DXPIL Season 3 Players Lounge

This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by AfternoonDelights22 on Wednesday, January 17, 2018 and has 1309 replies.
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The game is simple:

*I give a real life scenario (examples: award shows, stock market, sports games, tv ratings etc)

*1 or 2 people take a guess and must take opposite answers to the scenario going against each other 1 on 1.

*Each person will represent one of their placements. You will only represent ONE placement throughout the game unless there is a trade.

*A single person can only play in one ongoing scenario at a time. [Unless stated otherwise]

*Once the scenario plays out the winning player who guessed right (or closest) will get a win for whichever team they are representing and it will be added to a ranking system.

*Each team can play 5 total games a week.

*A team must play at least 50 games (but can play a total of 80 games) to qualify for a playoff spot

*During the last few weeks of the season a team will be able to play more than 5 games a week if necessary.

Trade Rules:

*A team must play at least 20 games before a member of the team can move to a different team

*A person cannot trade from a team unless that team has a win percentage of .420 or lower

*HOWEVER you can give Tiziani or Damnata 500 DXP points if your win percentage is below .460 to trade earlier.

*There will be a trade deadline as well that I will specify later in the season

*A team can only have 3 total players on the team at once this season.

*No new player can join a team that made the playoffs last year unless approved by members already on the team

YOU must choose which placement you want to represent this season. Players that made the playoffs last season will be representing the same team.

The first scenarios will be posted Thursday for Friday

Good Luck!

THE ACTUAL GAME PLAY THREAD IS AT: https://www.dxpnet.com/opinion/miscellaneous/dxp-intuition-league-season-3-10036501

New Players can Join a new team Until February 21st and an existing team until early march

You can play for DXP Points if you so choose. To do so you must give 500 DXP Points to either @Tiziani or @Damnata (The 2 must give 500 to the other). They will alert me of the points. DXP points will then be distributed to the winner of the season, but also some points will be distributed to teams that make the playoffs and the championship as well. BUT ONLY to the teams that put up DXP Points. If a team that did not put up DXP points wins the season, those DXP points go towards season 4.

You have until Feb 1st to send DXP points to Tiz or Damnata

Cancer Sun Crime

Aries Moon Fire [Playing for points]




Aqua Mars Logic

Scorpio Rising Stingers


Gem Mars Mischief Makers


Gem Mercury Deception


Scorpio Sun Stare


Virgo Mars Shame


Taurus Taco Mars



Aquarius Moon Xanax



Leo Moon Royalty


Sagittarius Moon Warriors


Gentle Scorp in Ur-anus



Cancer Mars El Passo Agressos


Libra Moon Instigators


Scorpio Psycho Venus


Colin Capricorn Neptune Kneelers

- DeleterNerd

Virgo Sun Robots


Aquarius Rising Creed


Scorpio Venus Obsession


Pisces Moon FC



I am here with my intro that seems to be no longer needed. Big Grin
*Gets stinger ready*
Posted by WarAngel1
Can I play?

Which one of your placements would you like to represent?
Posted by WarAngel1
Posted by AfternoonDelights22
Posted by WarAngel1
Can I play?

Which one of your placements would you like to represent?
I'm a Scorpio with Leo moon\mars. Whatever works. 🙂
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You can do either scorpio sun or leo moon

Which one?
Posted by Arkansassy
No minimum games played for individuals to make the playoffs this year?
Posted by Arkansassy
No minimum games played for individuals to make the playoffs this year?
*A team must play at least 50 games (but can play a total of 80 games) to qualify for a playoff spot
Posted by Arkansassy
No minimum games played for individuals to make the playoffs this year?
To Play in the playoffs?

If a team makes the playoffs it is the teams discretion on which individuals pick which
Posted by WarAngel1
Posted by AfternoonDelights22
Posted by WarAngel1
Posted by AfternoonDelights22
Posted by WarAngel1
Can I play?

Which one of your placements would you like to represent?
I'm a Scorpio with Leo moon\mars. Whatever works. 🙂
You can do either scorpio sun or leo moon

Which one?
Scorpio please.
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Scorpio Sun Stare is back in action!
Posted by tiziani
I'd like to resurrect and represent the Libra Sun Vice.

We're a battered franchise with an empty purpose built mega stadium located next to a giant shopping mall. If we don't turn it around with some inspiring performances rumour is our oil rich investors from the east might pull the plug on the whole team.

But i believe in The Vice.
So you are the raiders being moved to Vegas? Tongue
Posted by tiziani
I'd like to resurrect and represent the Libra Sun Vice.

We're a battered franchise with an empty purpose built mega stadium located next to a giant shopping mall. If we don't turn it around with some inspiring performances rumour is our oil rich investors from the east might pull the plug on the whole team.

