Height... does it make a difference?

This topic was created in the Miscellaneous forum by firesignsunite on Thursday, April 18, 2013 and has 13 replies.
Ladies what's your height, and do you mind if your man is shorter than you? Why or why not?
Guys what's your height, and do you mind if your lady is taller than you? Why? Or why not?
Yep makin another thread for yall's entertainment cause I know you need some fun threads around here
Personally she gotta be shorter than me
5'5&3/4" exactly. I don't care about height, a lot of men are eye level or taller than I am. As long as he doesn't look at my navel standing next to me, I'm cool.
I'm 5'2/3. I thought height didn't matter, but I learned recently that it's a bummer when I'm interested in a guy that's under 6'0. I guess height adds to the protective/manly thing I like, as well as guys that are a bit wider.
I'm only 5'4 and my Taurus boyfriend is 6'5. smile
Actually I'm not even really sure I can imagine what it would be like to have a significant other who was the same height as me, let alone shorter! It's nice having someone taller than me to such an extent- If I were ever to wear high heels I would still look tiny next to him, definitely a positive in my book.
5'0" LOL, I like them taller...I don't know why smile
not lying down it doesn't Tongue
Posted by Poisson
Posted by WaterCup
5'0" LOL, I like them taller...I don't know why smile

I'm actually 1 inch shorter than you smile
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high five fellow smurf smile
Posted by Poisson

lmao. How tall is that little one? What an odd couple, an ant & an elephant.
I'm 6'0" ..... 0.7 percent of women in the US are 5'10" or taller and I could probably count on my fingers the number of times I've ran into a women taller then me.
So, I suppose if that is the norm then all heights are A-Ok in my book. (I see the midget gifs coming)
Posted by TheMoodyVulcan
Posted by NotYourAverageAquarius
I'm 6'0" ..... 0.7 percent of women in the US are 5'10" or taller and I could probably count on my fingers the number of times I've ran into a women taller then me.
So, I suppose if that is the norm then all heights are A-Ok in my book. (I see the midget gifs coming)

I don't know if I should feel special or freakish lol.
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Hey now don't wanna hear non of that! Like I said in one of your earlier threads I have female cousins one 6'0" Long dark flowing hair.. she is beautiful. Another, is like 6'1" or 6'2"... can't remember lol.
I wouldn't let it be a big deal. Only difference for you is having to accept the higher possibility of dating someone shorter than yourself.