DXP's Dynamic Duo

This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by firebunny on Thursday, January 12, 2017 and has 107 replies.
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ands and hydorah
Posted by hydorah
ands and hydorah
Uggghhh... Not me??? @_@
Me and your mom
Batman and Robin from @afternoondelights22 mafia game

or Batman and Catwoman because Meow!
Posted by firebunny
Posted by hydorah
ands and hydorah
Uggghhh... Not me??? @_@
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do we know you?
Posted by hydorah
Posted by firebunny
Posted by hydorah
ands and hydorah
Uggghhh... Not me??? @_@
do we know you?
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do we know you? we partied twice. spent hours and hours for conversations that would've not ended if it weren't because of the time (like 1 am?).

Ands and I are the real dynamic duo. You're out of the picture.
^^Good. I'm relieved. smile
Wagtail and Monty

DonJon and CuteBoy
Posted by DivaCanLeo
Pair me
DivaCanLeo and Seraphlight

I'm ands' best friend
divacan'tvirgo and donjhonson
Posted by hydorah
I'm ands' best friend

It's me! @_@
Posted by LillyPetal
Wagtail and Monty

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Posted by wagtail
Posted by LillyPetal
Wagtail and Monty

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Posted by wagtail
Posted by LillyPetal
Wagtail and Monty

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Nobody's talking about the elephant in the room. @_@
Posted by firebunny
Nobody's talking about the elephant in the room. @_@
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Me and this grilled cheese

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Posted by DickButt
me and @sassykiwi
Mr and Mrs Sassy

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Posted by exo
teena and teena.
Lol!! I liked this better Big Grin
Posted by exo
teena and ands*
I don't know this Ands person?
Posted by exo
teena and ands*
@Teena is Ands, so that's not scientifically possible.
Posted by DickButt
Posted by Teena
Posted by exo
teena and teena.
Lol!! I liked this better Big Grin
Teena and Dickbutt

when scorp moon and taurus moon unite the sun taurus and sun scorpio with a base made of gem asc. UNSTOPPABLE unless there's free yogurt.
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Lol! That's true! Damn the yogurt thing!! You'll share it tho..right?
Posted by Secret
Posted by exo
teena and ands*
@Teena is Ands, so that's not scientifically possible.
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Lol!! Yeah... She just did teena and teena square ?
Posted by DickButt
Posted by Teena
Posted by DickButt
Posted by Teena
Posted by exo
teena and teena.
Lol!! I liked this better Big Grin
Teena and Dickbutt

when scorp moon and taurus moon unite the sun taurus and sun scorpio with a base made of gem asc. UNSTOPPABLE unless there's free yogurt.
Lol! That's true! Damn the yogurt thing!! You'll share it tho..right?
Only if it's in a large cup.
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I love the yogurt more too... But I'd share n if it's just one spoon.. I'd give all of it to you ?

Posted by DickButt
Posted by Teena
Posted by DickButt
Posted by Teena
Posted by DickButt
Posted by Teena
Posted by exo
teena and teena.
Lol!! I liked this better Big Grin
Teena and Dickbutt

when scorp moon and taurus moon unite the sun taurus and sun scorpio with a base made of gem asc. UNSTOPPABLE unless there's free yogurt.
Lol! That's true! Damn the yogurt thing!! You'll share it tho..right?
Only if it's in a large cup.


I love the yogurt more too... But I'd share n if it's just one spoon.. I'd give all of it to you ?

And i'd insist you have it cause i'd feel bad. And then the yogurt would melt and we'd get straws.

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This is love my love!!

But I'd say I'm in no mood to have it anyway n watch you having it like a baby n that'd fill my heart ?

Posted by DickButt
Posted by Teena
Posted by DickButt
Posted by Teena
Posted by DickButt
Posted by Teena
Posted by DickButt
Posted by Teena
Posted by exo
teena and teena.
Lol!! I liked this better Big Grin
Teena and Dickbutt

when scorp moon and taurus moon unite the sun taurus and sun scorpio with a base made of gem asc. UNSTOPPABLE unless there's free yogurt.
Lol! That's true! Damn the yogurt thing!! You'll share it tho..right?
Only if it's in a large cup.


