DXPIL Semi Finals #2

This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by AfternoonDelights22 on Monday, May 1, 2017 and has 228 replies.
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Aries Moons




Aquarius Mars


Will post questions momentarily

Aqua Mars is at home and answers first
Aqua Mars is up first and has 5 hours to answer 2 or 3 of the questions


Will the cards be…

A. 21 or over

B. Under 21

2. The Sears Holdings Corp stock closed at 10.22 today. What will it close at tomorrow?

A. 10.21 or higher

B. 10.20 or lower

3. Who will score more goals in Leg 1 of the following UEFA Champions League semi final?

A. Real Madrid

B. Atletico Madrid

C. Same Amount

4. Who will win Game 3 of the following round 2 NHL Playoff series? (Senators lead 2-0)

A. Ottawa Senators Win

B. New York Rangers Win

5. Who will win Game 4 of the following round 2 NHL Playoff series? (Predators lead 2-1)

A. St Louis Blues Win

B. Nashville Predators Win

I see we are abiding by the "Ladies first" rule.
Posted by GetMisted
Posted by Damnata
I see we are abiding by the "Ladies first" rule.
Unfortunately.. Not all of us were born with the manly looks needed to play the part appropriately.

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I agree.
Aries Moons you have 5 hours to answer the following


Will the cards be…

A. 21 or over

B. Under 21

2. The Sears Holdings Corp stock closed at 10.22 today. What will it close at tomorrow?

A. 10.21 or higher

B. 10.20 or lower

3. Who will score more goals in Leg 1 of the following UEFA Champions League semi final?

A. Real Madrid [Aqua Mars]

B. Atletico Madrid

C. Same Amount




I have a super cute pic to post when I lose.

Viva RG!
Posted by tiziani
Posted by Damnata
I see we are abiding by the "Ladies first" rule.
Shots unloaded straight out the gate!
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Did you even watch the video bruh?

Deldo went all out for this soap opera he hopes for in his Pisces heart.

Alas Dazed lost all his fire and is now picking insults out of Roman's manual.
Posted by tiziani
Posted by Damnata
Posted by tiziani
Posted by Damnata
I see we are abiding by the "Ladies first" rule.
Shots unloaded straight out the gate!
Did you even watch the video bruh?

Deldo went all out for this soap opera he hopes for in his Pisces heart.

Alas Dazed lost all his fire and is now picking insults out of Roman's manual.

I can't watch videos for now until I have unlimited internet again.

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This is up there with the best Sunset Beach had to offer.
Posted by GetMisted
Posted by tiziani
Posted by Damnata
Posted by tiziani
Posted by Damnata
I see we are abiding by the "Ladies first" rule.
Shots unloaded straight out the gate!
Did you even watch the video bruh?

Deldo went all out for this soap opera he hopes for in his Pisces heart.

Alas Dazed lost all his fire and is now picking insults out of Roman's manual.

I can't watch videos for now until I have unlimited internet again.

It was basically deldo fanning rivalry flames between Nata and I.. Even though it was Elle who got the Fire to the playoffs.. Just like last year.

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A lot like it was me getting you to win Survivor in 2014...not that you'd own up to that on DXP.
"fanning rivalry flames"

God, so dramatic.

Gotta put butts in seats
Posted by GetMisted
Posted by Damnata
Posted by GetMisted
Posted by tiziani
Posted by Damnata
Posted by tiziani
Posted by Damnata
I see we are abiding by the "Ladies first" rule.
Shots unloaded straight out the gate!
Did you even watch the video bruh?

Deldo went all out for this soap opera he hopes for in his Pisces heart.

Alas Dazed lost all his fire and is now picking insults out of Roman's manual.

I can't watch videos for now until I have unlimited internet again.

It was basically deldo fanning rivalry flames between Nata and I.. Even though it was Elle who got the Fire to the playoffs.. Just like last year.

A lot like it was me getting you to win Survivor in 2014...not that you'd own up to that on DXP.
A win is a win. Thanks for finally acknowledging it as such. kthxbye
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Nah, was just being kind cuz that was what you were driving at with the Elle comment.

You're welcome.
Posted by GetMisted
Posted by Damnata
"fanning rivalry flames"

God, so dramatic.

Deldo made the video.. Not I. kthxbye

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There really is no rivalry lmao.
Posted by GetMisted
Posted by Damnata
Posted by GetMisted
Posted by Damnata
Posted by GetMisted
Posted by tiziani
Posted by Damnata
Posted by tiziani
Posted by Damnata
I see we are abiding by the "Ladies first" rule.
Shots unloaded straight out the gate!
Did you even watch the video bruh?

Deldo went all out for this soap opera he hopes for in his Pisces heart.

