Posted by Stony
I've told you to go get these checked out. ):
Posted by Stony
Try caffeine, resting, cool towel or something on your noodle, water.
Posted by StonyPosted by CocosugarPosted by Stony
I've told you to go get these checked out. ):
I hate doctors. 😓😂
IDC find one you don't mind or something and get it sorted. You don't wanna deal with to expand
Posted by TruemaraI think I might specifically look into that, I have a stressful life atm so that could be it? 👀
I was getting them like 3x a week. My neuro prescribed AJOvy n I barely get them. The month I don’t take it my headaches return to 3x week.
Posted by jazzykid
Yes, but tension headaches more specifically.
Increasing my water intake and decreasing my salt intake definitely helped lessen the frequency. Incorporating am and pm stretches into my daily routine also really helped. A lot.
A migraine is a different, crippling, beast tho. I’ve read about people who’ve had it done swear up and down that botox helped improve their quality of life but you’d have to see if you’re a good candidate first and look thoroughly into it.
Posted by CocosugarShould be noted: most of the people who’ve had it done had chronic migraines, not occasional onesPosted by jazzykid
Yes, but tension headaches more specifically.
Increasing my water intake and decreasing my salt intake definitely helped lessen the frequency. Incorporating am and pm stretches into my daily routine also really helped. A lot.
A migraine is a different, crippling, beast tho. I’ve read about people who’ve had it done swear up and down that botox helped improve their quality of life but you’d have to see if you’re a good candidate first and look thoroughly into it.
I do be needing that water for sure. Wow, botox? That’s so interesting. Will be looking into that. 🤓click to expand
Posted by jazzykidPosted by CocosugarPosted by jazzykid
Yes, but tension headaches more specifically.
Increasing my water intake and decreasing my salt intake definitely helped lessen the frequency. Incorporating am and pm stretches into my daily routine also really helped. A lot.
A migraine is a different, crippling, beast tho. I’ve read about people who’ve had it done swear up and down that botox helped improve their quality of life but you’d have to see if you’re a good candidate first and look thoroughly into it.
I do be needing that water for sure. Wow, botox? That’s so interesting. Will be looking into that. 🤓
Should be noted: most of the people who’ve had it done had chronic migraines, not occasional onesclick to expand
Posted by CocosugarAll strong contributing factors.Posted by jazzykidPosted by CocosugarPosted by jazzykid
Yes, but tension headaches more specifically.
Increasing my water intake and decreasing my salt intake definitely helped lessen the frequency. Incorporating am and pm stretches into my daily routine also really helped. A lot.
A migraine is a different, crippling, beast tho. I’ve read about people who’ve had it done swear up and down that botox helped improve their quality of life but you’d have to see if you’re a good candidate first and look thoroughly into it.
I do be needing that water for sure. Wow, botox? That’s so interesting. Will be looking into that. 🤓
Should be noted: most of the people who’ve had it done had chronic migraines, not occasional ones
Noted. I feel like nothing about them is occasional, but I’m also trying to pay attention to my circumstances, I definitely take stress, caffeine, and terrible sleep in consideration. At this point, I can’t remember the last time I’ve had a week free of to expand
Posted by ScorpioDreamsYes it isPosted by MyStarsShine
I did and went for a scan to be told it was neck arthritis(too much headbanging lol). A few years back i had some laser treatment which helped. I used to vomit with them
but that stopped. They’d last for 3/4 days every 6-8 wks.
My doc said “they’ll get worse”
Well they didn’t...i do neck stretches and use cool gel on my neck which really helps ... the head pain is a lot less intense and less frequent now.
Interesting. I was also told I had neck arthritis after an mri. Wonder if that has a lot to do with my migraines? 🤔click to expand
Posted by ScorpioDreamsYou’re welcome xPosted by MyStarsShinePosted by ScorpioDreamsPosted by MyStarsShine
I did and went for a scan to be told it was neck arthritis(too much headbanging lol). A few years back i had some laser treatment which helped. I used to vomit with them
but that stopped. They’d last for 3/4 days every 6-8 wks.
My doc said “they’ll get worse”
Well they didn’t...i do neck stretches and use cool gel on my neck which really helps ... the head pain is a lot less intense and less frequent now.
Interesting. I was also told I had neck arthritis after an mri. Wonder if that has a lot to do with my migraines? 🤔
Yes it is
The laser doc said lots of people have it. I’m booked in for some Craniosacral therapy which is meant to help. I don’t take any medication so have found other ways to deal with it.
Very interesting. Thanks for the info!click to expand
Posted by AtargatisGreat suggestion 👍
I used to get headaches a lot in 2020, and it got to the point where I had a constant headache for about 2 months straight. I finally reached out to a chiropractor who determined that due to my constant stress, I was actually impacting the natural curve of my spine because of the tension in my muscles. I carry my stress in my neck and shoulders and I had gotten to the point where my neck had lost its curve. Since going to them, I have only had maybe one bad headache and that’s been since the beginning of 2021. It might be worth going to a chiropractor and checking out if there are any anatomical reasons for the headaches.
Posted by jazzykidPosted by CocosugarPosted by jazzykidPosted by CocosugarPosted by jazzykid
Yes, but tension headaches more specifically.
Increasing my water intake and decreasing my salt intake definitely helped lessen the frequency. Incorporating am and pm stretches into my daily routine also really helped. A lot.
