Habitable Earth-Like Planet

This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by DwellingOnMove on Thursday, July 23, 2015 and has 6 replies.
I don't care. I never saw my real grandmother. They told stories about her. I know her only from stories.
'Earth's bigger, older cousin'
Posted by DonJohnson
they can claim anything at this point.

"uhhhh....... there are rat people on a planet 5000 light years away."


"Yup. prove me wrong."

I agree. The news and even scientists will say anything for publicity. Till a drone is running from weird life on the planet I believe nothing.
And even then it would only be 30% could be true, 70% probably fake and for publicity.
Posted by Rabbit
I bet there's already a McDonald's and/or Subway there.

Ill place my bets on Walmart