Epitomizing Displays of Alphaness

This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by Jizzusizjizzin on Wednesday, March 19, 2014 and has 54 replies.
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To all the alphs (men & women) out there.
Being a BTTM (Beta To The Max; not to be confused with "bottom") I'm kinda curious. What's your crowning moment of pure alphaness?
Just to exemplify, when I think alpha this comes to mind...
See how he made that limo bleed? Shit like that.
This is sick...
Plus Goldberg is a Cap.
Posted by DonAmanMarat
Stone Cold Steve Austin for the win dude wrecked all havoc in WWe at the height of his career, nobody done it better!

Oh yeah, those were the days.
Get the F in!
Good ol' JR: "Austin! Austin! Austin!"
Posted by geminicandIe
Hello, aimesmile
Would you consider Caps alpha or not so much?

Sometimes. But generally we are cautious and Saturn-ruled, so I guess we aren't alpha in the traditional sense.
Posted by geminicandIe
Why are Aquarius guys such betas? I notice that with all air sign men, hence I am not attracted to them.

I agree with the air signs being like this.. no offense to my brothers and cousins.. but I dated a gem guy (never dated a leeb or aqua) and I became the alpha and I DIDN'T want to be! I want an equal partnership, yes i get there will be times when 1 will be more passive or beta, but I do not want to be dominate ALL. THE. TIME. LOL
Posted by geminicandIe
Posted by aime7
Posted by geminicandIe
Hello, aimesmile
Would you consider Caps alpha or not so much?

Sometimes. But generally we are cautious and Saturn-ruled, so I guess we aren't alpha in the traditional sense.

Yes, I get similar vibe with Virgo guys and Taurus guys to some extent too.
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We are the silent killers. We don't talk much, but we pack a big punch!
Posted by geminicandIe
Posted by justagirl
Posted by geminicandIe
Why are Aquarius guys such betas? I notice that with all air sign men, hence I am not attracted to them.

I agree with the air signs being like this.. no offense to my brothers and cousins.. but I dated a gem guy (never dated a leeb or aqua) and I became the alpha and I DIDN'T want to be! I want an equal partnership, yes i get there will be times when 1 will be more passive or beta, but I do not want to be dominate ALL. THE. TIME. LOL

I was with an aqua, and sex with him was like with a robot. He talked a lot, he was extremely smart and cool, but mannnnnnnnnnnnn, he was just too cold and robot-like.
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Ya I don't think I could date or have sex with an Aqua LOL
I have been attracted to a coupe of Leebs, but never ended up dated. I get along super great as friends though!! But I have learned, never say never...
Posted by geminicandIe
Posted by aime7
Posted by geminicandIe
Posted by aime7
Posted by geminicandIe
Hello, aimesmile
Would you consider Caps alpha or not so much?

Sometimes. But generally we are cautious and Saturn-ruled, so I guess we aren't alpha in the traditional sense.

Yes, I get similar vibe with Virgo guys and Taurus guys to some extent too.

We are the silent killers. We don't talk much, but we pack a big punch!

Cap men are really handsome though. I said it before and I'll say it again, you guys have that old Hollywood style glamour and looks. Very chiseled faces, great style , dimples, good hair, sexy smile.
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Why thank you.
Posted by geminicandIe
Posted by DonAmanMarat
Posted by geminicandIe
Posted by DonAmanMarat
Women use an Alpha male for fucking and use Beta males for money, Sigmas and Omegas are usually taping the Alpha male fuck sessions in the Beta male's apartment LMAO. Wow!

Do you consider yourself Alpha?

Words can't describe, such things are to be seen in person.

Right. Well, even in person, you guys are either odd balls of male population or dainty, pretty boys...Justin Timberlake, Ashton Kutcher, Taylor Lautner, Cristiano Ronaldo,etc...
Alpha and aqua hardly go together. But it is what it is.
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That's because the spot is already taken by aquarius females. Aqua men have a gay vibe, most, & the women are the take charge types.
Posted by WaterCup
Posted by geminicandIe
Posted by DonAmanMarat
Posted by geminicandIe
Posted by DonAmanMarat
Women use an Alpha male for fucking and use Beta males for money, Sigmas and Omegas are usually taping the Alpha male fuck sessions in the Beta male's apartment LMAO. Wow!

Do you consider yourself Alpha?

Words can't describe, such things are to be seen in person.

Right. Well, even in person, you guys are either odd balls of male population or dainty, pretty boys...Justin Timberlake, Ashton Kutcher, Taylor Lautner, Cristiano Ronaldo,etc...
Alpha and aqua hardly go together. But it is what it is.

