Female Ejaculation (True or False)

This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by tsar322 on Thursday, February 27, 2014 and has 46 replies.
Everyone, share your experiences with female ejaculation. Have you seen it happen, have you had it, do you oppose it. Ladies, please share your experience and prove its existence. Personally, I know that female ejaculation is real, and it is amazing.
It's real but it's not that big a deal. I've had it with my ex almost every time we had sex for 2 years. It must be related to his size because although my current bf is bigger and gives me great pleasure and makes me cum a lot,
It doesn't happen with him.
Yeah. It's real.
I was actually gonna make a thread on this!! I think its cool! I've seen it on porn a lot and the girls really look like they are having a fun time so why not?..but I wanna know what hole it comes out of?!...
Squirting? Looks like they might have a VERY wet one. One of those frog sound making vaginas. LOL! *ribbit ribbit ribbit*
Not sure about thick ass or strong legs. The one thin I remember is feeling a huge pressure in my knees...like feeling weak but not really.
What's the difference between a "normal" orgasm & squirting? Personally I wouldn't even want to know how to squirt. It looks odd. It's one of those WTF moments. Almost like when you're giving birth for the very 1st time & you're "crowning". Reaction: WTF!!
Oh, okay
I just remembered how funny it looked like the first time. I started laughing.
I've never "squirted" myself, assuming that that's what you're asking about, but I have managed to produce the effect a few times. It's always unexpected when it happens. And although I've never personally seen the kind of range exhibited in pornography there was considerable flow.
squirting is a different kind of orgasm. in my experience, it's not as physically satisfying as a clitoral or vaginal orgasm. but the overall feeling of stress release is the same.
Knew as soon I'd saw this post it would be popular.... yes its true. Gemini sun, scorpio moon jizzed all over below my waist. Was hot as fuk.
there's a spongy part of the vagina about 1 - 2 inches up the anterior wall, proximal to the opening. if you rub that ??_vigorously??_ voila! Une fontaine d'amour!
DJ, are you on a mission to neg all the women on this site?
Lol, DJ is so cangsta (cancer gangsta)
I still think you get off on women antagonizing you on this site Big Grin
Posted by caliber
Omg.. no wonder. He's a cancer??
*finds the nearest bridge*
Seriously though... I feel kinda sorry for him. He tried so hard to redirect the attention from his lack of knowledge to an implication that I may not have a desirable ass. Lawls and more lawls.
AND THEN...has the nerve to speak on this topic when all he can scrape up are nasty bottom-of-the-barrel bitches with furry assholes.

Most men would say, "Pics or you're full of it."
"Clearly, much more research needs to be done on the contentious subject of female ejaculation, and on the nature of the fluid."
"Boy would I like to do all that research"
Let's make a difference between in the fucking dark and dim lighting.
You really need to be in the right mindset
Posted by DonJohnson
dim is closer to dark than bright

Do you have planets in Libra?
Yeah, not talking about the color...was just thinking about sex in the dark vs sex in dim lighting.
Posted by aquavita
i have a video of one of my squirting orgasm.

Do tell.Big Grin
This thread just got interesting.
"Squirting" can be (1)urine or (2)overproduction of lube. The Kinsey Institute has done plenty of research on female ejaculation, and it can all be easily found on their website. It's easier to research than to argue, even if it isn't as much fun smile
Well, good day to y'all and keep ejaculatin males on famales n females on males cuz we wanna whole lotta love you've bee learnin baby, ive been yearnin all them good times baby, baby, Ive been yearnin Way, way down inside, honey you need it, I'm gonna give you I'm gonna give you my love.
Way down inside...woman...you need love.
Way way down inside woman I'm gonna give you every inch of my love hahaha!
I'm jealous of women who can do that. Doesn't it mean you have like a really really really intense orgasm? ( could be wrong )
Aquavita: What I was saying in my post is that female ejaculation is real. I was agreeing with you, but I should have done a better job explaining. Research shows that there are cases in which woman are ejecting urine, but it also shows that there are cases in which women are ejaculating (the ejaculate is made of extra lube).
Posted by tsar322
Way way down inside woman I'm gonna give you every inch of my love hahaha!

Led Zeppelin?
I have often wondered about female ejaculation. It's hard enough for me to orgasm, let alone squirt. Interesting...
Posted by utopian
Posted by Sag89
I'm jealous of women who can do that. Doesn't it mean you have like a really really really intense orgasm? ( could be wrong )

Any woman can squirt if the other person knows how do it.
It's real, I don't care much how, but it's awesome.
Typically it's so intense that the body cannot stop involuntary movement for a certain amount of time and they can easily repeat it over and over, some more intense than the previous. It depends..
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Yea but I bet you have to completely let go as DJ pointed out. I believe that. Who has to know? The person squirting or the person trying to make them?
Posted by natural25
I have often wondered about female ejaculation. It's hard enough for me to orgasm, let alone squirt. Interesting...