Alas Dazed lost all his fire and is now picking insults out of Roman's manual.

I can't watch videos for now until I have unlimited internet again.

It was basically deldo fanning rivalry flames between Nata and I.. Even though it was Elle who got the Fire to the playoffs.. Just like last year.

A lot like it was me getting you to win Survivor in 2014...not that you'd own up to that on DXP.
A win is a win. Thanks for finally acknowledging it as such. kthxbye
Nah, was just being kind cuz that was what you were driving at with the Elle comment.

You're welcome.
No take backs. kthx

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Was the last part of "kthxbye" redundant after the first 2 times you used it and still engaged me?

Posted by GetMisted
Posted by Damnata
Posted by GetMisted
Posted by Damnata
"fanning rivalry flames"

God, so dramatic.

Deldo made the video.. Not I. kthxbye

There really is no rivalry lmao.
He's trying to win a daytime DXP emmy.. Can you blame him?

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Was there ever another contender though?
Posted by tiziani
J.R.: "And they're gonna get it on right here before the bell has even rung, and this one could be over quick, King"
Man the DXPF is the most underrated DXP game ever

I was reading it last night and dying

It was really the prototype for DXPIL
Posted by GetMisted
Posted by Damnata
Posted by GetMisted
Posted by Damnata
Posted by GetMisted
Posted by Damnata
Posted by GetMisted
Posted by tiziani
Posted by Damnata
Posted by tiziani
Posted by Damnata
I see we are abiding by the "Ladies first" rule.
Shots unloaded straight out the gate!
Did you even watch the video bruh?

Deldo went all out for this soap opera he hopes for in his Pisces heart.

Alas Dazed lost all his fire and is now picking insults out of Roman's manual.

I can't watch videos for now until I have unlimited internet again.

It was basically deldo fanning rivalry flames between Nata and I.. Even though it was Elle who got the Fire to the playoffs.. Just like last year.

A lot like it was me getting you to win Survivor in 2014...not that you'd own up to that on DXP.
A win is a win. Thanks for finally acknowledging it as such. kthxbye
Nah, was just being kind cuz that was what you were driving at with the Elle comment.

You're welcome.
No take backs. kthx

Was the last part of "kthxbye" redundant after the first 2 times you used it and still engaged me?

As a self proclaimed hypocrite.. Do as I say, not as I do.

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Lol, it's all good.

Posted by AfternoonDelights22
Man the DXPF is the most underrated DXP game ever

I was reading it last night and dying

It was really the prototype for DXPIL
I LOVED those challenges.

So much fun.
Posted by GetMisted


Good luck as always
Thank you.

User Submitted Image
Posted by GetMisted
ewww toronto

It's about the message lmao.

Will the cards be…

A. 21 or over [Aries Moons]

B. Under 21 [Aqua Mars]

User Submitted Image

Home team strikes first like every game thus far
2. The Sears Holdings Corp stock closed at 10.22 today. What will it close at tomorrow?

A. 10.21 or higher [Aries Moons]

B. 10.20 or lower [Aqua Mars]

3. Who will score more goals in Leg 1 of the following UEFA Champions League semi final?

A. Real Madrid [Aqua Mars]

B. Atletico Madrid

C. Same Amount [Aries Moons]

4. Who will win Game 3 of the following round 2 NHL Playoff series? (Senators lead 2-0)

A. Ottawa Senators Win [Aries Moons]

B. New York Rangers Win [Aqua Mars]

5. Who will win Game 4 of the following round 2 NHL Playoff series? (Predators lead 2-1)

A. St Louis Blues Win [Aries Moons]

B. Nashville Predators Win [Aqua Mars]

The sears stock seems to heavily favor Aries Moons atm

The rest we shall see
2. The Sears Holdings Corp stock closed at 10.22 today. What will it close at tomorrow?

A. 10.21 or higher [Aries Moons]

B. 10.20 or lower [Aqua Mars]


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We're all tied up!
Real Madrid still has a 1 goal lead atm
Real Madrid scores again which could be the thing that gives the point to Aqua Mars
Posted by tiziani
They said he was finished, they said he was slowing down, but he just keeps racking up goals - Ronaldo Smug
Every time I watch a UEFA Champions game he owns the game
And againnn lolol
3. Who will score more goals in Leg 1 of the following UEFA Champions League semi final?

A. Real Madrid [Aqua Mars]

B. Atletico Madrid

C. Same Amount [Aries Moons]

Aqua Mars retakes the lead

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I had no hope with Real Madrid lmao

Fuck your cards, Deldo.
Posted by GetMisted
Posted by Damnata
I had no hope with Real Madrid lmao

Fuck your cards, Deldo.
the hockey games are toss ups.. for real.