I love the yogurt more too... But I'd share n if it's just one spoon.. I'd give all of it to you ?

And i'd insist you have it cause i'd feel bad. And then the yogurt would melt and we'd get straws.


This is love my love!!

But I'd say I'm in no mood to have it anyway n watch you having it like a baby n that'd fill my heart ?

And then i'd be like i insist, and we'd share like the true dynamic duo we are. And then we spot firebunny hiding in the bushes noticing our interaction and writing it into his graphic novel called the stinger and the beast.
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Haha. You're too good.

N that novel would be all about greek yogurt for all I know ??

Posted by DickButt
Posted by Teena
Posted by DickButt
Posted by Teena
Posted by DickButt
Posted by Teena
Posted by DickButt
Posted by Teena
Posted by DickButt
Posted by Teena
Posted by exo
teena and teena.
Lol!! I liked this better Big Grin
Teena and Dickbutt

when scorp moon and taurus moon unite the sun taurus and sun scorpio with a base made of gem asc. UNSTOPPABLE unless there's free yogurt.
Lol! That's true! Damn the yogurt thing!! You'll share it tho..right?
Only if it's in a large cup.


I love the yogurt more too... But I'd share n if it's just one spoon.. I'd give all of it to you ?

And i'd insist you have it cause i'd feel bad. And then the yogurt would melt and we'd get straws.


This is love my love!!

But I'd say I'm in no mood to have it anyway n watch you having it like a baby n that'd fill my heart ?

And then i'd be like i insist, and we'd share like the true dynamic duo we are. And then we spot firebunny hiding in the bushes noticing our interaction and writing it into his graphic novel called the stinger and the beast.
Haha. You're too good.

N that novel would be all about greek yogurt for all I know ??

It's gonna be about our unbreakable bond, except i'll play bunny and you'll play ands. Forbes best seller 2020
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I swear I'll treat you better than how Ands treats Bunny. Ours will be a better story coz we're never breaking up n it'd be the best seller yeah Drinks ?
Posted by DickButt
Posted by Teena
Posted by DickButt
Posted by Teena
Posted by DickButt
Posted by Teena
Posted by DickButt
Posted by Teena
Posted by DickButt
Posted by Teena
Posted by DickButt
Posted by Teena
Posted by exo
teena and teena.
Lol!! I liked this better Big Grin
Teena and Dickbutt

when scorp moon and taurus moon unite the sun taurus and sun scorpio with a base made of gem asc. UNSTOPPABLE unless there's free yogurt.
Lol! That's true! Damn the yogurt thing!! You'll share it tho..right?
Only if it's in a large cup.


I love the yogurt more too... But I'd share n if it's just one spoon.. I'd give all of it to you ?

And i'd insist you have it cause i'd feel bad. And then the yogurt would melt and we'd get straws.


This is love my love!!

But I'd say I'm in no mood to have it anyway n watch you having it like a baby n that'd fill my heart ?

And then i'd be like i insist, and we'd share like the true dynamic duo we are. And then we spot firebunny hiding in the bushes noticing our interaction and writing it into his graphic novel called the stinger and the beast.
Haha. You're too good.

N that novel would be all about greek yogurt for all I know ??

It's gonna be about our unbreakable bond, except i'll play bunny and you'll play ands. Forbes best seller 2020
I swear I'll treat you better than Ands treats Bunny. Ours will be a better story coz we're never breaking up n it'd be the best seller yeah Drinks ?
Take that firebunny!! This is like the notebook except 100x's less sad, and with more yogurt.
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Posted by firebunny
Posted by DivaCanLeo
Pair me
DivaCanLeo and Seraphlight

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I'd have said you n Seraphlight

Are you guys competing with me and Ands?