But i believe in The Vice.
Shocking the world!
Posted by Arkansassy
Posted by Damnata
Posted by Arkansassy
No minimum games played for individuals to make the playoffs this year?
Something funny?
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New year, same fixed.
Posted by Arkansassy
Posted by Damnata
Posted by Arkansassy
Posted by Damnata
Posted by Arkansassy
No minimum games played for individuals to make the playoffs this year?
Something funny?
New year, same fixed.
Matter of principle.

The sole player of a team in the playoffs that contributed 5-10 games in the regular season..

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I was mainly laughing at this being the first sentence you wrote in this topic and remembering last year.

It was a nice laugh not a mock laugh.

Posted by ellesbelles
Question....I can change to scorpio mars or Libra Venus after 20 games with the minimum average or pay 50 points?

Do I start at 0?
Thats supposed to be 500 points not 50 I messed tht up

But you can only switch if after 20 games the team is at .420 or below win percentage or between .420 and .460 if u put in 500 points
Posted by Fortuna
You playin?
I'm in. (First timer here)
Since I didn’t make the playoffs, I’d like to go with Aries Moon. But that’s already full.

So im playing with my Taurus Mars placement. I’ll come up with a name tomorrow. I’m actually going to eat now at 1 am then sleep. I’ll figure out the name tomorrow.

So glad to have DXPIL back smile
Posted by Ram416
I'm in. (First timer here)

Which placement are you reppin?
Posted by HippieGem
Since I didn’t make the playoffs, I’d like to go with Aries Moon. But that’s already full.

So im playing with my Taurus Mars placement. I’ll come up with a name tomorrow. I’m actually going to eat now at 1 am then sleep. I’ll figure out the name tomorrow.

So glad to have DXPIL back smile
Sounds good!
Posted by Squishy_Marshmallow
I deleted my account and lost all my points!!!
Not the ones you sent back, I can send them again lol
Posted by Fortuna
Posted by AfternoonDelights22
Posted by Fortuna
You playin?
I think I’ll watch for now. Maybe next game. smile
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Well it will be going on for a few months so you can jump in at anytime if you wish as long as its before whatever deadline I set
Posted by ellesbelles
When Dazed and Damnata bicker I turn into my mother.

"Don't make me take off my shoe!"

- gemini mother

I stand with big eyes wondering when the fists will start flying 👀
Posted by Squishy_Marshmallow
Posted by justagirl
Posted by Squishy_Marshmallow
I deleted my account and lost all my points!!!
Not the ones you sent back, I can send them again lol
Noooo! That's okie... I didn't sent back a lot of points!

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Next time have someone hold them for you Sad doesn't cost anything to send them.
Posted by ellesbelles
Posted by Arkansassy
Yes I'm still bitter
Don't be bitter. Be better.

If Deldo and I can make a truce....you can too.
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In fairness there was a certain mediatooooor there.

Posted by Arkansassy
Yes I'm still bitter
Can we get along?

Posted by ellesbelles
Posted by Damnata
Posted by ellesbelles
Posted by Arkansassy
Yes I'm still bitter
Don't be bitter. Be better.

If Deldo and I can make a truce....you can too.
In fairness there was a certain mediatooooor there.

In fairness that mediator took a beating because they were dealing with mars in Taurus and mars in Scorpio....lol. *stubborn fucks* Tongue
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Lmao yeah alas the noble goals in lyfe.

Posted by Cvurkoo
I'm in, let's try the aqua moon this time
Posted by ItsMeRoman
Posted by AfternoonDelights22
Posted by ellesbelles
Question....I can change to scorpio mars or Libra Venus after 20 games with the minimum average or pay 50 points?

Do I start at 0?
Thats supposed to be 500 points not 50 I messed tht up

But you can only switch if after 20 games the team is at .420 or below win percentage or between .420 and .460 if u put in 500 points
Just 500 dxp points each? Why not make it 5000 each.

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Maybe one day if the league ever grows
Posted by ItsMeRoman
Posted by AfternoonDelights22
Posted by ItsMeRoman
Posted by AfternoonDelights22
Posted by ellesbelles
Question....I can change to scorpio mars or Libra Venus after 20 games with the minimum average or pay 50 points?

Do I start at 0?
Thats supposed to be 500 points not 50 I messed tht up

But you can only switch if after 20 games the team is at .420 or below win percentage or between .420 and .460 if u put in 500 points
Just 500 dxp points each? Why not make it 5000 each.

