DXP Survivor 2014 Part X

This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by StoicGoat on Wednesday, April 30, 2014 and has 141 replies.
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Players, in this debate you are challenged to argue for that color you think tastes best. The first player to claim a given color shall own it. You may not change your mind after claiming it. The winner of the debate will be that player who best stakes their position, defends it against attack, weakens the other players chosen colors, and supports their choice with logical and/or empirical evidence.
If there are any questions, ask away. The debate will start in roughly one hour.
Posted by Damnata

A single word sentence with proper punctuation. Today's Virgo card check has been passed. Big Grin
Posted by StoicGoat
Posted by Damnata

A single word sentence with proper punctuation. Today's Virgo card check has been passed. Big Grin
click to expand

Big Grin
The debate will end 23 hours, 59 minutes, 59 seconds after the time stamp on this post. Good luck!
lol..i know right smile
so many so many
Posted by MadameDeScruffsalot
^ White.

Looks clear to me.
Well since you use words like "pictates" and said Ladies First..you go first.
I agree with the rest.
In my reality, that kiwi looks green. To say it is brown it is to liken it to a potato.
But w/e.
Red rice


Notice how my food is red.
Also, take my strawberries off your pancake.
I am feral, I eat rice and raw bacon yes.
And bloody mary's
The Romanian Vampire life is tough.
Carbs: Tomato soup

Protein: Beef Wellington

Vegetable: Radish salad

Beverage/fruit: Cherry Kompot

1st snack: Jam (on just about everything else the Beluga hasn't put peanut butter on..which should ne plenty)
2nd Snack: Red Turkish Delight
Protein: Pan-Seared Salmon with Kalamata Olives and Salsa Cruda

...alternative: Beluga Sushi

Vegetable: Stuffed Red Bell Pepper

Carbs: Tomato and Basil Bruschetta

Beverage: Sangria
all of this delicious looking food is making me hungry...
1st dessert: Red Velvet Cake:
Peanut butter, nutella.
Much originality.
2nd dessert: Poached Red Pear
Bacon? we were doing desserts I think? Confused
Not a day goes by where Americans don't shock me in some way.
1st Cocktail: Ocean Prime: Berries and Bubbles Cocktail
Red is the clear winner to this question since it is the only color that is actually a flavor; however, since Damnata failed to reference Kool-Aid, she loses.
Go ask someone what the best flavor Kool-Aid is. I'll wait, go ahead.
2nd Cocktail: The Governors Ball
Ok, time is up. Red Wine for everyone:
Okay, GetMisted.. This is how we??re going to score this visual debate.
Points per cathegory:
1) Breakfast/ Lunch/ Dinner:
- Carbohydrate : 1 Point / picture
- Protein: 1 Point /picture
- Fruit/Vegetable: 1 Point/ picture
- Beverage: 1 Point/picture
In case of protein-vegetable / protein-carbohydrate/ fruit-beverage/ etc and all other mixes are allowed. As long as all 4 are present in the menu (Carbohydrate, Protein, Fruit, Vegetable, Beverage), a player will get the 4 points.
2)Snack/ Dessert/ Cocktail:
- 1 Point per picture.
Total number of points to be won:
Breakfast = 4, Lunch = 4, Dinner = 4, Snack = 2, Dessert = 2, Cocktail = 2 => 18 points in this visual debate.
Deduction points:
- Raw food unless it??s fruit/vegetable or it??s a dish that is served raw = - 1 point / picture
- Pictures of food that does not strongly suggest the chosen color = -1 point/ picture
The player with the highest number of points will win this visual debate.
Specific details for this visual debate:
In the event of a tie, the judge will state there is a tie. The players will have 29 minutes 59 seconds from the time stamp on the Judge??s post to put forth a picture of a Carbohydrate ??? Protein ??? Fruit/Vegetable ??? Beverage dish. All of the 4 groups need to both be visible in the dish, AND strongly suggest the colors chosen by the players. Posting a regular plate with thinghies on it will not cut it. The player who posts a picture first will win.
If no pictures are submitted within the 29 minutes 59 seconds timeframe, the Cookie Monster will eat the players?? souls along with the hamster that powers DXP. At the same time, the player* with the highest number of points up until this debate will win the debate by default (*= among the players that are in the tie).
Let me check the points:
Damnata = 18 points
GetMisted = 18 points
Damnata, GetMisted:
You have 29 minutes 59 seconds from the time stamp on the Judge??s post to put forth a picture of a Carbohydrate ??? Protein ??? Fruit/Vegetable ??? Beverage dish. All of the 4 groups need to both be visible in the dish, AND strongly suggest the colors chosen by the players. Posting a regular plate with thinghies on it will not cut it. The player who posts a picture first will win.
Scruffy, I will post the Romanian Menu later I think. Until then you can join me with that cocktail Big Grin
Ok, so we still have a tie.

