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Aug 14, 2018Comments: 14325 · Posts: 2589 · Topics: 87
Grew up reading about Greek mythology. I have always loved Aphrodite and Ares. Love and war. Ying and yang.
I've always been fascinated with Medusa..probably because I love snakes, but also because of the whole turning people into stone. It was so tragic for her.
Zeus was a dick.
Hercules is another favorite.
As I get older I am getting more into Norse mythology. It is so complex and fascinating....yet the similarities to the Greek gods is also fascinating in itself. Thor has always been my favorite even b4 the movies but as I dig deeper I find that there were many more interesting figures.
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Apr 25, 2019Comments: 108 · Posts: 601 · Topics: 13
im a fan of eros and psyche love story