A migraine is a different, crippling, beast tho. I’ve read about people who’ve had it done swear up and down that botox helped improve their quality of life but you’d have to see if you’re a good candidate first and look thoroughly into it.
I do be needing that water for sure. Wow, botox? That’s so interesting. Will be looking into that. 🤓
Should be noted: most of the people who’ve had it done had chronic migraines, not occasional ones
Noted. I feel like nothing about them is occasional, but I’m also trying to pay attention to my circumstances, I definitely take stress, caffeine, and terrible sleep in consideration. At this point, I can’t remember the last time I’ve had a week free of headaches.
All strong contributing factors.
Start with small changes and don’t overwhelm to expand
Posted by Atargatis
I used to get headaches a lot in 2020, and it got to the point where I had a constant headache for about 2 months straight. I finally reached out to a chiropractor who determined that due to my constant stress, I was actually impacting the natural curve of my spine because of the tension in my muscles. I carry my stress in my neck and shoulders and I had gotten to the point where my neck had lost its curve. Since going to them, I have only had maybe one bad headache and that’s been since the beginning of 2021. It might be worth going to a chiropractor and checking out if there are any anatomical reasons for the headaches.
Posted by ScorpioDreams
When I was in my early twenties I used to get them really bad, but normally just around my menstrual cycle. The pain was so bad I’d get very nauseous and throw up. Then I started getting them all the time. They were so severe I could do nothing for 2-3 days but just lie there in pain until they passed. Excedrin Migraine worked for awhile, but it got to the point to where I was popping them daily like candy. Eventually they did nothing for me anymore. I finally saw a neurologist who prescribed Elavil as a preventative and Imitrex to take as needed for the pain. It helped as long as I took it in time. However, my insurance only covered 9 pills per month. Most of the time I’d get migraines so frequently I’d go through those 9 pills in 2 weeks or less and have to suffer the rest of the month until my insurance would pay for more. After changing my diet though and eating healthier…..low carb, high protein foods, cutting out sugar etc. helped a lot! I no longer had the migraines as frequently. I went from having them almost daily to maybe once a month and sometimes I’d even go 2-3 months at a time without a migraine. Now when I get the occasional migraine I wonder how the heck I went all those years suffering in pain.
Posted by MyStarsShine
I did and went for a scan to be told it was neck arthritis(too much headbanging lol). A few years back i had some laser treatment which helped. I used to vomit with them
but that stopped. They’d last for 3/4 days every 6-8 wks.
My doc said “they’ll get worse”
Well they didn’t...i do neck stretches and use cool gel on my neck which really helps ... the head pain is a lot less intense and less frequent now.
Posted by Andalusia
If you've been dealing with these for awhile or they're hereditary, then I apologize if any of this info is repetitive or stuff you're already aware of, but:
-first, establish what kind of headache you're experiencing. Here's a link to an article that lists the different kinds and their common causes:
#secondary-headaches" data-url="" target="_blank">
-second, depending on how old you are - get your hormones checked. All women should do this, especially once they reach between 25-35 or so years old. If you don't like doctors, you can try an at home test kit but I would take the results with a grain of salt & definitely get a second opinion.
-third - life style & environmental factors. If you don't have money for any major changes, start small:
-drink more water.. like, way more
-stretch / do yoga
-get new pillows, and, if you can afford it, a new mattress too. It will make a WORLD of difference
-new and/or more supportive shoes
-acupuncture - I don't like needles but I love me some acupuncture. They also might be able to give you some herbal supplements that can help.
-limit electronic usage, especially in your bedroom. Like, don't even have large electronics (i.e. a TV or sound system, etc.) in there.
- if none of these work, then definitely see a doctor if you can.
Posted by Andalusia
Not sure why the headache link came across all wonky before, but hopefully it works this time:
Posted by AndalusiaExcellent suggestions 👍
If you've been dealing with these for awhile or they're hereditary, then I apologize if any of this info is repetitive or stuff you're already aware of, but:
-first, establish what kind of headache you're experiencing. Here's a link to an article that lists the different kinds and their common causes:
#secondary-headaches" data-url="" target="_blank">
-second, depending on how old you are - get your hormones checked. All women should do this, especially once they reach between 25-35 or so years old. If you don't like doctors, you can try an at home test kit but I would take the results with a grain of salt & definitely get a second opinion.
-third - life style & environmental factors. If you don't have money for any major changes, start small:
-drink more water.. like, way more
-stretch / do yoga
-get new pillows, and, if you can afford it, a new mattress too. It will make a WORLD of difference
-new and/or more supportive shoes
-acupuncture - I don't like needles but I love me some acupuncture. They also might be able to give you some herbal supplements that can help.
-limit electronic usage, especially in your bedroom. Like, don't even have large electronics (i.e. a TV or sound system, etc.) in there.
- if none of these work, then definitely see a doctor if you can.
Posted by Hypnotoad
Try uping your electrolite intake with your water intate, go to a healthfood or sports store and see if they have a sugar free electrolite concentrate to add to a bottle of water every day. Works wonders for muscle tension.
if its because of too much screen time, u should lower luminosity and install a plugin whho put every in a black backgroun
Posted by pinkbird03
I get migraines more often than I ever did. I am 32. I know my triggers so I try to avoid them, but one is screen time and that’s a hard one.
I am actually going to try Botox in a few weeks. Hoping that makes a difference.