Okay then...

Have you had conversations that last 10 hours? @_@
Pair me!!
firebunny and NOT ANDS

Posted by hydorah
firebunny and NOT ANDS

Ugggghhh... Ands has been a big part of my life! He'll always be remembered as my pair here. We get interchanged too from time to time. It's funny.
Posted by DickButt
Posted by firebunny

Are you guys competing with me and Ands?

Okay then...

Have you had conversations that last 10 hours? @_@
10 hours?

User Submitted Image

10 days bunny.....10. Days..
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That ain't true! @_@
Reasons why Ands and I are DXP's best Dynamic Duo:

1. We can hold conversations for 10 hours.

2. We share the same moon: Leoo.Tongue

3. We are interchangeable.

4. People think we are one and the same.

5. He gives me gifts on my birthday.

6. We always have fun.

7. Our threads are always blockbuster. smile
Posted by firebunny
^^Good. I'm relieved. smile
Did you go #1 or #2?
Posted by Jayceon
Myself and @leowww

#imgdii=c4tkVkNy3gWLqM%" data-url="https://www.google.com/search?site=webhp&tbm=isch&source=hp&ei=8Cp8WOOOC4TtmAHh0L3QDQ&q=water+and+fire&oq=water+anf+&gs_l=mobile-gws-img.1.0.0i13k1l5.1186.3509.0.5599." target="_blank">https://www.google.com/search?site=webhp&tbm=isch&source=hp&ei=8Cp8WOOOC4TtmAHh0L3QDQ&q=water+and+fire&oq=water+anf+&gs_l=mobile-gws-img.1.0.0i13k1l5.1186.3509.0.5599. 3A% 3B548J9nLbqFQ19M% 3A% 3B548J9nLbqFQ19M% 3A&imgrc=548J9nLbqFQ19M% 3A

top quality posts 100%

Posted by Hide
Posted by DickButt
Posted by firebunny
Reasons why Ands and I are DXP's best Dynamic Duo:

1. We can hold conversations for 10 hours.

2. We share the same moon: Leoo.Tongue

3. We are interchangeable.

4. People think we are one and the same.

5. He gives me gifts on my birthday.

6. We always have fun.

7. Our threads are always blockbuster. smile
@Hide care to comment, refute, confirm?
This will be the last time I speak of this in 2017 but...

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Do you still want the pinangat, dude? Big Grin
Posted by No
There's no dynamic in dxp
ands and remixfishy, they're like balki and balki
Posted by DickButt
Posted by firebunny
Posted by Hide
Posted by DickButt
Posted by firebunny
Reasons why Ands and I are DXP's best Dynamic Duo:

1. We can hold conversations for 10 hours.

2. We share the same moon: Leoo.Tongue

3. We are interchangeable.

4. People think we are one and the same.

5. He gives me gifts on my birthday.

6. We always have fun.

7. Our threads are always blockbuster. smile
@Hide care to comment, refute, confirm?
This will be the last time I speak of this in 2017 but...

User Submitted Image
Do you still want the pinangat, dude? Big Grin

It's over bunny accept it.

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I'm not talking to you.
hydory and @bae , the sensualest duo
@tiziani and @miamivice
Posted by DickButt
Posted by firebunny
Posted by DickButt
Posted by firebunny
Posted by Hide
Posted by DickButt
Posted by firebunny
Reasons why Ands and I are DXP's best Dynamic Duo:

1. We can hold conversations for 10 hours.

2. We share the same moon: Leoo.Tongue

3. We are interchangeable.

4. People think we are one and the same.

5. He gives me gifts on my birthday.

6. We always have fun.

7. Our threads are always blockbuster. smile
@Hide care to comment, refute, confirm?
This will be the last time I speak of this in 2017 but...

User Submitted Image
Do you still want the pinangat, dude? Big Grin

It's over bunny accept it.

