Have You Met Your Twin Flame Yet?

This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by TaurusBadGirl on Wednesday, February 1, 2012 and has 6 replies.
I so believe in Twin Flames...Please read and give me some feedbackWinking

*It's amazing Mollie, The love inside, You take it with you*

Twin Flames - The Yearning for Wholeness

The oncoming Aquarian age is an age for the understanding of God's energy in polarity as the masculine and feminine principles of the universe. How we experience that energy as our true identity, how we understand it as the essence of twin flames, and how we use it as the integrative power of divine love for the betterment of mankind will determine whether or not we survive as individuals and, ultimately, as a human race.
You may be reading this because the only thing that stands between you and your twin flame is a layer of negative energy just waiting to be consumed by the joyous, bubbling action of the violet flame. Your mission, your twin flame, and your ultimate reunion in the heart of God await you!
These days, many lightworkers are reuniting with their twin flame or twin soul. Because so many of us at this time are "obsessed" with finding our spiritual counterpart, I've gathered some resources that will help us to understand what's going on with this -- why this subject has become a passionate and driving force that overwhelms the most well-intentioned lightworkers who feel we really should be getting on with something a bit more impersonal and universal.
This "crazy" feeling is typical of those who are on the verge of finding their twin soul. It's been one of the common denominators of everything I've been reading involving this subject. And the best part is... just when you have thoughts of futility about ever finding "the other," he or she is suddenly there! More often than not, it's when you least expect it to happen, because there's usually something else, another interest or goal sometimes equally (or almost) as passionate that has led you to that person!
From years of intensive and exhaustive past life hypnosis on clients, Dr. Michael Newton, in his book Destiny of Souls disputes the notion of twin souls. Not once did a client of his use the term "twin soul" during a past life regression. Also, when regressed to the time of a soul's creation, clients stated that their soul was not split-off from another soul or flame, as the twin soul theory suggests, but was instead "spit out" from the source as a tiny white light with a group of other little lights, each one unique.
Clients do report that they have a "primary soulmate" rather than a twin soul. (This book is fascinating. It's not just someone's opinion but is based on actual research. You might end up changing much of your belief system.)
This is by no means conclusive. There's still lots of information coming in from other sources. We're going through information overload since mid 2000. Twin souls have become a hot topic and the insights are plentiful. Books are being written. Hypnotherapists, psychics, channelers, and intuitives are now being "permitted" access to soul mate information. We still don't know that twin souls is just a concept rather than a reality.
There is no proof that the respondents from the survey who claim to be twin souls really are. Most probably are not. Some might have had a badly aspected Uranus or Neptune transit during the time of meeting their "twin." That would give rise to possible delusions about the relationship. How many relationships have you been in that felt like "the one"?
This is some information about "twin souls" or "primary soul mates" that we've tentatively gathered so far. This info may be revised as more information comes to light:
Revision: Physical appearance has little or nothing to do with twin soul pairing. Old: Twin souls do not necessarily look alike. Many seem to be complete opposites such as brunette with blond, blue eyes/brown eyes, thick hair/thin hair, large boned/small boned. But those twin souls who DO look alike resemble each other very closely. In all cases studied so far, there seems to be a common ancestry, even if it's only from one side of each other's family.
It seems so far that many twin souls have their sun signs in the same element. For those who want a quick astrology lesson, the elements and signs are:
AIR: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
FIRE: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
WATER: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
EARTH: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
Ever since I was a little girl I always dreamed with my Prince Charming, Innocence you say? Maybe..I call it something else. As I got older and married I questioned myself..*this can't be it, there has to be something more* The moments that I was single in my life It was like I was waiting for something, I did not quit understand what it was but my heart was peaceful, It was like I knew he was out there and that one day I would find him..During my life time I felt very intense moments when I even cried myself to sleep because I felt I needed him..I felt him so close but yet so far.
I started dreaming with this man very early in my life..He would come in my dreams and sooth me, I remember him coming in the worst times of my life, even when I was sick I would feel him. I never saw his face..I cant explain what it felt like having him there beside me.It was just amazing.
When I spoke about him it was like if he was a real person and I knew one day I would meet him. My last dream with him was on around Thanksgiving of this past yr. He came to me and told me that he was closer than I thought, I remember it was a stormy night when he came into my dreams..I couldn't sleep (as always)He told me he loved me and that we would be together real soon, he said that he has loved me since forever and that he has never left my side, guiding me to him. I felt so protected so loved by this man, I felt that nothing could ever harm me as long as I was with him.
That night I remember I begged him to not leave, he laughed..he said *you will never change, that's why I love you* He said I needed to find him....I know that not all of you believe in dreams or Soul Mates..But this is my reality, my story.
What will happen when I do find My Twin Flame?
It will be a Direct bond with this person, so drawn that you can??t let go of the connection even if you never had a relationship or if He/She is not single, that thoughts will be never ending, sometimes for years.
Will it lead my life in destruction what do I do?
The connection is very intense and you can feel what they are feeling even apart. Even when there is positive or negative life style s, you will sense this emotion. Sound a little scary? It can be a beautiful and traumatic experience as it sounds, Sometimes people can??t handle this deep Spiritual Bond with a some one and block it, but the Twin Flame is never one sided, the feeling between the two will always remain and will find themselves some way back to their Twin flame when Karma permits, this depends on every one differently. When will it connect? A Twin Flame usually pops up when you LEAST expect it. You will also find yourself coming down the same symptoms of a "soulmate connection" it's telepathic, hugging each other is like coming home for nourishment. Twin flames come together when they have service work to do on the planet.
The big three (sun, moon, rising) are of the same element or in compatible (sextile) elements. If one person has two fire and one air, the other person does too. They are less likely to be twin souls if one person had one earth and the other one didn't.
Rising signs (might be) the same with the rulers in the same element.
The moon of one is conjunct an angle of the other's chart.
One of these seem to be a cardinal rule so far: Sun is conjunct the moon of the other; moons are in the same element, or moons are in the same sign.
Twin Souls meet when there's a personal planet progressed to the sun/moon midpoint on each natal chart.
There may be a preponderance of aspects, especially by trine, from the personal planets of one's natal chart to another's Midheaven.
Many planets of one person's chart fall into the angular houses of the other's natal chart.
The numbers 9, 15, 24, 21, 27 seem to be part of the birthdays. Twin Souls often meet on one of those days, too.
Twin soul relationships CAN be short-lived. These are the reasons that we've seen so far: death, explosiveness from the intensity of being with your mirror, spiritual immaturity of one or both partners, and most often, obligation to an already committed relationship or marriage.
I've probably met mine, however I don't think that these relationships happen within elements. I think its actually rare for same element signs to be twin flames. Soul mates, yeah.
Most of the strongest most intense connections I know about cross over: water/fire, air/fire, earth/air, etc. It is my belief different soul connections, or souls returning to one another are so intense and unusual just because of the challenges the signs have to face when relating to each other, the best possibe chance for evolution and soul progression when you are taken out of your comfort zone. And the karmic element-returning to the same 'person' in a different time. The residue conflicts or unresolved potential between two souls is deeper when you are so different but want to be together and work to preserve the connection. But I don't know for sure, I'd like to look more into it