DXP Survivor 2017 Part 12

This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by AfternoonDelights22 on Friday, June 2, 2017 and has 34 replies.


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For tonight's challenge you will have to figure out the social media quotes for every element of the zodiac.


There will be four different rounds with each round being a different element. A new round will be posted after at least 1 person gets all 3 quotes in the round correct. (OR a new one will be posted every 20 minutes)

Each person can only PM me your answers 5 or more minutes apart. If you PM me shorter than 5 minute intervals I will not count those answers nor tell you how many you got correct.

Every time you PM me your answers I will not specify which ones are correct, but I will tell you how many are.

The first person to get all answers right OR the first person to get the most answers right after 90 minutes…wins immunity!

Posted by AfternoonDelights22
For tonight's challenge you will have to figure out the social media quotes for every element of the zodiac.


There will be four different rounds with each round being a different element. A new round will be posted after at least 1 person gets all 3 quotes in the round correct. (OR a new one will be posted every 20 minutes)

Each person can only PM me your answers 5 or more minutes apart. If you PM me shorter than 5 minute intervals I will not count those answers nor tell you how many you got correct.

Every time you PM me your answers I will not specify which ones are correct, but I will tell you how many are.

The first person to get all answers right OR the first person to get the most answers right after 90 minutes…wins immunity!

I'm pretty good at this game Big Grin Big Grin
Less than 2 minutes...

Survivors ready...


(Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)

“I swear I will ask a thousand questions until I get a complete understanding.”

“You all have an opinion, but you all know what you can do with them.”

“What did I do to deserve a friend who understands me this much?”


(Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)

“I’m scared to get close to anyone anymore.”

“High, nice to meet you, I’m Hi”

“I’m going to learn how to break hearts so mine stays intact.”


(Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)

“I got into my car and changed my oil. Called hella people, but they were faking. I had to do it myself. I hate asking people for shit.”

“it always makes me giggle when grown ass "adults" use social media as a shield to talk shit.”

“It’s sad how fast a person will get on my nerves.”

I got too much water in my chart ....I could say any of those things

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(Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)

“I can never express how I feel towards anything...my defense mechanism just be like "fuck it, it don't matter"

“Do not leave me hanging…you have to at least talk to me.”

“Time always exposes what you mean to someone.”

I need coffee....


gastric pains
1 person...so close to winning....can their first fuck up in the game cost them and give people time to catch up...
Its all starting to tighten up now...
@Ram416 wins immunity!

Beating out sakura by less than 10 seconds





You must all vote someone out tonight

It cannot be Ram416 who has immunity
post the answers~!!! I have to know!!
Posted by CaramelizedCoffee
Posted by AfternoonDelights22





You must all vote someone out tonight

It cannot be Ram416 who has immunity
wait no EXILE?
click to expand
Exile is over
Posted by Cancan26
post the answers~!!! I have to know!!

(Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)

“I swear I will ask a thousand questions until I get a complete understanding.” –Gemini

“You all have an opinion, but you all know what you can do with them.”-Aqua

“What did I do to deserve a friend who understands me this much?” –Libra


(Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)

“I’m scared to get close to anyone anymore.” –Scorp

“High, nice to meet you, I’m Hi” –pisces

“I’m going to learn how to break hearts so mine stays intact.” Cancer


(Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)

“I got into my car and changed my oil. Called hella people, but they were faking. I had to do it myself. I hate asking people for shit.” –Sag

“it always makes me giggle when grown ass "adults" use social media as a shield to talk shit.” –leo

“It’s sad how fast a person will get on my nerves.” Aries


(Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)

“I can never express how I feel towards anything...my defense mechanism just be like "fuck it, it don't matter" –Cap

“Do not leave me hanging…you have to at least talk to me.” –Virgo

“Time always exposes what you mean to someone.”-Taurus

Looks like I do better without coffee

Posted by CaramelizedCoffee
Posted by AfternoonDelights22
Posted by CaramelizedCoffee
Posted by AfternoonDelights22





You must all vote someone out tonight

It cannot be Ram416 who has immunity
wait no EXILE?
Exile is over
what ..the whole point of trying to win today was to get exiled.

wtf is going on
As posted yesterday

Posted by AfternoonDelights22
The advantage was found days ago hence why the clues stopped

And tonight is the last night of coconuts

and the last night of exile

and tomorrow is the last night to use hidden immunity idols
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Posted by AfternoonDelights22
Posted by Cancan26
post the answers~!!! I have to know!!

(Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)

“I swear I will ask a thousand questions until I get a complete understanding.” –Gemini

“You all have an opinion, but you all know what you can do with them.”-Aqua

“What did I do to deserve a friend who understands me this much?” –Libra


(Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)

“I’m scared to get close to anyone anymore.” –Scorp

“High, nice to meet you, I’m Hi” –pisces

“I’m going to learn how to break hearts so mine stays intact.” Cancer


(Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)

“I got into my car and changed my oil. Called hella people, but they were faking. I had to do it myself. I hate asking people for shit.” –Sag

“it always makes me giggle when grown ass "adults" use social media as a shield to talk shit.” –leo

“It’s sad how fast a person will get on my nerves.” Aries


(Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)

“I can never express how I feel towards anything...my defense mechanism just be like "fuck it, it don't matter" –Cap

“Do not leave me hanging…you have to at least talk to me.” –Virgo

“Time always exposes what you mean to someone.”-Taurus

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I would have been in deep doody lol

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I would not have got all of those right Big Grin
I pulled a perfect Jeff Probst who always jinxes people :/

sakura was killing it and got the first three sections right on first guesses but then struggled with earth
Posted by AfternoonDelights22
Posted by CaramelizedCoffee
Posted by AfternoonDelights22





You must all vote someone out tonight

It cannot be Ram416 who has immunity
wait no EXILE?
Exile is over
click to expand

shit just got real

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Posted by CaramelizedCoffee
that was some intense sh!t @ram416 do you want to smoke a cigarette together

But first.

Posted by Cancan26
Posted by AfternoonDelights22
Posted by Cancan26
post the answers~!!! I have to know!!

(Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)

“I swear I will ask a thousand questions until I get a complete understanding.” –Gemini

“You all have an opinion, but you all know what you can do with them.”-Aqua

“What did I do to deserve a friend who understands me this much?” –Libra


(Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)

“I’m scared to get close to anyone anymore.” –Scorp

“High, nice to meet you, I’m Hi” –pisces

“I’m going to learn how to break hearts so mine stays intact.” Cancer


(Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)

“I got into my car and changed my oil. Called hella people, but they were faking. I had to do it myself. I hate asking people for shit.” –Sag

“it always makes me giggle when grown ass "adults" use social media as a shield to talk shit.” –leo

“It’s sad how fast a person will get on my nerves.” Aries


(Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)

“I can never express how I feel towards anything...my defense mechanism just be like "fuck it, it don't matter" –Cap

“Do not leave me hanging…you have to at least talk to me.” –Virgo

“Time always exposes what you mean to someone.”-Taurus

I would have been in deep doody lol

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I would not have got all of those right Big Grin
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The irony is, I was so damn shitty at this game the first time around.
Posted by CaramelizedCoffee
Posted by AfternoonDelights22
I pulled a perfect Jeff Probst who always jinxes people :/

sakura was killing it and got the first three sections right on first guesses but then struggled with earth
damn i should have sent her my answers for EARTH i know EARTH like i know my Vagina.
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This game still makes me want to

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Posted by MzSaaaag
Posted by starwars
Posted by Ram416
This game still makes me want to

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too bad you have immunity
And if you don't win immunity next time..

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wow they are so young here lol
Posted by AfternoonDelights22


(Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)

“I swear I will ask a thousand questions until I get a complete understanding.” –Gemini


(Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)

“I’m scared to get close to anyone anymore.” –Scorp

“High, nice to meet you, I’m Hi” –pisces

“I’m going to learn how to break hearts so mine stays intact.” Cancer


(Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)

“I can never express how I feel towards anything...my defense mechanism just be like "fuck it, it don't matter" –Cap

“Do not leave me hanging…you have to at least talk to me.” –Virgo

“Time always exposes what you mean to someone.”-Taurus

I got all of these right. I didn't even read the fire signs....
And there were 4

Once again tonights challenge at 10:00 EST
Scared Scared dyyyyaum....

These episodes are getting really good ! Lmao

Everytime I think I know whose going home.... They pull the wool over my eyes...
Lol three idols in one night, any left ?
Posted by FknNerd
Posted by CaramelizedCoffee
I figured there were two idols being used, no threatening pm's or badgering of individuals...

...I got a call from you at 1am in the morning after 5+ texts of "what else do they have"


Cheater *cough*
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