That's because the spot is already taken by aquarius females. Aqua men have a gay vibe, most, & the women are the take charge types.
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Uh NO. not all. I see some are, but not me. My husband is an alpha and i'm the beta. we know our dynamics. You constantly like to put us all in one basket. Just to poke at it.
Ashton Kutcher is the bitch in the dynamics, while when he was with Demi Moore, she called the shots. Justin and Jessica seem like a "partnership" equal.
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by WaterCup
Posted by geminicandIe
Posted by DonAmanMarat
Posted by geminicandIe
Posted by DonAmanMarat
Women use an Alpha male for fucking and use Beta males for money, Sigmas and Omegas are usually taping the Alpha male fuck sessions in the Beta male's apartment LMAO. Wow!

Do you consider yourself Alpha?

Words can't describe, such things are to be seen in person.

Right. Well, even in person, you guys are either odd balls of male population or dainty, pretty boys...Justin Timberlake, Ashton Kutcher, Taylor Lautner, Cristiano Ronaldo,etc...
Alpha and aqua hardly go together. But it is what it is.

That's because the spot is already taken by aquarius females. Aqua men have a gay vibe, most, & the women are the take charge types.

Uh NO. not all. I see some are, but not me. My husband is an alpha and i'm the beta. we know our dynamics. You constantly like to put us all in one basket. Just to poke at it.
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Something is wrong with you! Am I your spokesperson? Why do you always believe that I'm speaking on your behalf? Get over yourself & fast because you're getting really annoying. I don't know you, it beats me that you think I'm talking about you. You wish! Go be bitter, I mean, BETA elsewhere before I go ALPHA on your weak behind. Again, stop getting on my nerves.
you know exactly what you're doing, dumb ass. We're gonna do a bitch fight, estrogen fight!!!
scratching and hair pulling!!! You still haven't even found your beta man yet, WC??
Posted by geminicandIe
Posted by DonAmanMarat
Human minds are BILLION times more complex than what you see in wolves, apes and lions. The man you see today, may not be the same you see tomorrow cuz times change along with that societies change with indivuduals following suit, so these superficial labels (Alpha, Omega) make NO sense for human
beings in the first place.

Then move to another galaxy. I swear, aquarians are spieces out of this world.

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DonAMarat is annoying and i don't even understand him, GC.
But you i can tell you like him. Tongue
Posted by lisabethur8
you know exactly what you're doing, dumb ass. We're gonna do a bitch fight, estrogen fight!!!
scratching and hair pulling!!! You still haven't even found your beta man yet, WC??
You must be crushing on me or something. Too bad because I don't date pussies. Tell me, why are you SO obsessed about the men in my life? It baffles me because I don't give squats about you & your retarded husband. He must be retarded to stay married to a person like you. Either that or he is qualified to handle dumbassery. Well, I'm not him, girly, I'm neither qualified nor do I have the patience for stupid people. Go fog a window!

Posted by geminicandIe
I do see aqua women as more alpha than aqua men. Same with gemini women vs. men.
We are masculine sign after all.
I also have leo mars and leo moon which makes me masculine, I don't have a problem with it. I like masculine traits.

My gemmy step mom is the beta in her relationship with my virgo father in law believe it or not. She has SOME say, but he is the boss, and if what he says...goes. So yes, it DEPENDS on the chart.
Like how SOME virgo men can be beta and SOME can be alpha. Gemmy step mom i can feel has more feminine in her chart.
Posted by DonAmanMarat
Posted by geminicandIe
Posted by DonAmanMarat
Posted by geminicandIe
Posted by DonAmanMarat
Women use an Alpha male for fucking and use Beta males for money, Sigmas and Omegas are usually taping the Alpha male fuck sessions in the Beta male's apartment LMAO. Wow!

Do you consider yourself Alpha?

Words can't describe, such things are to be seen in person.

Right. Well, even in person, you guys are either odd balls of male population or dainty, pretty boys...Justin Timberlake, Ashton Kutcher, Taylor Lautner, Cristiano Ronaldo,etc...
Alpha and aqua hardly go together. But it is what it is.

