Fresh new start

This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by MoonshineLeo on Sunday, October 15, 2017 and has 25 replies.
What do you do when you want a fresh new start in life? Disappointed with the past and i just want to start over
Fresh start = Move to a new city, though with social media, your past life can follow you to some extent.

Posted by rabidtalker
Fresh start = Move to a new city, though with social media, your past life can follow you to some extent.

I just got a new apartment this summer so moving a new town right now is not an option, although i have been thinking maybe when my lease is up
Posted by edgelord
step 1 delete from dxp
nooo way jose
Take Xanax. Makes me forget my woes and start over psychologically.

EDIT: Not routinely/daily. Just when you’re feeling particularly down.
Posted by WarAngel1
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That's what I do.
Lol i think everyone feels this way on sundays :p
Every stage of my life has been a fresh start. A stage lasts for like not more than 2 years(that's the max) each time probably. I can COMPLETELY shut down the past... things I don't wanna carry around n start afresh every time. Definitely refreshing. I change the course, change places(not countries or cities necessarily...just houses if n when I feel like it), change numbers, change people I surround myself with... basically anything /everything n everyone which/whom I think is affecting me in a negative way or just when I feel drained or tired of stuff in general. It's like starting over every time n I kinda like it that way. Even if the past creeps in at some point during this time, it wouldn't affect me. Coz I'm also mentally done with all of that...not just by staying physically away from such things for a lil while ...though that helps. I think your mind plays a bigger role here.
Posted by WarAngel1
Posted by MoonshineLeo
Posted by WarAngel1
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That's what I do.
Lol i think everyone feels this way on sundays :p
I'm a terrible Catholic because I'm already drinking beer prepping for carne asada.
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You are so mexicsn lolol
Posted by Teena
Every stage of my life has been a fresh start. A stage lasts for like not more than 2 years(that's the max) each time probably. I can COMPLETELY shut down the past... things I don't wanna carry around n start afresh every time. Definitely refreshing. I change the course, change places(not countries or cities necessarily...just houses if n when I feel like it), change numbers, change people I surround myself with... basically anything /everything n everyone which/whom I think is affecting me in a negative way or just when I feel drained or tired of stuff in general. It's like starting over every time n I kinda like it that way. Even if the past creeps in at some point during this time, it wouldn't affect me. Coz I'm also mentally done with all of that...not just by staying physically away from such things for a lil while ...though that helps. I think your mind plays a bigger role here.
Yeah i do think my mind plays a big role here. Ive just been wanting to go to a new town and start new and get away from people ive known. Its not that easy though :/
It's all in your mindset. Moving to a new planet won't mean squat if you don't tweak your approach to life.

I thought having a new name would give me that fresh didn't. Now I'm Jelle again, but life circumstances changed and I grabbed the opportunity with both hands to make the changes that needed making.

Moving to a new place on the other side of the city is a good start, new surroundings but you're still in the same city so nothing too drastic. My new place is surrounded by green and flowers, and the scent that comes into it 24/7 is heavenly. My boy tends to wake up at like 5am just to catch a whiff of that.

True change is about letting go of your old nasty habits and picking up new good ones. Otherwise you're bringing the same old crap into your new home. True change is internal, not external.
Posted by MoonshineLeo
Posted by Teena
Every stage of my life has been a fresh start. A stage lasts for like not more than 2 years(that's the max) each time probably. I can COMPLETELY shut down the past... things I don't wanna carry around n start afresh every time. Definitely refreshing. I change the course, change places(not countries or cities necessarily...just houses if n when I feel like it), change numbers, change people I surround myself with... basically anything /everything n everyone which/whom I think is affecting me in a negative way or just when I feel drained or tired of stuff in general. It's like starting over every time n I kinda like it that way. Even if the past creeps in at some point during this time, it wouldn't affect me. Coz I'm also mentally done with all of that...not just by staying physically away from such things for a lil while ...though that helps. I think your mind plays a bigger role here.
Yeah i do think my mind plays a big role here. Ive just been wanting to go to a new town and start new and get away from people ive known. Its not that easy though :/
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Aw I know it's not easy at all n I totally feel ya. But for now maybe, you can just change the area you live in or something? Also find a way you won't get in touch with these people by any means till you find another way. Not being on social media,changing numbers n cutting off ties with anyone or anything remotely related to them helped me.