I'm not confident with either of those picks.
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Well you do know more so you should win.

I'm only here cuz I didn't want us Aries Moon to not submit any answers.
Posted by GetMisted
Damn.. Witch hunt on Ovechkin after the brutal hit Niskanen laid on Crosby.


The remainder of this series is gonna be dirty.
Yeah Ill be surprised if it doesnt stay dirty

and I could see an eye for an eye happening
Rangers lookin to give Aqua Mars the winning point
Rangers and Aqua Mars looking like theyre taking this one
4. Who will win Game 3 of the following round 2 NHL Playoff series? (Senators lead 2-0)

A. Ottawa Senators Win [Aries Moons]

B. New York Rangers Win [Aqua Mars]

An official win for Aqua Mars in Game 1

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5. Who will win Game 4 of the following round 2 NHL Playoff series? (Predators lead 2-1)

A. St Louis Blues Win [Aries Moons]

B. Nashville Predators Win [Aqua Mars]

Final Score

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Ill ask questions tomorrow for Game 2

Aries Moons pick first
Congrats Dazed!!!

Now to post the picture I was looking for hahahaha (I'll have to find another losing koala for the next one)

Me in DXPIL:

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Aries Moons pick first if they can pick before 9:30 EST 5 hours from now



Game 2: Aqua Mars Logic AT Aries Moon Fire (Logic leads 1-0)


Will the Dice land on an even number or an odd number?

A. Even

B. Odd

2. The Target Corporation stock closed at 57.34 today. What will it close at tomorrow?

A. 57.50 or higher

B. 57.49 or lower

3. Who will score more goals in leg 1 of the following UEFA Europa League Semi Finals?

A. Celta Vigo

B. Manchester United

C. Draw

4. Who will win Game 4 of the following round 2 NHL Playoff series? (Senators lead 2-1)

A. Ottawa Senators Win

B. New York Rangers Win

5. Who will win the following MLB Baseball Game?

A. New York Mets (Pitcher: Zack Wheeler)

B. Atlanta Braves (Pitcher: Jaime Garcia)

2,3,4 = B
@GetMisted please answer the following in the next 5 hours


Will the Dice land on an even number or an odd number?

A. Even

B. Odd

3. Who will score more goals in leg 1 of the following UEFA Europa League Semi Finals?

A. Celta Vigo

B. Manchester United [Aries Moons]

C. Draw

5. Who will win the following MLB Baseball Game?

A. New York Mets (Pitcher: Zack Wheeler)

B. Atlanta Braves (Pitcher: Jaime Garcia)

Game 2: Aqua Mars Logic AT Aries Moon Fire (Logic leads 1-0)


Will the Dice land on an even number or an odd number?

A. Even [Aries Moons]

B. Odd [Aqua Mars]

2. The Target Corporation stock closed at 57.34 today. What will it close at tomorrow?

A. 57.50 or higher [Aqua Mars]

B. 57.49 or lower [Aries Moons]

3. Who will score more goals in leg 1 of the following UEFA Europa League Semi Finals?

A. Celta Vigo

B. Manchester United [Aries Moons]

C. Draw [Aqua Mars]

4. Who will win Game 4 of the following round 2 NHL Playoff series? (Senators lead 2-1)

A. Ottawa Senators Win [Aqua Mars]

B. New York Rangers Win [Aries Moons]

5. Who will win the following MLB Baseball Game?

A. New York Mets (Pitcher: Zack Wheeler) [Aries Moons]

B. Atlanta Braves (Pitcher: Jaime Garcia) [Aqua Mars]


Will the Dice land on an even number or an odd number?

A. Even [Aries Moons]

B. Odd [Aqua Mars]

That is a point for Aries Moons

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And if the stock snt able to creep back up like its been trying to do they could take an early 2-0 lead
Posted by GetMisted
Posted by AfternoonDelights22
That is a point for Aries Moons

User Submitted Image

And if the stock snt able to creep back up like its been trying to do they could take an early 2-0 lead
There's no winning with those demon dice! Crying
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And cards -.-

That's because Deldo is the demon dealing them.

Posted by tiziani
I would have gone Vigo. United have no more Ibrahimovic.
I wanted to pick Vigo just out of extreme bias cuz I don't like Manchester at all.

But then I felt bad about that so here we are.
2. The Target Corporation stock closed at 57.34 today. What will it close at tomorrow?

A. 57.50 or higher [Aqua Mars]

B. 57.49 or lower [Aries Moons]

The last minute push was not enough and Aries Moon take the big lead

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Posted by GetMisted
no go -_-
The Manchester - Vigo match is going your way.