Hey, just so you’re not confused. This post isn’t about me but to explain- I’ve been crushing on an Aries and so I’ve been doing some research. Most websites said that the Aries man is very sexual..this got me thinking.
A close friends boyfriend (who’s an
Cancer man said "we would marry, you'll move here, then we build a business together and raising 3 girls", on the phone.
Does he really mean it? Do you guys really mean it when you're talking about that kind of thing?
Hey everyone, I’m new here and Im in desperate need of your help for suggestions on how to gain the interest of my crush. She just sees so chill and nonchalant about our conversations. I can’t tell if she likes me but she’s always laughing and smiling aro
Hi I’m new here. I just met a Taurus man. It was an instant attraction. I’m so drawn to him because of his sensuality. I really love he’s touching me. Smelling me despite in public. My question is, as we talk via whatsapp he always talked about sex. How h
When you tell a girl that you have feelings for her. What exactly does that mean to you? Just a strong like? Just something to say so you don't have to talk about your feelings? You are starting to fall but can't or not ready for the L bomb? Somethin
I’m trying to carefully peel back the past few weeks and I’m not finding anything I did offensive to warrant being ignored. I left on vacation three weeks ago, when I got back my Taurus friend seemed kinda.. off. We both work for the same company but in d