Posted by Teena
Every stage of my life has been a fresh start. A stage lasts for like not more than 2 years(that's the max) each time probably. I can COMPLETELY shut down the past... things I don't wanna carry around n start afresh every time. Definitely refreshing. I change the course, change places(not countries or cities necessarily...just houses if n when I feel like it), change numbers, change people I surround myself with... basically anything /everything n everyone which/whom I think is affecting me in a negative way or just when I feel drained or tired of stuff in general. It's like starting over every time n I kinda like it that way. Even if the past creeps in at some point during this time, it wouldn't affect me. Coz I'm also mentally done with all of that...not just by staying physically away from such things for a lil while ...though that helps. I think your mind plays a bigger role here.


I wish I could do that, I feel I drag shit from ten past lives. I move on so easily I suspect is a half assed recover. Do you do something specific to get rid of the baggage?
Posted by WarAngel1
Posted by Sodapop
Get rid of your old wardrobe. I know sounds weird, but if you start wearing completely new clothes, you’ll feel a bit new.
Sure, let's go for the expensive option.
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hey i like her expensive option, she has a point!
Posted by Blackburn
Posted by Teena
Every stage of my life has been a fresh start. A stage lasts for like not more than 2 years(that's the max) each time probably. I can COMPLETELY shut down the past... things I don't wanna carry around n start afresh every time. Definitely refreshing. I change the course, change places(not countries or cities necessarily...just houses if n when I feel like it), change numbers, change people I surround myself with... basically anything /everything n everyone which/whom I think is affecting me in a negative way or just when I feel drained or tired of stuff in general. It's like starting over every time n I kinda like it that way. Even if the past creeps in at some point during this time, it wouldn't affect me. Coz I'm also mentally done with all of that...not just by staying physically away from such things for a lil while ...though that helps. I think your mind plays a bigger role here.


I wish I could do that, I feel I drag shit from ten past lives. I move on so easily I suspect is a half assed recover. Do you do something specific to get rid of the baggage?
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😂😂@ten past lives

N do I do something specific? Yes...selective memory lol. Can be hard initially. But once you master that, it'd be awesome. It's real n It's like a super power no kidding. You'll be like one of these happy lil beings without almost any baggage. It can help people in more than a few ways tbh.
Posted by Teena
Posted by Blackburn
Posted by Teena
Every stage of my life has been a fresh start. A stage lasts for like not more than 2 years(that's the max) each time probably. I can COMPLETELY shut down the past... things I don't wanna carry around n start afresh every time. Definitely refreshing. I change the course, change places(not countries or cities necessarily...just houses if n when I feel like it), change numbers, change people I surround myself with... basically anything /everything n everyone which/whom I think is affecting me in a negative way or just when I feel drained or tired of stuff in general. It's like starting over every time n I kinda like it that way. Even if the past creeps in at some point during this time, it wouldn't affect me. Coz I'm also mentally done with all of that...not just by staying physically away from such things for a lil while ...though that helps. I think your mind plays a bigger role here.


