
This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by firebunny on Friday, September 21, 2018 and has 11 replies.
is it worth knowing if you're a genius?
Only if you're a child with great potential. If you're an adult, there's no point. You've already missed out on an education that would help you achieve it. It's better not to know that you've wasted your life being ordinary

Pride gets in the way of greatness.
is the answer already not known bunny?
Posted by firebunny

is it worth knowing if you're a genius?

depends. my ex was considered a genius and he knew it lol

165 IQ. but he kept his arrogance in "check"

a good man though.

my husband is super HUMBLE.

he denies that he is. even though he had his IQ checked and it's

really high too. He says he's too lazy to care. lol

@bunny you are a lawyer and super smart aren't u?

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^^my classmates in high school call me "einstein" so i might have a really high IQ.

I could produce melodies out of nowhere. I could come up with mathematical formulas too when i was a student. i made one that i used for an exam where i was the only one who got the correct answer to a question in decades.

Even though it was against my will to take up accountancy, i was able to graduate cum laude in college and passed the boards in one take and with high grades.

I passed the entrance exam to UP College of Law, where some students with magna cum laude honors could not get in.

I was also convinced to take up law and, in law school, I made it to the dean's list where I consistently ranked among the top 3 of the batch.

I've always wanted to know my exact IQ but I don't know if it's necessary.

The point of this thread is that my mum always tells me I couldn't achieve my dreams... but if I can prove to myself that I can do anything I set my eyes on then I would stop listening to her.
Posted by Arkansassy

Posted by firebunny

^^my classmates in high school call me "einstein" so i might have a really high IQ.

I could produce melodies out of nowhere. I could come up with mathematical formulas too when i was a student. i made one that i used for an exam where i was the only one who got the correct answer to a question in decades.

Even though it was against my will to take up accountancy, i was able to graduate cum laude in college and passed the boards in one take and with high grades.

I passed the entrance exam to UP College of Law, where some students with magna cum laude honors could not get in.

I was also convinced to take up law and, in law school, I made it to the dean's list where I consistently ranked among the top 3 of the batch.

I've always wanted to know my exact IQ but I don't know if it's necessary.

The point of this thread is that my mum always tells me I couldn't achieve my dreams... but if I can prove to myself that I can do anything I set my eyes on then I would stop listening to her.
You can't achieve your dreams while on DXP. Time to leave.
click to expand
Lol. This is my outlet.
^^Thanks, dawg. smile
what do you think is ands' IQ?
Posted by hydorah

what do you think is ands' IQ?
He said it's 120. But I think it was taken from the internet.
Posted by Black-Mamba

are you a genius who produces?

if not then you can stfu up about your geniusness

ayy lmao

that's what i like about you cc. please be rude to me all the time. you're friggin' funny. Big Grin

i think i want to do so many things but i'm stuck in the law firm doing lawyering and appearing in courts. it's challenging so i think i'll continue doing this. but i have other dreams though... i want to be the mayor of our town. my parents are pushing me to become a judge though. of course, i'm not considering that anymore because i want to pursue my dreams.