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Feb 23, 2023Comments: 43 · Posts: 170 · Topics: 14
Pedophiles exposed - Puff Daddy, Jay Z, Will Smith, Epstein, etc
Religions collapsing
Israel self exploding
Financial world build on lies started to collapse.
Politicians all scammers and liars.
The entire planet was built on a lie and now it's all falling apart.
Global Warming
1000 sexes
I wonder if this Age of Aquarius is going to rebalance the planet in a more honest direction.
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Sep 03, 2016Comments: 36034 · Posts: 40656 · Topics: 321
Men posing as women and using our bathrooms and competing in women’s sports and winning
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Apr 19, 2020Comments: 471 · Posts: 1114 · Topics: 51
Sharon's DXP karma catching up to her. 😭 💀
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Jan 19, 2013Comments: 1552 · Posts: 9503 · Topics: 11
Aquarius and honesty in one sentence....lmao!
Did you actually get to know an Aqua who wasn't a compulsive liar?
If anything, people in the age of Aquarius are becoming lazier yet more reckless, have less empathy, are weirder, gullible to conspiracy theories and other manipulation, more disconnected from reality and from each other.
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Feb 23, 2023Comments: 43 · Posts: 170 · Topics: 14
Maybe Aquarius and honesty does not go idea, but the world is definitely changing faster than ever. Decades happen in weeks. We went into one direction as deep as possible and most likely a reversal will take us into a better world. More 50/50 where lies die down, and we kind of get a better purpose.
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Jan 10, 2015Comments: 1863 · Posts: 16901 · Topics: 108
I honestly don't believe that.
Your life and timeline might lead to collapse, but mine won't. I'm at rock bottom and getting better. The apocalypse could start tomorrow, and I'd still be climbing up. That or it will never exist in my life and timeline to begin with because I won't let it.
Once you start thinking like that you see the bigger picture.
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Apr 10, 2023Comments: 1087 · Posts: 1562 · Topics: 24
Astrological ages are 2000 years long. We really don't know what the age of aquarius is about at all, and a lot of astrologers actually think it starts 100 years from now. A bunch of hippies in the 60s thought what they were doing was significant (it wasn't) and claimed it as the age of aquarius, they were really doing pisces shit though let's be honest.
But really so you think this nonsense right now is significant in a 2000 year time line? P Diddy ain't significant sorry to say it. The internet and technology is quite significant though isn't it. Both the world wars were extremely significant for how brutal and powerful the technology was. The human effect on the planet is even bigger, with plastics and shit inside everything. Rubbish everywhere and deforestation and all that. There's bigger shit than P Diddy and some tranny's.
We've been in the pisces age of fun whimsical party times. It's been a fucking party for human kind for the last 2000 years but shit is about to get real.
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Nov 23, 2019Comments: 637 · Posts: 460 · Topics: 3
Hopefully Diddy n co snitch on some high up representatives. Let's blow this shit wide open.
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Sep 03, 2016Comments: 36034 · Posts: 40656 · Topics: 321
So called “conspiracy theories” are being exposed now that Pluto is in Aquarius
People who are too blinkered to see will be in for some shocks 💥
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Mar 20, 2014Comments: 569 · Posts: 4816 · Topics: 128
I honestly think that Diddy the amount of shit he did and got away with it for decades, is way bigger than him.
The celebrities in our culture are people who get attention and adoration, we covet them, we want to be like them they have so much influence and power in our culture and society. We all watched these special people go against ideals like Vietnam war, and against the established narrative that “they” wanted people to support.
The people who outspoken and aren’t controllable or blackmailable, do not get access to this kind of power anymore.
Its not hard at all for me to believe that Diddy was just one mechanism in place, to control that power. And there are many mechanisms in place. But for him and all these other handlers to start falling, is bigger than just them. It’s watching that power and control over our collective consciousness fall. And that imo beautiful and existing.
I do believe they killed Anthony Bourdain
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Feb 23, 2023Comments: 43 · Posts: 170 · Topics: 14
I think we will have a new religion. Not based on lies, or fear though.
All religions are just human mind games. People have weakness (faith) rooted in them, so they feel there is something bigger out there, and they invented religions to fit the way their feel. In other words religion is made up to satisfy you. It's not real, but humans BELIEVING in anything is real. So there will always be a religion, just in different form. People believing in Right, Left, Global Warming, or anything is no different than a religion. Some would kill you for it. Muslims for example never had Renaissance, so they would kill you for religion. And Liberals would argue you to death to prove their view is the only correct view. No matter what the topic, humans defend their believes, which is mega dangerous, because all these things are lies.
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Mar 06, 2022Comments: 10806 · Posts: 4077 · Topics: 49
Money and capitalism may eventually collapse.
We will live in global anarchy until people start building small communities again. It will be based on more humane values 🙏
But in a worse case scenario we will live in technocracy.
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Nov 05, 2015Comments: 1312 · Posts: 6942 · Topics: 124
As if anything too significant will happen during our lifetime
I’ll just remain in my cute little bubble
No point in reacting unless it gets harmed
( ◕‿◕✿)ノ🔪
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Mar 24, 2019Comments: 4959 · Posts: 10458 · Topics: 278
i tried to buy like an old phone for my dude coz he really likes the clunky ones coz you can keep dropping them and they never break but maybe it's also coz he's a scorpio moon and trying to avoid FBI tracking him or smthng
but it never happened coz we encountered scammers every single time we tried to purchase this old clunky phone model
it's like age of aqua hates old people and always looking for ways to target/scam them maybe coz it's a sign energy that prizes youth is my guess 🤷🤷