Getting a more cerebral/head/psychedelic high from edibles?

This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by fugu2 on Tuesday, January 10, 2017 and has 5 replies.
I don't expect to mimic the experience of actual entheogens, but I really like the heady high from smoking cannabis rather than the default body high typical with edibles.

Unfortunately, I'm limited to edibles/tinctures, because I rent, landlords live upstairs, and has super sensitive smoke alarms that even vaping has managed to set off.

I managed to find edibles with 100% sativa, no CBD (THC only). Any other ideas to encourage more of a head high rather than that horrible couchlock effect?

Also my state is crazy strict on public smoking, so I'm too paranoid to chance doing it in some park or whatever. With my luck, I'd be the 1 out of 1000 to actually be caught and end up with a record lol.
Man. So u cant smoke in the house or outside....

How bout u make them yourself? The edibles
I'm not a huge fan of an edible high. Makes me feel heavy and sleepy. I zone out and/or fall asleep for hours. Much prefer the bud.
When my mum had cancer my exes mum gave her all this cannabis oil, I would make brownies and chocolate with it and oh man was it potent shit, my friends got into it without asking and they were too scared to touch it again.

If you're going to eat an edible GO FOR A WALK! Trust me, put some headphones in and go take a walk in a forest or a bush, also when you are at home get up and start dancing, the type of high responds really well to whatever stimulates your heart rate, I exercise, dance, hike and think on brownies and it's the best, then I veg out on the couch, I find vapeing to have a very similar high to eating brownies
It not very much fun but dont you have an

exhaust fan?

Sucks the smoke right up.

Also... in the states where weed is legal, is it

still grounds for dismissal on drug testing for


OT, I'm sorry but I figure you would know. smile