Why such low expectations? JAMES DEAN was an Aqua after all!
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James Dean was a different type. He was uncontrollable....no one could control him even if they tried. Probably the Scorpio Moon square his Sun sign.....it is always very difficult i heard. Look at Marley, also with scorpio moon, hard square and no one could tell him anything. Even to cut off his toe for health reasons. *shakeshead*
Rumour has it that Abe was gay. Those aqua men, I wouldn't be surprised if they play dress up when by themselves..wig, mini skirt & all. Hell, I bet many wear a thong under their jeans.
There are very few "manly" aqua men & it's usually the ones with scorpio influence. I find Dr Dre & Michael Jordan manly as well. I don't know the rest of their charts though but they both have a certain vibe very different from the "ms thang" variety of other aqua males.
Posted by geminicandIe
I dated an aqua. I have an aqua brother. I know you guys very well. I do like and respect Aquarius sign.
It's just not my top choice of man of my
My ex had same birthday as Abraham Lincoln. February 12th. He is also my fave aqua of all times, a true visionary.

what's your choice, GC?
and astrologically what do you prefer? since we're on an astrology site and you're single, so of course you can indulge which/what type you want. (like ordering pizza or hamburger or lobster)
well Abe Lincoln married a Sagittarius Sun with Cancer moon, and a strong feminine chart overall...astrologers put her down cause they said she spent all of his presidential earnings. *rollseyes* these astrologers should just leave it be, Abe chose her and not anyone else.
Posted by geminicandIe
My choice is Aries male. Possibly a Leo. If he drops ego and pride.

Fire sun with dominant water/earth would be very good for you. he won't be a wuss but he won't be alpha.
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by geminicandIe
My choice is Aries male. Possibly a Leo. If he drops ego and pride.

Fire sun with dominant water/earth would be very good for you. he won't be a wuss but he won't be alpha.
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Of course, i'm just going by the fire suns i've researched that are with alpha women....Like for example, Anne Hathaway is with an Aries man.
Posted by CluelessCancer
Posted by WaterCup
Rumour has it that Abe was gay. Those aqua men, I wouldn't be surprised if they play dress up when by themselves..wig, mini skirt & all. Hell, I bet many wear a thong under their jeans.
There are very few "manly" aqua men & it's usually the ones with scorpio influence. I find Dr Dre & Michael Jordan manly as well. I don't know the rest of their charts though but they both have a certain vibe very different from the "ms thang" variety of other aqua males.

Dr Dre is rumored to be on the DL even Tupac called him out for sucking lots of dick back in the day.
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I didn't know about that. It explains a lot somehow, Gyamede (or whatever his name is, the aqua guy) was Zeus' lover. Or Zeus was infactuated with him. Can't remember. So the gay thing must be in the aqua male dna or something like that.
Posted by geminicandIe
I don't think aqua men are gay. Their mindset is progressive. They like odd things.
My brother always dates girls with some weird feature ...either she is older, weird hair color like blue and red, one time his gf had questionable past I think she made adult movies, etc...
He just doesn't care about labels and society. He is very unique in his mindset.
And he gets over relationships too quickly and too easy. No woman manipulates him though because he doesn't fall for beauty and charm.

I feel, GC you only know one type of aqua man....i dont believe you've ever met one like James Dean or such, those types are not around as much and don't really philosophize or give a shit. Philosizing is very beta-ish.
Posted by WaterCup
Posted by CluelessCancer
Posted by WaterCup
Rumour has it that Abe was gay. Those aqua men, I wouldn't be surprised if they play dress up when by themselves..wig, mini skirt & all. Hell, I bet many wear a thong under their jeans.
There are very few "manly" aqua men & it's usually the ones with scorpio influence. I find Dr Dre & Michael Jordan manly as well. I don't know the rest of their charts though but they both have a certain vibe very different from the "ms thang" variety of other aqua males.

Dr Dre is rumored to be on the DL even Tupac called him out for sucking lots of dick back in the day.

I didn't know about that. It explains a lot somehow, Gyamede (or whatever his name is, the aqua guy) was Zeus' lover. Or Zeus was infactuated with him. Can't remember. So the gay thing must be in the aqua male dna or something like that.
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I just googled it, Aqua dude's name is Ganymede. Zeus' lover for sure & he had him sprung lol.
Posted by geminicandIe
Aqua male is a loner and social outcast. But he is still one fixed mofo. Make no mistake about it.
They also have that cute boyish charm.

Yeah, like Ganymede. He is described as being 'the most beautiful youth". He had all the gods chasing his lumps lol. Most aqua guys are adorable looking.
Ladies you can all kiss my ass.
Thank you
Posted by NotYourAverageAquarius
Ladies you can all kiss my ass.
Thank you

Like Zeus? LOL!
Posted by geminicandIe
I can't explain it. I just know it when I see it, smell it and feel it. I can't discuss famous people because I haven't met them. It is something that must be felt in person.
Alpha male...makes me wanna tear off my clothes and...uh, I can't go into details, but you get the idea.

then you have NEVER met my ex. he would never be described as beta. No way. He was a leader. And you can never tell him what to do.
but i get what you mean. I have a feeling a lot of women on this site WISH and CRAVE and DESIRE for an alpha male.....drooling and fantasizing over them like you are now.
I guess it's just the nature of the beast. *shrug*
loling cause i know the beta males are thinking... Sad I wanna be lusted after like that!!! i wanna be alpha.
J/k guys. Tongue
Posted by Rabbit
Most women on this site just wish they weren't having nightly threesomes with Ben and Jerry.

