Dxpnet needs a government (for fun)

This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by Soul on Saturday, November 2, 2024 and has 31 replies.
I think it would be fun to elect dxpnet members into office, even if it's just for role play fun. I'm truly bad at this type of stuff, so I will keep it basic. We need a president, vice president, and a first lady/ gentleman. Out of all dxpnet members you know, pick a member to fit each of those 3 roles. Since I believe in a democracy, majority of the picks will earn the position, and dxpnet for the first time will have its own government. Since the site is slow as fuck, I'll let this go for exactly 30 days. (Bumps recommend)

I nominate myself General of the Army of the United States of DXP
Tiziani for president!
Whosoever shall rule is to be determined by the sun god, Ra.
President ~ Hotdogwater / Ands


Vice President ~ Soul


(We need some humor to survive) 😂


First Lady ~ BordenBeautiful

(For a bit of glamour) 🙋‍♀️👗👠

Posted by AquaClassy
I would vote for soul to be president 👍
Seeing as Ands has gone MIA, I would too!

I love his original and unique approach to life and he has long hair 👍😃
Posted by yourMother
Who is even left here that has two brain cells to rub together? Anyone?
It's all been left to you
If I was president of dxpnet HeavyEntertainmentShow would be vice president under me. Just think a Gemini president and a Pisces vice president

I don't know who'll be the first lady under me

That mean I'll have to be married to a dxp lady

But if I had to pick who would be president, vice president and first lady of dxp, I don't know, yet. I'll probably have to get back to that whenever I can think of someone in mind who's worthy of those positions

Oh wait. Are we talking about which members would be president, vice president and first lady of the united states? Not president of dxp?

I'll be the gazillionare pulling the puppet strings behind the proverbial curtain. Please & thank you!
Posted by Jumpin_Jupiter
Oh wait. Are we talking about which members would be president, vice president and first lady of the united states? Not president of dxp?
Dxpnet. Unfortunately I don't think these types of threads work anymore. I'm just having a tough time accepting that. Back in the day it would a been a pretty fun idea imo lol.
Posted by yourMother
Who is even left here that has two brain cells to rub together? Anyone?
Can you believe there was an era where 20 to 40+ page threads were pretty common?
resident thot patroller
Posted by Jumpin_Jupiter
If I was president of dxpnet HeavyEntertainmentShow would be vice president under me.

Would that make Jed First Vice Lady?

Posted by hydorah
Posted by Jumpin_Jupiter
If I was president of dxpnet HeavyEntertainmentShow would be vice president under me.

Would that make Jed First Vice Lady?

click to expand
No heavy would have to be president for jed to be first lady.
I think we should turn this thread into which DXP peep is which historical presidential moment, scandal, speech, etc. That may be fun! Lol.
Nobody opposed me so now I have an army under me but it's ok we'll be chill
Posted by CuddleBug1288
I think we should turn this thread into which DXP peep is which historical presidential moment, scandal, speech, etc. That may be fun! Lol.
Do it! I'm so desperate for something fun lol.
Posted by Soul
Posted by CuddleBug1288
I think we should turn this thread into which DXP peep is which historical presidential moment, scandal, speech, etc. That may be fun! Lol.

Do it! I'm so desperate for something fun lol.
click to expand
I'm just the ideas person here lol.. someone else can start
Petition to allow cats into office.😼
Posted by Timone
Petition to allow cats into office.😼
I vote all the animals into office
Posted by CuddleBug1288
Posted by Timone
Petition to allow cats into office.😼

I vote all the animals into office
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😹 🐶🧸🐅🐈🐆🐇🐋🐖🐘🐢🐥🐭
I nominate myself for president of DXP. Just as long as I don't have to campaign too hard. 🤭
Posted by Timone
Petition to allow cats into office.😼
#VoteGrumpyCatForPresident 😺
Posted by poppyflower
Posted by Timone
Petition to allow cats into office.😼

#VoteGrumpyCatForPresident 😺
click to expand
Omg yes! 😹😼
Posted by poppyflower
Posted by Timone
Petition to allow cats into office.😼

#VoteGrumpyCatForPresident 😺
click to expand
I agree memes can be used to replace the lack of members. In exactly 30 days from today I'm going to tally all the votes from this thread, and literally consider them the prez in threads for the entire year.
I vote for jumpin_jupiter president
ATGR for every position.
Should we campaign here or make a new thread or spam the comments section?
I'll run Homeland security🕶
Posted by AcutelyUnaware
ATGR for every position.
Atgr IN every position. 🤦‍♀️ 😂

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