:
(1) Everyone has the right to education. Education shall be free, at least in the elementary and fundamental stages . . . .
(2) Education shall be directed to the full development of the human personality and to the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. It shall promote understanding, tolerance and friendship among all nations, racial, or religious groups, and shall further the activities of the United Nations for the maintenance of peace.
Posted by GetMisted
Posted by GetMisted
Posted by NotYourAverageAquarius
The Downy Dryer Sheets
Liberty - Seems far too general to be called a right honestly. Liberty to what? Liberty as a right is like a politicians favorite friend, sounds nice to the ear but general enough to apply to anything. I can have the liberty to kill, the liberty to actually Discriminate, torture, and find anyone guilty before being proven guilty. I actually have the Liberty to contradict every right in the Downy Dryer Sheet list.

Freedom from torture
To be considered innocent until proven guilty in a fair trial
Freedom from discrimination


"Article 3.
Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person"
"Now, Therefore THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY proclaims THIS UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS as a common standard of achievement for all peoples and all nations, to the end that every individual and every organ of society, keeping this Declaration constantly in mind, shall strive by teaching and education to promote respect for these rights and freedoms and by progressive measures, national and international, to secure their universal and effective recognition and observance, both among the peoples of Member States themselves and among the peoples of territories under their jurisdiction.

No matter the generality of the "Right to Liberty", it stands that the United Nations has proclaimed the "Right to Liberty" in its declaration of human rights.
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Yeah well the UN got Liberty wrong too.
And considering they are a "Governing" body... keeping things more general is always going to be in their favor because what they previously said or declared in writing can/is always going to be left to interpretation.
Posted by GetMisted
Posted by NotYourAverageAquarius

Yeah well the UN got Liberty wrong too.
And considering they are a "Governing" body... keeping things more general is always going to be in their favor because what they previously said or declared in writing can/is always going to be left to interpretation.

Show me an example of where The UN got the definition of "Liberty" wrong. Do so, and I am likely to agree with you.
And even if the UN is a "governing" body, it is still an organization that was created between independently operating sovereign states that have agreed upon that definition. So once again, define Liberty as it would be opposed to the definition that these countries have set up between them.
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I never said they "DEFINED" Liberty incorrectly. They never define the word Liberty in the Declaration of Human Rights and assume its understood what the meaning of liberty is... but they use the general term liberty "Too Loosely" which was what I find fault with.