And dreaming and imagining, "Oh if only Jerry was a REAL man....with strong pecs and big arms to carry her off to the castle and make love all night long....and then, Ben is hiding there, in the bushes like a Zorro, masked man, to whisk her off.......tearing off the clothes, feeding eachother with grapes and chocolate sauce."
Posted by geminicandIe
Lisabeth, it sounds like it took you several tries to find that alpha male. But at least you found him and don't have to look any longer.

only three times. I've ALWAYS been beta. If we're to define roles, i've always been. Always been the stay at home wife, live in girlfriend, and taken care of them, feed them, cook for them, ect.
Posted by Rabbit
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by Rabbit
Most women on this site just wish they weren't having nightly threesomes with Ben and Jerry.

And dreaming and imagining, "Oh if only Jerry was a REAL man....with strong pecs and big arms to carry her off to the castle and make love all night long....and then, Ben is hiding there, in the bushes like a Zorro, masked man, to whisk her off.......tearing off the clothes, feeding eachother with grapes and chocolate sauce."

Most will count themselves lucky if they even get a chance to settle for Chubby Hubby
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I write romance novels so i know what women love!! lmao!! Tongue ^___^
It's all in the head for women...... while for men it's porn (if they're into that) Visual vs. head in the fantsy.
Romance is a huge industry for women and for women writers.....Romance is a bit hit and some sex in there is even better. And if you write the man super hot and alpha-like...oh man!!! the women will buy it like crazy....
look at the "shades of grey"
Posted by Jizzusizjizzin
What's your crowning moment of pure alphaness?

Making three attorneys flee my office in terror.

Damn it felt good to be a gangsta. Devil
Posted by TMV
Posted by Jizzusizjizzin
What's your crowning moment of pure alphaness?

Making three attorneys flee my office in terror.

Damn it felt good to be a gangsta. Devil
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About time... I was losing hope at this point.
Please tell more if you would like.
Posted by geminicandIe
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by geminicandIe
Lisabeth, it sounds like it took you several tries to find that alpha male. But at least you found him and don't have to look any longer.

only three times. I've ALWAYS been beta. If we're to define roles, i've always been. Always been the stay at home wife, live in girlfriend, and taken care of them, feed them,
cook for them, ect.

And I'm not running away from taking care of my man. I do have nurturing, caring Cancer venus. If it ever came down to marriage, I think I'd make a decent wife=)
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Lol, GC, you really REALLY want an ALPHA man so bad. I can feel it from here. You're screaming desperation for one. Btw, Jolie has a cancer venus but her entire chart has a strong aries though, despite the venus.
you don't have to convince me or anyone. Get yourself a man first. Are there any available for you at this time, GC?
Posted by Jizzusizjizzin
Posted by TMV
Posted by Jizzusizjizzin
What's your crowning moment of pure alphaness?

Making three attorneys flee my office in terror.
Damn it felt good to be a gangsta. Devil

About time... I was losing hope at this point.
Please tell more if you would like.
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TMV is so awesome. Tongue
Posted by geminicandIe
Also, my brother aqua is kinda lazy. He doesn't like to do heavy stuff. Nothing like my Aries father. My dad always built something out of nothing.
But my brother is a rebell and always on time. Always tells the truth. Straightforward, determined, visionary, non-judgmental, humanitarian, fixed will.
Those are aqua qualities I respect.

Air sign men don't seem like the type to do strenuous physical work.
Posted by DonAmanMarat
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by geminicandIe
I don't think aqua men are gay. Their mindset is progressive. They like odd things.
My brother always dates girls with some weird feature ...either she is older, weird hair color like blue and red, one time his gf had questionable past I think she made adult movies, etc...
He just doesn't care about labels and society. He is very unique in his mindset.
And he gets over relationships too quickly and too easy. No woman manipulates him though because he doesn't fall for beauty and charm.

I feel, GC you only know one type of aqua man....i dont believe you've ever met one like James Dean or such, those types are not around as much and don't really philosophize or give a shit. Philosizing is very beta-ish.

