Getting back in the dating scene

This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by crabRiot on Wednesday, July 22, 2015 and has 17 replies.
What advice would you give me as a female AND as a Cancerian Sun lol.
I'm sooo serious about that stuff and oh so picky (could that be my Taurus asc and moon) anyway I'm a super cautious chick when it comes to my heart and my time.
Buy a dog or cat and stay single
Posted by Weeds
Buy a dog or cat and stay single

*slaps face*
I think that smiling is really good advice.
I haven't been smiling alot these days, my job and LIFE have me all stressed out.
Posted by seraph
Enjoy it but don't stake your happiness, self worth or peace of mind on it. Accept that no matter who and what you are, there are things about it that are beyond your control, and that aren't even worth the effort to *try* to control even if you could.

And don't let caution prevent you from taking risks. Life is all about not being afraid to takea tumble now and then. A heart needs vitamins and exercise, not protection.

So hands on the wheel, but don't grip too tightly.

Words worth remembering!
Posted by LillyBlossom
No expectations

I need to work on this one when it comes to relationships/love.
I was waiting for you to comment Tiz!
You always say something smart!

@OP- It is really hard when you're picky. I know cause I am too. And I have been single probably longer than most people. Because I need to be stable and consistent with picking my lover and it takes longer to get to know someone as friends.

So why are you single? Are you ready for long term. Cause in the end you will probably wean off some expectations to be with the right one.
Posted by LillyBlossom
Posted by dontgetmewrong
What do you mean?

Seeing multiple guys at once and, should one fall flat, you still have other plates spinning. I read about the concept in a Don Juan website. It's to keep you from putting all of your proverbial eggs in one basket. The idea that you have other things going on, psychologically affects you in that you can relax knowing you have other options. Perhaps it's an effective way to deter self-sabatage.
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Whats the protocol when a love triangle forms within this practice?
Lilyblossom I like the spinning plates idea.
I was laughing when I saw you suggest that shit, I was like Lily is such a dude yo lol.
Posted by FirstDecanTaurianWomen0428
@OP- It is really hard when you're picky. I know cause I am too. And I have been single probably longer than most people. Because I need to be stable and consistent with picking my lover and it takes longer to get to know someone as friends.

So why are you single? Are you ready for long term. Cause in the end you will probably wean off some expectations to be with the right one.

I'm ready to settle down now.Enough of the chillain like a villain bullshit.Im ready for my boo to come get me!


Posted by LillyBlossom
Posted by crabRiot
Lilyblossom I like the spinning plates idea.
I was laughing when I saw you suggest that shit, I was like Lily is such a dude yo lol.

Lol! I think there are aspects of the male psyche and behavior that are advantageous to adapt if it will aid in accomplishing a specific goal. This realization has opened up a whole other world to me that I'm excited to explore.

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I think you might be on to something here!

*sidenote*DEAN IS SO HOT!!!!!
Yea girl DEAN could get it!
Cool good luck.
An infamous mutable friend told me once: go with the flow. You must adapt to life, since life is mutable.
^^^^ Be Nice Fishie or else imma throw you in the Camp 2 Pond lolz.