I wish I could do that, I feel I drag shit from ten past lives. I move on so easily I suspect is a half assed recover. Do you do something specific to get rid of the baggage?
😂😂@ten past lives

N do I do something specific? Yes...selective memory lol. Can be hard initially. But once you master that, it'd be awesome. It's real n It's like a super power no kidding. You'll be like one of these happy lil beings without almost any baggage. It can help people in more than a few ways tbh.
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Will be hard, I can't change location which would help. But I'll try. Thanks for the enlightenment, Teena senpai. *slight head bowing*
Posted by Blackburn
Posted by Teena
Posted by Blackburn
Posted by Teena
Every stage of my life has been a fresh start. A stage lasts for like not more than 2 years(that's the max) each time probably. I can COMPLETELY shut down the past... things I don't wanna carry around n start afresh every time. Definitely refreshing. I change the course, change places(not countries or cities necessarily...just houses if n when I feel like it), change numbers, change people I surround myself with... basically anything /everything n everyone which/whom I think is affecting me in a negative way or just when I feel drained or tired of stuff in general. It's like starting over every time n I kinda like it that way. Even if the past creeps in at some point during this time, it wouldn't affect me. Coz I'm also mentally done with all of that...not just by staying physically away from such things for a lil while ...though that helps. I think your mind plays a bigger role here.


I wish I could do that, I feel I drag shit from ten past lives. I move on so easily I suspect is a half assed recover. Do you do something specific to get rid of the baggage?
😂😂@ten past lives

N do I do something specific? Yes...selective memory lol. Can be hard initially. But once you master that, it'd be awesome. It's real n It's like a super power no kidding. You'll be like one of these happy lil beings without almost any baggage. It can help people in more than a few ways tbh.


Will be hard, I can't change location which would help. But I'll try. Thanks for the enlightenment, Teena senpai. *slight head bowing*
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Aww. I did it without changing places(changed other things created a different environment for myself) many times too bub. You should try. Hope it works for you... whatever you're wanting to gain from this 🤞🤗
Posted by Rindaroo
Posted by MoonshineLeo
What do you do when you want a fresh new start in life? Disappointed with the past and i just want to start over
Make new friends, take on new hobbies, a new job, new challenges, personal growth. It doesn't necessarily need to be location but can be. I've been there a few times.

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Moving to a new location may not necessarily help if your issues are internal. Picking up new hobbies and making good (or even better) friends is always positive strategy. Change comes from within first. Do things that make you happy and will help make you feel good. Be sure to delete any toxic factors from your life as well.
Posted by MoonshineLeo
What do you do when you want a fresh new start in life? Disappointed with the past and i just want to start over
move to another city. i did that ten years ago and never look back.
Posted by Whorpio
Take Xanax. Makes me forget my woes and start over psychologically.

EDIT: Not routinely/daily. Just when you’re feeling particularly down.
ugh i love XanaX lol
Posted by AerialView
Posted by MoonshineLeo
What do you do when you want a fresh new start in life? Disappointed with the past and i just want to start over
move to another city. i did that ten years ago and never look back.
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How did you do it??
Posted by MoonshineLeo
Posted by AerialView
Posted by MoonshineLeo
What do you do when you want a fresh new start in life? Disappointed with the past and i just want to start over
move to another city. i did that ten years ago and never look back.
How did you do it??
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what do you mean? just do it lol

well i never had problems in settling with new environments or do things i never do before. i love to adventure.

but can you leave everything else behind? for the first three years i didn't connect with anything from my past but my beloved mother.
Posted by edgelord
step 1 delete from dxp
I didn't know this is an option👀
Posted by AerialView
Posted by Whorpio
Take Xanax. Makes me forget my woes and start over psychologically.

EDIT: Not routinely/daily. Just when you’re feeling particularly down.
ugh i love XanaX lol
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How much you allowed to love?
Posted by AerialView
Posted by MoonshineLeo
Posted by AerialView
Posted by MoonshineLeo
What do you do when you want a fresh new start in life? Disappointed with the past and i just want to start over
move to another city. i did that ten years ago and never look back.
How did you do it??
what do you mean? just do it lol

well i never had problems in settling with new environments or do things i never do before. i love to adventure.

but can you leave everything else behind? for the first three years i didn't connect with anything from my past but my beloved mother.
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Wow that's freaking awesome