Charles Bukowski is an "Alpha" and he made a LIVING off philosophy, Ernest Hemingway? Niccolo Machiaveli? Just cuz a man is intelligent don't make him any less of a man, you know?
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(shrug) i don't really care for philosophy though. When applied in the real world, it sucks big time. But when written in their head, it feels all nice and dreamed up sweet. As for other writers, i like the darker writers like Carlos Castenada & John Steinbeck.
Posted by aime7
Posted by geminicandIe
Also, my brother aqua is kinda lazy. He doesn't like to do heavy stuff. Nothing like my Aries father. My dad always built something out of nothing.
But my brother is a rebell and always on time. Always tells the truth. Straightforward, determined, visionary, non-judgmental, humanitarian, fixed will.
Those are aqua qualities I respect.

Air sign men don't seem like the type to do strenuous physical work.
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You'd be surprised. Don't generalize. There's probably quite alot of air suns in the construction business and shipping industry. Don't chalk it up to the sun. the writers mentioned are Leo suns.
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by aime7
Posted by geminicandIe
Also, my brother aqua is kinda lazy. He doesn't like to do heavy stuff. Nothing like my Aries father. My dad always built something out of nothing.
But my brother is a rebell and always on time. Always tells the truth. Straightforward, determined, visionary, non-judgmental, humanitarian, fixed will.
Those are aqua qualities I respect.

Air sign men don't seem like the type to do strenuous physical work.

You'd be surprised. Don't generalize. There's probably quite alot of air suns in the construction business and shipping industry. Don't chalk it up to the sun. the writers mentioned are Leo suns.
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Yeah I generalized. I should have said that Air-dominant guys don't seem like the type to do strenuous physical work.
Posted by aime7
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by aime7
Posted by geminicandIe
Also, my brother aqua is kinda lazy. He doesn't like to do heavy stuff. Nothing like my Aries father. My dad always built something out of nothing.
But my brother is a rebell and always on time. Always tells the truth. Straightforward, determined, visionary, non-judgmental, humanitarian, fixed will.
Those are aqua qualities I respect.

Air sign men don't seem like the type to do strenuous physical work.

You'd be surprised. Don't generalize. There's probably quite alot of air suns in the construction business and shipping industry. Don't chalk it up to the sun. the writers mentioned are Leo suns.

Yeah I generalized. I should have said that Air-dominant guys don't seem like the type to do strenuous physical work.
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my virgo brother in law works in computers,and as a lifeguard, kind of a cozy life, sitting up there watching the ocean....but, when his relatives/friends move, he helps out alot! (moving is strenous work) Tongue
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by aime7
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by aime7
Posted by geminicandIe
Also, my brother aqua is kinda lazy. He doesn't like to do heavy stuff. Nothing like my Aries father. My dad always built something out of nothing.
But my brother is a rebell and always on time. Always tells the truth. Straightforward, determined, visionary, non-judgmental, humanitarian, fixed will.
Those are aqua qualities I respect.

Air sign men don't seem like the type to do strenuous physical work.

You'd be surprised. Don't generalize. There's probably quite alot of air suns in the construction business and shipping industry. Don't chalk it up to the sun. the writers mentioned are Leo suns.

Yeah I generalized. I should have said that Air-dominant guys don't seem like the type to do strenuous physical work.

my virgo brother in law works in computers,and as a lifeguard, kind of a cozy life, sitting up there watching the ocean....but, when his relatives/friends move, he helps out alot! (moving is strenous work) Tongue
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Virgo is an industrious sign,I think there is no mistake that Labor Day falls during Virgo Season. I also have my Mars in Virgo.
oh he's air dominant. Cozy life, and extremely lucky! he has a good woman, 2 jobs that make him happy (well as much as any job can) and a wonderful family. smile
Posted by lisabethur8
oh he's air dominant. Cozy life, and extremely lucky! he has a good woman, 2 jobs that make him happy (well as much as any job can) and a wonderful family. smile

Isn't that sweet.
Posted by geminicandIe
Posted by Rabbit
Most women on this site just wish they weren't having nightly th
reesomes with Ben and Jerry.

Ohh!! Rudeeeee!!!!
Are you talking about me, lol? My affairs are with wine and porn though.
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Your one to talk about rude hypocrite ^.^
Posted by Jizzusizjizzin
Posted by TMV
Posted by Jizzusizjizzin
What's your crowning moment of pure alphaness?

Making three attorneys flee my office in terror.

Damn it felt good to be a gangsta. Devil


About time... I was losing hope at this point.
Please tell more if you would like.
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Yeah TMV sounds like an interesting story. Do tell!