I'm not talking to you.
And he's not talking to you. The worst love triangle ever.
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Ugggh. Can you just shut up? No wonder you're uncool. Tongue
Posted by DickButt
Posted by firebunny
Posted by DickButt
Posted by firebunny
Posted by DickButt
Posted by firebunny
Posted by Hide
Posted by DickButt
Posted by firebunny
Reasons why Ands and I are DXP's best Dynamic Duo:

1. We can hold conversations for 10 hours.

2. We share the same moon: Leoo.Tongue

3. We are interchangeable.

4. People think we are one and the same.

5. He gives me gifts on my birthday.

6. We always have fun.

7. Our threads are always blockbuster. smile
@Hide care to comment, refute, confirm?
This will be the last time I speak of this in 2017 but...

User Submitted Image
Do you still want the pinangat, dude? Big Grin

It's over bunny accept it.

I'm not talking to you.
And he's not talking to you. The worst love triangle ever.
Ugggh. Can you just shut up? No wonder you're uncool. Tongue
With such a bad attitude no wonder he doesn't like you anymore.
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You brought out the worst in me. >Sad
And... you don't know a thing about us. You don't know why our friendship was over. You don't know why he gives me gifts everytime it's my birthday. You just don't know everything... so stop talking as if you know everything. You just don't.
Posted by DickButt
Posted by firebunny
Posted by DickButt
Posted by firebunny
Posted by DickButt
Posted by firebunny
Posted by DickButt
Posted by firebunny
Posted by Hide
Posted by DickButt
Posted by firebunny
Reasons why Ands and I are DXP's best Dynamic Duo:

1. We can hold conversations for 10 hours.

2. We share the same moon: Leoo.Tongue

3. We are interchangeable.

4. People think we are one and the same.

5. He gives me gifts on my birthday.

6. We always have fun.

7. Our threads are always blockbuster. smile
@Hide care to comment, refute, confirm?
This will be the last time I speak of this in 2017 but...

User Submitted Image
Do you still want the pinangat, dude? Big Grin

It's over bunny accept it.

I'm not talking to you.
And he's not talking to you. The worst love triangle ever.
Ugggh. Can you just shut up? No wonder you're uncool. Tongue
With such a bad attitude no wonder he doesn't like you anymore.
You brought out the worst in me. >Sad
We're responsible for our own selves. Don't give me that power. You'll never get that back.
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I didn't give you the power but if you're saying that my attitude is bad, blame yourself for being such an A-hole.
Posted by DickButt
Posted by firebunny
Posted by DickButt
Posted by firebunny
Posted by DickButt
Posted by firebunny
Posted by DickButt
Posted by firebunny
Posted by DickButt
Posted by firebunny
Posted by Hide
Posted by DickButt
Posted by firebunny
Reasons why Ands and I are DXP's best Dynamic Duo:

1. We can hold conversations for 10 hours.

2. We share the same moon: Leoo.Tongue

3. We are interchangeable.

4. People think we are one and the same.

5. He gives me gifts on my birthday.

6. We always have fun.

7. Our threads are always blockbuster. smile
@Hide care to comment, refute, confirm?
This will be the last time I speak of this in 2017 but...

User Submitted Image
Do you still want the pinangat, dude? Big Grin

It's over bunny accept it.

I'm not talking to you.
And he's not talking to you. The worst love triangle ever.
Ugggh. Can you just shut up? No wonder you're uncool. Tongue
With such a bad attitude no wonder he doesn't like you anymore.
You brought out the worst in me. >Sad
We're responsible for our own selves. Don't give me that power. You'll never get that back.
I didn't give you the power but if you're saying that my attitude is bad, blame yourself for being such an A-hole.

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says the uncool person. Winking
Posted by DickButt
Posted by firebunny
And... you don't know a thing about us. You don't know why our friendship was over. You don't know why he gives me gifts everytime it's my birthday. You just don't know everything... so stop talking as if you know everything. You just don't.
It's ok. Anger is the first step to recovery. But good news for you, you're both angry and in denial. You'll be ok soon.
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