So I FINALLY met another male Taurus where we found mutual interest in each other. He's an April 26th, 1988 Taurus, and
Wondering who lays it down the best out of the zodiac signs in your opinion...what made it so great? For me, my Cap i
can anyone tell me how to use binaural beats to succesfully project out of body and how much time will it take to do it
i need to know how my friend a cancerian girl will act when she knows that i love her but without me telling her she kne
This is my first post but I'm intrigued by libra male and I've read many post to try to understand them. Just curious wh
This is the place to rage, rant, express and add any information you can about his placement. What do you think of th
If my SUNS house of love is also my ASC house of losses, what does that mean? i am aquarius sun and cancer rising....
When Virgo senses he might be in love, the first thing he does is research all that has to do with his object of affect
seems like theres been a lot of complaining n hate being thrown around about the atmosphere here lately In this thread
We met in 8th grade, but we were barely friends as my family & I moved 1 month after. We lost contact until college & we