We will default to players' points:
GetMisted = 55
Damnata = 40
TheLadyScorpio = 18
Congratulations on your win, GetMisted!
You won..NYAA.
Posted by MadameDeScruffsalot
Is the Judge judging or sleeping...?

What do you mean? I already judged.
Romanian (Vampire) Menu. Now you might believe we don't have a lot of alternatives but think of the Rh. We can switch from + to - if we're feeling frisky
Breakfast: Type 0 Blood

A high-protein diet heavy on lean meat, poultry, fish, and vegetables, and light on grains, beans, and dairy. D'Adamo also recommends various supplements to help with tummy troubles and other issues he says people with type O tend to have."
Lunch: Type B Blood

Avoid corn, wheat, buckwheat, lentils, tomatoes, peanuts, and sesame seeds. Chicken is also problematic, D'Adamo says. He encourages eating green vegetables, eggs, certain meats, and low-fat dairy.
Dinner: Type AB blood

Foods to focus on include tofu, seafood, dairy, and green vegetables. He says people with type AB blood tend to have low stomach acid. Avoid caffeine, alcohol, and smoked or cured meats.
Snacks: Type A blood

Type A blood: A meat-free diet based on fruits and vegetables, beans and legumes, and whole grains -- ideally, organic and fresh, because D'Adamo says people with type A blood have a sensitive immune system.

Desserts: (look how cute and harmless we are).

A little sumthin sumthin for the DXP hamster also:

...and a Bloody Mary for Stoic Big Grin

Posted by MadameDeScruffsalot
Is the Judge judging or sleeping...?

The Judge quit??_he is in (never, ever again host dxp survivor again land) and he is not coming back??_(look what you did) smh
Any who..he left me in charge
With that being said??_I will (politely) remove the survivor champion crown from Nyaa head, and place it upon my own??_.(even though i was voted out)

Posted by GetMisted
Posted by Damnata
Congratulations on your win, GetMisted!
You won..NYAA.

And no Thanks Tongue
click to expand

See this is why he quit??_this right here^^^the survivors have taken the game over!!!
Posted by aquariuslove14
Posted by GetMisted
Posted by Damnata
Congratulations on your win, GetMisted!
You won..NYAA.

And no Thanks Tongue

See this is why he quit??_this right here^^^the survivors have taken the game over!!!

click to expand

What's wrong with me matching people up?
I get you're an Aqua and allergic to this kind of shit but still lol.
noithing wrong with that...but
But getmisted should not win Tongue (shhhh dont tell him I said that)
Yes I am very allergic to butter I absolutely dislike it..but...
sometimes I caint help but to join in Tongue
I agree. I think I should win. I even posted the Romanian Menu.
Posted by Damnata
I agree. I think I should win. I even posted the Romanian Menu.

o heck no, def not you!!...
I change my mind let Getmisted win
you won enough immunities and debates..now you want to win the TITLE...
Posted by Damnata

Yes you are right!! you should def win for sure..hands down!!
Posted by MadameDeScruffsalot
Credeam ca o sa scri despre sarmale cu mamaliga si despre clatite.

M-am gandit dar mi-am amintit ca ai plecat de aici cand erai mica asa ca nu stiam daca ai tai mai gatesc romaneste. Mai stiti cum sunt sarmalele adevarate? Sau micii? Big Grin
Well I told you that you wouldn't win Damnata
Posted by SteveW
Damnata wins because she posted the Romanian diet of blood.

Stoic, where are you?
Posted by SteveW
Getmisted lost because he put bacon on a cupcake. lol!

Can you please explain to me why Americans put bacon on anything? I seriously want to know.

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