Seriously. I like didn't have a real orgasm till I was like 21. And I started having sex when I was 17.
I believe a woman would have to let go. I think that is my issue. Lol.
Posted by natural25
I believe a woman would have to let go. I think that is my issue. Lol.

It's hard!
Posted by Sag89
Posted by natural25
I believe a woman would have to let go. I think that is my issue. Lol.

It's hard!
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Very much so. Especially when I am TELLING myself, "just let go. just relax". Kinda kills the mood. LOL!
Posted by Impulsv
But like for me I have to hold back so it won't happen. Maybe because I have sex with men I trust. So I'm essentially comfortable?
Seriously this has occured from day one of sex so can't say skill or knowledge.

I have only had sex with a handful of men who I was in a committed relationship with and trusted very much. Only two out the five have made me orgasm, let alone squirt. Lol.
Regular old fashioned orgasms. Lol.
I think it is a nice touch for a woman to be able to do somethin like that when havin sex, but ain't a disappointment if she dont. If a woman can't do it...then she don't have to change the beddin and do laundry like the girl who squirts.
Its kinda like "Big tits" vs "Small tits."
But what I remember most when I first read about it was the article suggestin that only 15% of women were able to do it and it wasnt somethin they can control. Of the girls ive known some got very wet and were drippin and the 1 who could do it... it gushed outta her like a fountain n she soaked the beddin.
Posted by natural25
Posted by Impulsv
But like for me I have to hold back so it won't happen. Maybe because I have sex with men I trust. So I'm essentially comfortable?
Seriously this has occured from day one of sex so can't say skill or knowledge.

I have only had sex with a handful of men who I was in a committed relationship with and trusted very much. Only two out the five have made me orgasm, let alone squirt. Lol.
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Posted by utopian
Posted by Sag89
Posted by natural25
I have often wondered about female ejaculation. It's hard enough for me to orgasm, let alone squirt. Interesting...

Seriously. I like didn't have a real orgasm till I was like 21. And I started having sex when I was 17.

Skill, knowledge and trust are the key factors. Not necessarily in that order, but skill is damn important!
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Posted by Sag89
Posted by utopian
Posted by Sag89
I'm jealous of women who can do that. Doesn't it mean you have like a really really really intense orgasm? ( could be wrong )

Any woman can squirt if the other person knows how do it.
It's real, I don't care much how, but it's awesome.
Typically it's so intense that the body cannot stop involuntary movement for a certain amount of time and they can easily repeat it over and over, some more intense than the previous. It depends..

Yea but I bet you have to completely let go as DJ pointed out. I believe that. Who has to know? The person squirting or the person trying to make them?
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DJ also pointed out that female ejaculation is just a myth and it's basically just urine. That wouldn't be hard to confirm if that really was the case! Imagine having to wash the sheets the next day, surely the day-old urine stench would be the first thing to hit you!
Female ejaculation IS real and is chemically different from urine, the liquid basically consists of almost the same chemical construction as prostatic fluid, minus the sperm, and it doesn't contain urea or creatinine. Whether or not Skene's glands is too small to hold such amount of liquid, as DJ proposes, is irrelevant. It just tells you that these things are not on any scientist's top agenda. Let's also keep in mind that the g-spot still only exists in theory, despite that it's existence is "well-documented" among lovers. Go figure.
Just like I always assumed the g-spot was a sensitive extension of the clitoris on the inside, and sure enough that theory eventually made it into print as late as 2012... a perfect example of chasing myths when in fact the probable facts are so simple you're not even looking for them.
To conclude, female ejaculation is NOT that common and it has little to do with the skills of your partner, if we assume he knows his way around the g-spot, and squirting does not give stronger orgasms (the visual aspect may have you experience it as stronger) but it's just an alternative reaction to the stimultion of the gspot.
can i get a cup of it
Posted by utopian
So libra women are the most prone to it. Hmm figures.

I wish. I can't even have g-spot orgasms, only clitoral ones.
I'm always worrying about accidentally queefing or farting or something, or worrying about how I smell down there, or how I look. So I don't really relax fully, ever. I just want the sex done and over with so I don't have to worry about things. It never happened to me so far, but it seems like it could easily happen.
Are you a squirter? Winking
Well there you have it, sceptics!
It's not pee, I assume she should know since it's her pussey and her sheets. Case closed =)
It's so funny how men love when women "squirt" because they feel its a reflection of their skills in the bedroom. Smh. Lol.
Posted by size zero superhero
Posted by natural25
It's so funny how men love when women "squirt" because they feel its a reflection of their skills in the bedroom. Smh. Lol.

Definitely isn't. I've had that happen during foreplay, nothing unusual for me. Mediocre sex too.
If it's great action, the quantity/frequency increases & becomes uncontrollable.
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Riiiiight. I know. These men.... Lol.