Maybe one day if the league ever grows
Booooring. Well if you consider raising the price to at least 1500 entry...lemme know becsuse 500 dxp points is quite literally not enough to buy a newspaper or an explanation pack for one of my apps I play while I’m going poo 💩

😴 who settled on this price?

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Well the point is if enough people played for points one could win 5000 points
Posted by Squishy_Marshmallow
Can we tag people we wanna see play?

Posted by ItsMeRoman
Posted by ellesbelles
Posted by Damnata
Posted by ellesbelles
Posted by Arkansassy
Yes I'm still bitter
Don't be bitter. Be better.

If Deldo and I can make a truce....you can too.
In fairness there was a certain mediatooooor there.

In fairness that mediator took a beating because they were dealing with mars in Taurus and mars in Scorpio....lol. *stubborn fucks* Tongue
Who’s the unlucky bastard with the Taurus mars?

See this is why I actually dislike my Taurus mars...I bet I’d be a nice person if I didn’t have it.


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Lol! Me but I’m still deciding between that and other placements. I kind of want to get away from the Gemini Sun evil twins name..
Posted by Arkansassy
And this is NOT trivia..

There are three types of folks that play DXPIL:

1. Those that excel in predicting stock prices.

2. Those that live and breath sports and are great at picking outcomes of games (Roma games don't count)

3. Those that get lucky in OT playoff Dice of Doom.
I'm right at home with 1.
Posted by tiziani
Posted by Ram416
Posted by Arkansassy
And this is NOT trivia..

There are three types of folks that play DXPIL:

1. Those that excel in predicting stock prices.

2. Those that live and breath sports and are great at picking outcomes of games (Roma games don't count)

3. Those that get lucky in OT playoff Dice of Doom.
I'm right at home with 1.
What placement are you repping?

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Can't decide between my spider moon, my psycho rising or my mercury ox.
Posted by Arkansassy
And this is NOT trivia..

There are three types of folks that play DXPIL:

1. Those that excel in predicting stock prices.

2. Those that live and breath sports and are great at picking outcomes of games (Roma games don't count)

3. Those that get lucky in OT playoff Dice of Doom.
4. Those that win horse races
Posted by Cvurkoo
I just wish i dont detach too much from the game.
I ca nag you lol.
Posted by CaramelizedCoffee
Can i play ?

what placement would you like to represent?
Posted by tiziani
Posted by Cvurkoo
Posted by tiziani
Posted by Cvurkoo
I just wish i dont detach too much from the game.
Well playing cards for each team were made, based around player's catchphrases.

But problem is I don't know any of yours WarAngels or new players signature lines just yet. So get involved lol because I want to personalise every teams playing card graphic
I have played in the last two seasons, Tiz! I thiught we had a connection... ;( Big Grin
We will always have Dimitrov.

But all I remember is being very scared and lost in the streets of Mafia Gotham and you taking advantage of me Sad

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I got weird visuals now :/
Posted by Ram416
Posted by tiziani
Posted by Cvurkoo
Posted by tiziani
Posted by Cvurkoo
I just wish i dont detach too much from the game.
Well playing cards for each team were made, based around player's catchphrases.

But problem is I don't know any of yours WarAngels or new players signature lines just yet. So get involved lol because I want to personalise every teams playing card graphic
I have played in the last two seasons, Tiz! I thiught we had a connection... ;( Big Grin
We will always have Dimitrov.

But all I remember is being very scared and lost in the streets of Mafia Gotham and you taking advantage of me Sad

I got weird visuals now :/
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Imagining a Gemini Moon being taken advantage of...ayyy the innocence rofl.


Put me under Mercury Ox
Posted by Ram416

Put me under Mercury Ox
Sounds good

Please come up with a name for the team in the next 24 hours
Posted by AfternoonDelights22
Posted by Ram416

Put me under Mercury Ox
Sounds good

Please come up with a name for the team in the next 24 hours
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Gluttonous Bellows
Posted by Ram416
Posted by AfternoonDelights22
Posted by Ram416

Put me under Mercury Ox
Sounds good

Please come up with a name for the team in the next 24 hours
Gluttonous Bellows
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Me representing pisces venus.
Posted by Aliensusedourbogroll
I’m in!
which placement of yours would you like to rep
Posted by AerialView
Me representing pisces venus.
Got it

Please come up with a name for the team
Posted by AfternoonDelights22
Posted by AerialView
Me representing pisces venus.
Got it

Please come up with a name for the team
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Name it Penus
Posted by CaramelizedCoffee
Posted by AfternoonDelights22
Posted by CaramelizedCoffee
Can i play ?

what placement would you like to represent?
Not cancer. You pick for me

Leo moon



Virgo mars

Scorpio rising
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We'll go with Leo Moon since it already has a franchise